• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by gantzerteo

  1. G

    Spelljammer Astral Elves: Spelljammer's Elves In Spaaaaace!

    Dudes. Elves are the more marketable race in DnD, even more than Dwarves since a lot of noobs still think that a dwarf is a man suffering from dwarfism. That's the answer to "Why another elven subrace"? Add that Amazon's The Rings of Powers is beyond the corner with probably all the cool cgi...
  2. G

    D&D 5E Psionics in Tasha

    Psionics as stand alone classes will never come to be. At least in this edition where the main concept is to simplify the load of rules. A brand new psionic system most of independent from the 3 core books is something unbearable for 5E. As the (forgotten, thankfully) Prestige Classes argument...
  3. G

    D&D 5E WotC's Nathan Stewart Teases New D&D Setting Book in 2019

    - No Psionics = No Dark Sun - Yes to Ravnica = No to Planescape. - No Dragonlance cuz noobs didn't even know what Dragonlance is + Wizards never did something Dragonlance related, the last one was TSR 20+ years ago - No Greyhawk cuz they choose FR as main setting giving no credits to Greyhawk...
  4. G

    D&D Movie/TV New D&D Movie: July 23rd 2021

    Dragonlance, Yawning Portal and GotG can't be in the same sentence except if you want made a flop D&D movie (again).
  5. G

    Fun idea - Potion of invincibility

    From what you said nothing prevent the dragon to grapple the invincible guy and throw him away. Sure no damage but he will not hurt the dragon or steal anything with the invincibility as his only op power. Ps: Obviously Legendary rarity.
  6. G

    Firbolgs - A PC Race From VOLO'S GUIDE TO MONSTERS

    Someone here miss so much Monkey Grip right?
  7. G

    D&D 5E Player Races in Upcoming Volo's Guide to Monsters

    Guys you are totally forgetting about Realms lore. Yes, despite creature or monsters from other settings we are talking about a Volo's Guide, then it's 100% sure we are talking about Faerunian Lizardfolks and as Race of Faerun and Serpents Kingdom from 3E teached they are one of the older race...
  8. G

    D&D 5E Player Races in Upcoming Volo's Guide to Monsters

    Since we are talking about Realms the most possible plant-like race are the Volodni from Unapproachable East. Woodlings were random classable monster from MMIII while Killoren was one of the many poor/no charismatic race of the "Races of..." series.
  9. G

    Fire Giant Dreadnoughts in VOLO's GUIDE TO MONSTERS

    Sorry but Flumphs and Gelatinous Cube are different cases since they exisist since ages in D&D lore.
  10. G

    D&D 5E [HELP] Looking for an illustration for a Half-Eladrin Sorcerer with Dragon Origin (Silver Dragon)

    If it's not a waste of time for you it's ok. I need it for this sunday but take your time!
  11. G

    D&D 5E [HELP] Looking for an illustration for a Half-Eladrin Sorcerer with Dragon Origin (Silver Dragon)

    Woah, guys, I didn't intend to request a full handmade draw of the character, simply asking for some image you already have.
  12. G

    Product page for Volo's Guide to Monsters updated

    Let's stay in topic asking about Drow if they will be in the first chapter with maybe some official expansion stats tables in the third?
  13. G

    Product page for Volo's Guide to Monsters updated

    Maybe "Appendix A - NPC" as in MM?