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Recent content by kbowen0188

  1. K

    LF 1-2 Players, Beginners Welcome, Long-term Pathfinder Campaign (Sophia, North Carolina)

    I am a DM who is experienced in other game systems but a bit new to Pathfinder. The players are all new to the game system, but experienced with other game systems. We will be running a long-term campaign, so we are hoping to find someone who is willing to play for the long haul. So far, it...
  2. K

    Suggestion for 3.5/Pathfinder Campaign?

    -nods- I play Meepo off as a very fiesty, humorous kind of character, who pulls items out of nowhere. In several of the encounters, Meepo has vanished for a few rounds, only to come running (kinda) out of a nearby door, dragging along a greatsword, attempting to get it over his head in a swing...
  3. K

    Suggestion for 3.5/Pathfinder Campaign?

    Currently level 1, with 1500 XP apiece. I plan on leveling them to 2 before they get ot the second level of the Sunless Citadel, and perhaps from there, going on to 3. So, by the time the Sunless Citadel is over, they will be either 2, or 3. They need to get to five.
  4. K

    Suggestion for 3.5/Pathfinder Campaign?

    I am running my players through the Sunless Citadel Module, with a few edits made. It is a Greyhawk setting, and all of them are seeking to join the Knights of the Watch. Making up some of my own little info about the Knights of the Watch, they are currently on a "pilgrammage", quite like most...
  5. K

    Pathfinder 1E Using Pathfinder to run the Sunless Citadel?

    Thank you! Your tips are very much appreciated. You are correct, SC is a 3.0 adventure, just a bit of overlooking on my part. So far, my characters have only fought a few rats, and that was nothing to write home about. The first session was mostly roleplaying, which I was happy the players...
  6. K

    Pathfinder 1E Using Pathfinder to run the Sunless Citadel?

    I am a long-time fan of the D&D 3.5 edition, but when I took a glance into Pathfinder, it became my new favorite. I just ordered the book, and my friends used the SRD to roll their new characters, for our very first campaign. With this in mind, I am planning on taking us through the Sunless...