Recent content by murquhart72

  1. murquhart72

    Spelljammer More Spelljammer Details Emerge: Spelljammer Academy, Flash Gordon, Light of Xaryxis

    That would be the "they" of which I speak. Obviously, the races in question are from Star Frontiers, ever since the original box over 40 years ago. I'm just wondering if anyone knows why they didn't stick with the original names and felt the need to tweak the appearance and change names between...
  2. murquhart72

    Spelljammer More Spelljammer Details Emerge: Spelljammer Academy, Flash Gordon, Light of Xaryxis

    Anyone know why they went with hadozee and plasmoid instead of yazirian and dralasite?
  3. murquhart72

    RPG Crowdfunding News – Southlands, Voyages of the Vagabond, Calo’s Book of Monsters, and more

    More Mork Borg metalness! My pet two-headed basilisk approves.
  4. murquhart72

    WotC Adventure Begins: A New Dungeons and Dragons Boardgame

    I don't know, kinda sounds like Starter Set with extra steps...
  5. murquhart72

    D&D 5E Meet Dracula, THE Vampire Lord for D&D

    Yeah but Strahd isn't necessarily an "imitation" so much as he IS Dracula... for D&D. But, whatevs, have another pointy-eared, long-haired, emo Drac wanna be using the same name. No skin off my campaign :P
  6. murquhart72

    D&D 5E Meet Dracula, THE Vampire Lord for D&D

    That does NOT look anything like Dracula! And besides, isn't Strahd von Zarovich supposed to be D&D's version of Dracula?
  7. murquhart72

    TSR Jim Ward: Demons & Devils, NOT!

    That is both crazy and frightening. Literal witch hunts in the late 90s. I wonder if any of the D&D playing celebrities have to deal with stuff like this in this day and age..?
  8. murquhart72

    Worlds of Design: Rolls vs. Points in Character Building

    Gary always dug the dice and said choosing a characters abilities was silly. I like that when playing "old school", but I'm also a fan of a player having as much control as possible in the creation of their character. Some campaigns, I literally have them choose ability scores based on character...
  9. murquhart72

    D&D 5E Laeral Silverhand's Explorer's Kit: A Review

    I found the d20s to be a bit too large, but I'd love to see something like this for Mystara or Greyhawk. I do like the map and dice box set up. Not sure how useful the cards are though...
  10. murquhart72

    D&D 5E Meet Frankenstein's Monster!

    It's not based on the book, but rather the original film. Have you watched the movie?
  11. murquhart72

    D&D 5E Meet Frankenstein's Monster!

    Isn't Frankenstein's monster just a flesh golem? I mean, that's where the whole 'flesh golem' thing came from...
  12. murquhart72

    D&D General Tower of the Realms Mini Scenery Piece

    Maybe it's a set-piece for what must surely be the upcoming World of Greyhawk setting book/boxed set?
  13. murquhart72

    Critical Role The New D&D Book Is 'The Explorer's Guide to [Critical Role's] Wildemount!' By Matt Mercer

    RIP to the worlds of Greyhawk, Mystara, Dragonlance, Dark Sun, Spelljammer, and Birthright. It's been years, if WotC were ever going to do anything significant with these settings, it would have been done by now. Guess fans of those settings are forever on their own using stuff published back in...
  14. murquhart72

    TSR April 4th, 1984: TSR's 3rd Purge

    You could actually see the change in "feel" of TSR between '83 and '84 through their books and marketing. I personally can't stand anything published after '83. It just feels too "corporate" or capitalist for me. The older stuff is what really got my imagination going. And I wasn't even a...
  15. murquhart72

    The Fumble: World's Most Popular Tabletop RPG Offers Exciting New Player Freedom

    Sounds like "Let's Pretend" with extra steps, but I really wanna see the rest of that cover!