• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by RaeneJagad

  1. R

    Dragon 427 posted and Upcoming Hiatus

    Wow I'm glad I let my yearly sub end at the end of August as our group is transitioning to Next using the play test rules. Just couldn't justify another year with no steer from WotC as to future content.
  2. R

    Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle: A Railroady Adventure and Exclusive Gen Con D&D Next Softcover Ruleset

    Thanks DocSER it sounds ideal for my purposes with some tweaking.
  3. R

    Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle: A Railroady Adventure and Exclusive Gen Con D&D Next Softcover Ruleset

    Perfect on my Android phone. Interesting review. Wasn't sure overall if you'd recommend it as worth spending money on though.
  4. R

    Shadowrun 5th Edition: Coming Soon to a MegaCorp Near You!

    Was more thinking about the entire collection of adventures and campaigns I have. ;)
  5. R

    Shadowrun 5th Edition: Coming Soon to a MegaCorp Near You!

    How does it handle conversion of previous edition materials as my group hasn't played since 2nd edition?
  6. R

    Shadowrun 5E coming soon

    Very interesting as I've not paid much attention the last year. The matrix changed completely so that parties didn't get totally split up for long periods. The matrix lost a lot of its allure and uniqueness IMO but it became much easier to integrate as well. Hopefully the new edition won't just...