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Recent content by Kaelkatar

  1. Kaelkatar

    HP, Armor and Surges by role?

    Additionally. AC's at level one suggesting an AC focused build that doesn't sacrifice hit. This also does not include any feats. Defenders: Warden: 19 AC (hide, heavy shield) (18 str/wis) Swordmage: 20 AC (hide, warding) (20 int) Fighter: 19 AC (plate, heavy shield) Paladin: 20 AC (plate...
  2. Kaelkatar

    HP, Armor and Surges by role?

    There seems to be four major expressions for hit points. Low: 10+Con Starting HP, 4 HP per level, 6+Con Surges per day. Medium: 12+Con Starting HP, 5 HP per level, 6 or 7+Con Surges per day. High: 14 or 15+Con Starting HP, 6 HP per level, 8 9 or 10+Con Surges per day. Very High: 17+Con Starting...
  3. Kaelkatar

    Reflavoring powers and game balance

    There is a paragon feat in Arcane Power, called Arcane Admixture which does basically what you described (though it simply adds the damage type, not replace). To me this still suggests that having all your powers be the same damage type should cost 1-2 feats. Many characters I've built have...
  4. Kaelkatar

    Essentials and Eberron Campaign Guide

    At the very least all the flavor in the ECG will be intact. But mechanically, I see four choices that each DM and game group will have to choose from when starting a new campaign. 1) 4th Edition, Ignore Essentials. 2) Essentials only, Ignore 4th Edition and all material released before...
  5. Kaelkatar

    Infernal Warlock thinks he's a paladin

    Flavor: If he is no longer submissive to Asmondeus, how is he receiving his warlock spells? Avandra doesn't seem like the type to grant hellish magic, and even if she did, it would be divine not arcane. Mechanics: Plate Armor, how?
  6. Kaelkatar

    Worship in Demoria: [Zatari Pridemate and Zephyr paragon paths]

    (Mechanics for two paragon paths are below, if you don't care to learn some relevant fluff from my world then feel free to skip over it and review/comment on it from a purely mechanical perspective.) Quick overview of the Deities of Demoria: The setting takes place on the twin planes of...
  7. Kaelkatar

    How is PvP in 4th Ed?

    My only experience is pitting a 13th level warlock against a 13th level swordmage/wizard hybrid to kill time one night. (Three battles, daily powers do not reset). The swordmage ended up winning them all, due most to his character being designed entirely around defense. It seemed like the damage...
  8. Kaelkatar

    Awesome Idea For Martial Controller

    Someday someone is going to post an actual genius design for a martial controller, and no one is going to even view the topic. Still, I laughed.
  9. Kaelkatar

    Considering Banning 20s

    I don't know if you read the post I did on some of the basic mathematical differences between 18-13-13-10-10-8 and 16-16-12-12-10-8, but I think the general thought that you are gimping your character in many other ways is a fallacy. I'll admit levels 1-3 are slightly weaker due to starting your...
  10. Kaelkatar

    Considering Banning 20s

    There is a reason why the stats are the way they are, it is to provide racial specialization in classes. If I want to play an elven fighter I have to come to terms that while my ability to fight quickly and smart is above average, that I am never going to be as brutally strong as a goliath...
  11. Kaelkatar

    Need Suggestions for paragon Half-Constructs

    Are they all enemies, or are some friendlies? I think roleplaying up the differences in reactions could be interesting. Have an NPC rush your party with no desire other than to cut off one of your PCs arms and run away with it under the delusion that they could replace their mechanical limb...
  12. Kaelkatar

    Considering Banning 20s

    My two preferred setups are: 18 13 13 10 10 8 which becomes 20 14 14 10 10 8 at level 8. With perfect racial bonuses that is 22 16 14 10 10 8. Total modifiers become +6, +3, +2, +0, +0, -1. (+10 total) If we are lucky enough to line up the stats to Ref, Will, and Fort correctly, we have a...
  13. Kaelkatar

    Need Suggestions for paragon Half-Constructs

    The important questions I would ask are: Why are they mechanical, what advantages does that bring? Why isn't everyone in the world mechanical, what kind of detriments does it bring? How long have the mechanical hybrids been with their mechanical parts, have they adapted to them well, or are...
  14. Kaelkatar

    Need Suggestions for paragon Half-Constructs

    Some things that have popped into my head: Replacing body parts with metal should both strengthen and hinder the affected creatures. Mechanical legs may be faster but less maneuverable. Mechanical arms may be stronger, but less agile. More mechanically I like the idea of wearing down...
  15. Kaelkatar

    Monk Unarmed Strike

    The way I read it, the first ability is giving two bonuses: +2 to unarmed strike damage. +2 to stone first fury of blows damage. The second is giving one bonus. If you have a club equipped, +2 power bonus to fury of blows damage. Now the first two will not stack, while it is counterintuitive...