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Recent content by Kneecleaver

  1. Kneecleaver

    D&D 4E Is there any D&D 4th computer game?

    What are you waiting for?!?!? Put them to the rack!
  2. Kneecleaver

    WotBS Fantasy Grounds 2 Version of WotBS

    Nice. I know from what I've done that once you get in a rhythm it actually moves along faster than you think. But it's still a crapload of work. I didn't have much of a problem with 3e on the tabletop. Perhaps I wouldn't with 4e either, but it's new to me now and gives me that impression...
  3. Kneecleaver

    Metal School

    Doh! I should have caught that. I was a bit snookered last night when I posted. That happened my first year in College iirc. In retrospect that just reinforced the f*&^ the establishment attitude that's pretty much always been present. The irony of it is that Metallica has now become the...
  4. Kneecleaver

    WotBS Fantasy Grounds 2 Version of WotBS

    I got my previous question somewhat answered by this. We are very close to finding out about what will happen when Smiteworks hosts 4eJPG. There isn't a ton of automation in JPG though, just some extremely handy features. Truthfully, because of all of the effects that come into play, I don't...
  5. Kneecleaver

    WotBS Fantasy Grounds 2 Version of WotBS

    Thanks for your work on this EugeneZ, I do appreciate it. I've not even gotten my game off the ground yet due to various RL things, but I do appreciate the effort you have put forth. BTW, are you XSL/Parsing these with touch up afterwards or doing them all by hand?
  6. Kneecleaver

    Metal School

    Well said. You can not listen to, say 2112, and not classify it as metal. I had the great fortune not so many years ago to see the trio do it, in it's entirety, live in Dallas at the Starplex/Smirnov or whatever they call it nowadays. I've seen Rush three times and they never disappoint me...
  7. Kneecleaver

    Metal School

    I'm going to be in the DFW area in a couple of months, I'll have to seek some of these places out.
  8. Kneecleaver


    Thanks for the tip on Kodo, Danny. Simply frakin' amazing. How have I missed these guys all these years? Wow.
  9. Kneecleaver

    Metal School

    Bill Ward released an Album "Along the Way" after rehab, around 1990 iirc. I had a buddy who had it and I really dug it at the time but haven't heard or been able to find it (reasonably priced). There are used on amazon starting at $25 but the single new one is like $133. I really don't like...
  10. Kneecleaver


    Holy crap that's a lot of threads! Thanks for the link! Guess I should have used search ;) EDIT: Went through just one of those, found 3 songs that work with what I'm getting at and discovered The Changelings- great stuff and I'm positive they will be played in game- more than twice. I've...
  11. Kneecleaver


    Most GM's play at least some music for setting the mood, if not craft a soundtrack for their games. This is a good thing, but I'm getting ready to diverge quite drastically from the tried and true for my group. I've gamed with this same group of people (running around half the time) for 20+...
  12. Kneecleaver

    D&D 4E Is there any D&D 4th computer game?

    That is a very good point. In most cases it wouldn't be every square of movement, and it could be intelligent enough to know if the conditions are met for a party action, but it would still slow things down. There might be a creative workaround, like requiring you to flag actions you might...
  13. Kneecleaver

    D&D 4E Is there any D&D 4th computer game?

    I desprately want any D&D CRPG I purchase to be turn-based. This was true for 3.x and it is true for 4e. Despite it's bugs(though the CoE patches addressed a lot of those), ToEE was a far more satisfying game for me than the pause repeatedly bioware/obsidian products. That said, I'm playing...
  14. Kneecleaver

    D&D 4E Is there any D&D 4th computer game?

    Let's not forget King's Bounty which is more HoMM than HoMM V is.
  15. Kneecleaver

    Flaganus vs. Module Plot

    digression This is off the subject of the thread, but I really hate skill challenges in 4E. I like the concept of what they try to present, but the execution of the concept is sorely lacking. I just do skill stuff free form as I always have. I think the entire skill challenge structure was...