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Recent content by Grover Cleaveland

  1. G

    Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss

    I thought it was a pretty good name, actually, evoking the idea of a primal cosmic evil and also the concept of hollow shells (which always made me think "Qlippoth" would have been a good name for Carceri). You have to ignore a lot of its qabbalistic connotations, but it's pretty decent. I liked...
  2. G

    Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss

    The layer doesn't bond with anyone until there is a single unquestioned leader. If you want to put it in game terms, each candidate rolls a Charisma check against the layer's Wisdom. The first candidate who succeeds bonds with the layer. Anyone who fails rolls a Will save or the layer devours it...
  3. G

    Demonic Lore

    That's really cool stuff. "Eldyr is overlord of Incubi, Succubi, and Gremlins." Even though it's Runequest, I feel somehow vindicated by that. Oh, and then there are AD&D conversions.
  4. G

    Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss

    I interpret "movanic" as "movant" in the legal sense - they're the devas assigned to observe the inhabitants of the Material Plane, and apply for judgement from the powers they serve. Technically that should be "movantic," I guess, but it's the closest I've been able to come.
  5. G

    Demonic Lore

    That's true, and Rozvankee could be pretty interesting if she were fleshed out, even if she's "just" a lich.
  6. G

    UK, Have you ever seen the Primal Order Books from WOTC?

    I think that's a poor business strategy, actually. I think you'd have better results putting all the basic mechanics on your website and then charging for the book and its supplements. I'm not likely to care about things that I can't sample. It's the same with music - I'm more likely to be...
  7. G

    Demonic Lore

    It's kind of disappointing, isn't it? It looked for a minute like a whole new Abyssal lord was out there, and it turned out to be just another lich. If you make her into an Abyssal lord I won't complain.
  8. G

    Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss

    I wanted to give Erik and James time to read the new topics that Shemmy, BOZ, and others introduced. It seemed common courtesy not to monopolize the thread. When the thread fell into disuse and BOZ was bumping it, it seemed like I could finally give in to temptation. I'll also tell you in...
  9. G

    UK, Have you ever seen the Primal Order Books from WOTC?

    I started out with the D&D red box and moved, at an early age, all the way to the gold box, and I spent quite a while happily exploring the D&D Immortals cosmology. Several years later I wrote my own (much, much simpler) divine-level rules as part of an idea I had for an epic campaign where...
  10. G

    Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss

    Outside the Blood War, I'm sure you're right.
  11. G

    Lolth or Lloth

    I used to write Lloth, but then the Greyhawk people schooled me on the right way to do things and I mended my heathen ways. As for pronunctiation, I say "Lloth" the Welsh way, or as close as I can get to it, since Welsh is really the only language where words start with double Ls. The first...
  12. G

    Demonic Lore

    Yeah, of course.
  13. G

    UK, Have you ever seen the Primal Order Books from WOTC?

    Because, in The Primal Order, divine ranks are much more loosely defined than they are in Deities & Demigods or the Immortals boxed set. A lesser god can possibly have more primal base or flux than a greater god, and in that game that's all that matters. In The Primal Order, a greater deity is...
  14. G

    Named demons

    Oh, definitely not. Hooray for mentioning things!
  15. G

    Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss

    The Abyssal layers themselves have infinite intelligence - infinitely vast, rather than infinitely smart. Most have animal-level intelligence, though a few are sentient. Abyssal lords, who are tied to their layers spiritually, have the ability to tap into the infinite minds of their layers if...