Recent content by funkysnunkulator

  1. F

    "bloody bones" ring any bells?

    very nice. nah. was just a matter of remembering where it came from. someone made mention over here, and then got hit with mental block (possible retardation). just wanted to know which module it was. still, that conversion is worth rippin' off.... er.... incorporating..... hee hee hee.....
  2. F

    Bringing others into the hobby (based on comments from Shelly Mazzanoble)

    we actually found that once people realized we bathed regularly and didn't believe this stuff to be real, it became palatable. that and having actual jobs seems to go a long way. hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!
  3. F

    "bloody bones" ring any bells?

    kerrick, you are officially promoted to 50th level in everything!!!!! the llewelyn adventures were good. the poem about the succession of kings was tough to figure out!!! irony of ironies.... we have that one somewhere around here.... now just have to find it. definitely alzheimer's.....
  4. F

    Emphasizing Law vs. Chaos

    also, if you take several chaotic or several lawful races, you will see several very different answers to the same alignment. same with morals. good and evil. in any world, including our own, you will get many versions of good and evil. even celestials wage vast wars in the name of thier own...
  5. F

    Emphasizing Law vs. Chaos

    the first thing you would have to do is really think it through. ask the following (in cosmic terms).. what IS chaos? what IS order? what IS good? what IS evil? what IS neutral? it is one thing to declare a demon "a force of destruction". it is another thing to think of that being as one that...
  6. F

    "bloody bones" ring any bells?

    hmmmm. not sure. seem to recall it being an adventure. just can't remember anything about it. last saw it in the mid 80's?? (not sure, can't really remember anything about it. just a feeling it must have been the eighties. definitely predates v2 and v3. shoot. any rate, maybe that article will...
  7. F

    GAHH!! Time to take a break from 3.5

    alright amigo, time for a little story. a story about the second v3 character personally played. amir abdul khaliq LE Rogue 1. great backstory. everyone thought this character was the BOMB. great great stuff. dead. session one. lets go over that again, 'k amigo? amir abdul Khaliq was...
  8. F

    Bringing others into the hobby (based on comments from Shelly Mazzanoble)

    our group usually resorts to threats and pelting the potential gamer with assorted cold cuts until they capitulate to our invitation. then begins an ordeal of "behaviour modification". which is our fancy way of saying "torture" intertwined with political, religious and social engineering. then...
  9. F

    "bloody bones" ring any bells?

    just had a renegade thought.... anyone remember a module that featured a type of undead known as bloody bones? this creature was summoned from the underworld as a sort of undead commander. anyone remember this module? drawing a blank here.
  10. F

    The Killer Dungeon

    how many of you have specifically designed a scenario/adventure/campaign to be a particularly deady situation? we sometimes (not often) do this to test characters/players. just curious. we tend to run things on the higher end of the danger spectrum, but sometimes there is no substitute for...
  11. F

    a wizard says what?

    we use this alot. course, in our game we have a near infinite amount of different types of casters.
  12. F

    a wizard says what?

    you rock.
  13. F

    What's great about D&D!

    it is D&D.....
  14. F

    Morality and D&D?

    hmmmmmm. big question. fun question. well, in our game, we use the great wheel, only a much larger version of it. we have and alignment field. that is it is like a matrix. actions define alignment. so does choice. in our game, killing of any kind is despicable. yet, it IS necessary. one of the...
  15. F

    Death of the Dragons

    yes. drath: noun; like wrath, but with significant speech impediment. drath: noun; expensive lettuce. only known usage was by klauth of toril when shopping for garnish to accompany his entree of that day. usage is thought to be derrogatory. drath: verb; unique to species vermithrax draconis...