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Recent content by HarbingerX

  1. HarbingerX

    D&D and the rising pandemic

    While I agree that the quality of information provided by the Chinese government should be considered suspect, there is strong evidence support that they aren't lying about their numbers that much. China has a population of 1.5 billion which makes the number of potential cases staggering. If the...
  2. HarbingerX

    D&D and the rising pandemic

    I don't hear anything about african governments taking it seriously. So it will be too late by the time they react.
  3. HarbingerX

    D&D and the rising pandemic

    I fear for much of sub-saharan Africa. So far this virus has shown itself to be very good at transmission.
  4. HarbingerX

    Pandemic: How will you continue to enjoy your hobbies?

    So today we had our first online session using Discord with an integrated dice rolling bot. It went relatively well but there was one player who couldn't figure out how to get his iPhone to allow DIscord to use his camera. It wouldn't show up in his security settings for camera. Also, since...
  5. HarbingerX

    D&D and the rising pandemic

    The big thing is how many acute care beds are available. I think the US is somewhere around 65000. So how many cases do you have to have before that capacity is filled? For some reason, the reported 'acute case' rate is not being reported for the US - it's been at 64 for well over a week now...
  6. HarbingerX

    D&D and the rising pandemic

    There's not really enough good data yet to be able to figure out how many undiagnosed cases there are. You'd have to have a region where it has completely run it's course. Here in Canada we knew we were in trouble when traveler returned from Las Vegas and tested positive, yet at the time Nevada...
  7. HarbingerX

    D&D and the rising pandemic

    Nature is Metal.
  8. HarbingerX

    D&D and the rising pandemic

    Regardless of the pattern, epidemiologists have been saying that long term this virus will be another childhood disease like chickenpox. This is why the WHO finally called it a pandemic - it's here to stay.
  9. HarbingerX

    D&D General The campaign you will never get to run

    The title of this thread gets more ominous every day... :eek:
  10. HarbingerX

    D&D and the rising pandemic

    For those interested in how to interpret the numbers being reported. Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) – Statistics and Research
  11. HarbingerX

    D&D and the rising pandemic

    For everyone who's discussing the numbers and what they mean, here is an excellent research piece on how to interpret the data and challenges with coming up with things like death rates. Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) – Statistics and Research
  12. HarbingerX

    Pandemic: How will you continue to enjoy your hobbies?

    I'm going to be running remote D&D for the first time on Friday, 3 in my house, 2 remote. I expect a mix of ipads and computers, plus roll20/discord. Really need to do a dry-run today or tomorrow to work out the kinks.
  13. HarbingerX

    D&D and the rising pandemic

    If only 1/2 the population isolates then it's not much better than no isolation. Stop doing models and posts - go get your supplies. ;)
  14. HarbingerX

    D&D and the rising pandemic

    This picture from Infection Trajectory: See Which Countries are Flattening Their COVID-19 Curve shows the risk for different events based on 2000 or 20000 cases in the general population.
  15. HarbingerX

    D&D and the rising pandemic

    I do actually agree with you stocking up now. In fact you should have stocked up last week. I was just answering the question as to why the risk of transmission is lower later when the population is self isolating. I also agree that 2 weeks is on the lower end. As long as there are people not...