Recent content by lindevi

  1. L

    AMA with Shanna Germain (author, editor, co-owner of Monte Cook Games, lead designer of No Thank You, Evil!)

    Hi Shanna, Lots of questions, but feel free to answer as many as you can/like: How did you get into RPGs? Writing? Game design? What were the major breakthroughs you had into the industry? How did you come to be a part of MCG? And what social media marketing advice do you have for indie game...
  2. L

    Share your experiences playing through the Dragonlance modules

    As someone who got into the hobby less than ten years ago, I missed out on the classic 1e modules like the Dragonlance series. I understand it was landbreaking at the time in terms of featuring a story-based campaign compared to the typical dungeon delves of yore, and I'm wondering if there are...
  3. L

    Kickstarter Backer PDF Delivery?

    I just wanted to ask whether PDFs of the adventure path itself (not the campaign or player's guide) has gone out yet for backers? I see from the May update that the hardcover layout is 75% complete, but is there a way (as a backer) to download the existing adventures piecemeal without having to...
  4. L

    Review of Menzoberranzan: City of Intrigue by Wizards of the Coast

    Can anyone elaborate on how much new info it contributes compared to 2nd ed's and 3.5's Drow of the Underdark's? Or is it simply a rehash with some new House and player mechanics?
  5. L

    Seeking games in the Hudson Valley.

    Storm King Role-playing Gamers Doing some intense thread necromancy here, but seeing as this is one of the top Google results for "hudson valley role playing games," perhaps others besides the OP can find other players. Storm King Role-playing Gamers (SKRG) is a Hudson Valley organization of...
  6. L

    4th Edition Mounted Combat ... did I miss anything?

    Well, if you Google "Mounted Combat 4e" this thread is the second hit, so I thought I'd bring it up to speed with info I found elsewhere. But yeah, the houserules are def interesting adaptations!
  7. L

    4th Edition Mounted Combat ... did I miss anything?

    Official Compendium Rules