Recent content by Griffith Dragonlake

  1. G

    What rules light fantasy system would you recommend for 'winging it'?

    AD&D 2nd Edition. Because I knew all the AD&D rules by heart and most importantly because the Monstrous Compendium Appendix III (Ravenloft monsters) had the most complete monster XP chart ever. I like making up monsters on the fly and figuring out the exp later. That one page made AD&D 2nd...
  2. G

    Headband of intellect + an animal = ?

    Does this remind anyone else of Guenther the Monkey from the Futurama episode Mechanical House?
  3. G


    Bucklers also don't block ranged attacks very well. I suggest taking your bonus and add the penalty that ranged attacks ignore the AC bonus of the buckler.
  4. G

    ADnD 2nd Edition House Rules?

    It sure is. Welcome to ENworld. What sort of 2e house rules do you have?
  5. G

    Gygax doesn't matter?

    ROTFLMAO!!!! Thanee wins this thread! :lol:
  6. G

    The Chaser's War on Gary Gygax

    Very well done. A respectable and humorous homage.
  7. G

    Our (as in ENWorld's) tribute to Gary

    I could find Col Pladoh using Ctl+F but I couldn't find myself. :(
  8. G

    Request for ENworld Gygax Memorial

    Morrus, As a memorial to Col Pladoh, how about collecting all of his posts (not just the Gygax Q & A) here at ENworld and put them in a sub-forum? That way future generations can find Gary's anecdotes, musings, puns, etc. all in one place? There's also quite a bit of historical gold in some...
  9. G

    TWF option

    FWIW, I had some success fighting with 2 swords (longswords) in the SCA. -10 attack in the off-hand is too steep, -5 might be more reasonable. However, it is not possible to use your full strength with either sword since you're holding them in a defensive position or the secondary weapon is...
  10. G

    How Long Can You DM ?

    That would describe me as well (except for the beer). Back in high school I would run a game every Friday and Saturday night from 7pm until 2am but wouldn't fall asleep until close to 4am. In the mid-to-late '80s and again in the early '90s I used to hold marathon games over the weekend...
  11. G

    A realistic view on Halflings

    Short and fat — just the way my ogres like ’em. :lol:
  12. G

    Yet another fixed HP thread.

    This has been my houserule in Grymwurld™ since the early 80s.
  13. G

    Tell us about your Alt-History game

    Any particular reason why the cult of Apollo was not subsumed by the cult of Sol Invictus? Was there any Greco-Egyptian syncreticism? Such as Harpocrates and Serapis? And did the Romans invent a cult of Mithras which bore little reationship to Persian Mithraism? All in all, way cool.
  14. G

    Tell us about your Alt-History game

    I ran an AD&D 2nd Ed. game based on the Historical Campaign Supplements with the following ideas: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism never happened. The Dark Ages really were dark and experienced terrible winters which brought on the great migrations...