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Recent content by Morbog of Ghetto D

  1. M

    RPG's hosted via the WEB

    Im starting up my old school campaign, and we plan on using webcams for my player that is remote. Any suggestions here? We plan on using gmail chat. Also, there were serveices in past that hosting RPG's but I have yet to find one that is actively supported. Since Im a gaming nerd, and not a...
  2. M

    Player Problem

    Multiple Characters? It gets tuff to handle but I have had a campaign with 2 players and now 3 for many years. I even ran a campaign with 1 player. Which was very tuff, and required some DM interaction. My more experienced Plauyers runthe extra guys.. Players have run 2 characters, and I run 2...
  3. M

    Need advice (Mr. GR DO NOT READ)

    A few Ideas.. 1) Through Countless Doorways by malhavoc press has some really cool Demiplane ideas...One is a foresaken land of "dead angels".. the other which might be cool for a variety of intesting battle fields...is a demiplane that has all 4 seasons at one time...There is this machine...
  4. M

    DM Product Review and Advice

    Arcana Evolved :) Still working through this one.....but trust me BUY IT!
  5. M

    DM Product Review and Advice

    Urgh!!!!..Champions Of Ruin! :) I just cracked the cover at the store......I was strong and I did refrain... "be strong be strong!' Guiding Priciple: "Anything in those stone grey covers is GOLD!". Why does the FR product blow Core Greyhawk product out of the water? Why wouldnt all the...
  6. M

    I Need a Module

    Howdo?... I need a dungeon crawl module set in a multi level tower. The tower backs up agaisnt a mountain range, and leads into a forgotton "mining complex".that lead intomthe Underdark...The tower is thousands of years old, and was built by elves....Im actually basing the adventure on a Love...
  7. M

    Plot Ideas From Film

    Kingdom of Heaven OK Ok I havent seen it yet....but the trailer has caused me to fantasize about siege warfare! :cool:
  8. M

    DM Product Review and Advice

    Complete Yo, I have seen and sort of read Complete Divine....that actually lloks pretty good, other rumors have established that Complete Adventurer is "really cool".....The "Lord of Madness" is a nicely done book, (dont own) It has some nice details to make some Aberations your Heavys in a...
  9. M

    DM Product Review and Advice

    B.o.v.d Actually, sleeping with the book of vile darkness under your pillow, will slowly transition your alignment to Chaotic Evil, unless its there already... :] :] :] thanks for posting your opinions....They are both definately worth their cover price
  10. M

    DM assistance Program

    Dm ing Software Dude Im facing the same questions...I even put a thread together too. 1) Dunjinni-looks really cool, It has mapping for floor plans and it can load in monsters from several core books, lime MM and others...Im interested in it...but my computer is too nerdy to run it...(building...
  11. M

    Plot Ideas From Film

    Predator Privateer Presses Monsternomicon has a monster called a Totme Hunter..Pretty cool cause it takes on the lvls of what it kills. :]
  12. M

    ONLINe or RPG via IM

    KAy... Being that Im technologically limited.....but I consider that the technology is there... Has anyone ran a "online" rpg? via IM or similar process? Id definately want a "real time" experience.... I have 2 frends that were critical to our old campaign....and they're starving to play...
  13. M

    Money Saving Madness for GM's

    Games Quarterly...Best Paint For the $-FREE INFO :lol: I think thats...It may be Gaming Quarterly....but anyhoo.. ITS FREE at my gaming store...Sure its a little outdated but Everytime I get it I find some really coool ideas... The Winter Edition has an intersting adaptation of Ars Magica...
  14. M

    DM Product Review and Advice

    Tanks Yup thats a "cool as heck" map.... :D Your distractions dont seem to MAJOR to me....the thing about dunjinni is that i have read that there are monsters and other stats that you can pull and drop right into an adventure.... so it seems more like a "DMIng" tool than a Mapmaker... Any...
  15. M

    GM Workshop

    Arrrrhh! Pyrates Eh? You cant go wrong with a pirate adventure..... You could even have a pyrate stronghold or base within the swamp...maybe a group of pyrates that were chained and left to die in the swamp, for an offense against the Pyrate queen... PCs discover the UNDEAD pyrates and...