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Recent content by ronaldsf

  1. ronaldsf

    Kickstarter's Director of Games on Why The Platform Attracts Lower OGL v1.1 Royalties

    Hm. This lower royalty % still incentivizes creators to crowdfund only through Kickstarter and not through other means. (Remember, all creators must report their earnings to WOTC so doing Indiegogo doesn't bypass having to report.) So it's still a "benefit" - just not a "hidden benefit" as the...
  2. ronaldsf

    Ryan Dancey -- Hasbro Cannot Deauthorize OGL

    Good for him. If this goes to court, this is how he'll testify!
  3. ronaldsf

    D&D General Are Hit Points Meat? (Redux): D&D Co-Creator Saw Hit Points Very Differently

    Didn't Arneson come up with that system in an OD&D of targeting and tracking health on different parts of the body? That's all consistent with the idea of "hit points as meat."
  4. ronaldsf

    Pathfinder 2E Looks like I will be running a PF2e game in a few weeks...suggestions?

    Kind of unrelated, but one thing I dislike about Paizo mega dungeons is that the levels are always compact and made to fit with their Flipmat line. It makes the encounters very close together to an almost absurd degree. Especially since in 2e it's often a bad idea for encounters to combine and...
  5. ronaldsf

    Pathfinder 2E Absolute XP

    First off, I wanted to say that I'm using an Absolute XP variant with my "Westmarch-lite" campaign that I'm setting in Otari, which is incorporating Menace Under Otari, Troubles in Otari, Abomination Vaults, and anything other players want to GM. (I'm adding a new "quest line" on the...
  6. ronaldsf

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder 2 and the two dichotomies

    It is interesting to read this, after just having read through a thread on the Pathfinder subreddit where 1e players were saying they weren't moving to 2e because "it's just trying to be 5e"...
  7. ronaldsf

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder 2 and the two dichotomies

    I dunno, the game is balanced to enhance drama and tension. Monsters and NPCs in PF2E are tuned to increase danger to the party while being less versatile so that they're simpler for GMs to run. Since PCs have greater access to healing abilities and ways to shift the battlefield, that kind of...
  8. ronaldsf

    Pathfinder 2E Is It Time for PF2 "Essentials"?

    It would be a time if there was a push to revise the PF 2 rules, which there there isn't one. Perhaps PF 2 is not the juggernaut that PF 1 was in its time in terms of market share, but as a company I thought it's still growing and that they haven't had a big round of layoffs? The TRPG market is...
  9. ronaldsf

    Pathfinder 2E Taking20 -"I'm Quitting Pathfinder 2e Because of This Issue"

    It's interesting: different strokes for different folks and all. I GM PF2E and D&D 5e. Perhaps it's how my brain works, but I generally find it harder to sort out the various effects in 5e as compared to 2e. Like, I often forget that Web doesn't call for an immediate Dexterity save (the...
  10. ronaldsf

    Pathfinder Beginner Box Review

    After having run a Level 20 short adventure with players who had several months of experience with PF2, I will say that there is a LOT to choose compared to other systems: -Ancestry, Heritage, 5 ancestry feats -Background -Class (and subclass if any) -10 or 11 class feats -5 general feats -10...
  11. ronaldsf

    Pathfinder Beginner Box Review

    Yes, cantrips are at-will in PF 2E. Assuming you have a +4 Intelligence, Ray of Frost should be doing 1d4+4 damage, substantially more than the 1d8 crossbow.
  12. ronaldsf

    Pathfinder Beginner Box Review

    Havent visited this thread in a couple days, but first Greylord I'm glad you shared more info about your negative session. I agree that PF2 IS more involved in character creation than 5e. For folks who've felt like they need to defend PF2's system as simple: it sounds like this wasn't the...
  13. ronaldsf

    Pathfinder Beginner Box Review

    But that's not what I'm saying. Every newbie mistake in the book should NOT have led to death against giant rats. UNLESS there was incredibly bad luck which is not unique to PF2, or they forgot the cleric could stabilize the dying (in which case that is a facepalm moment, and they're wrong to...
  14. ronaldsf

    Pathfinder Beginner Box Review

    And saying that the 1st encounter with rats "gets your characters killed right off the bat" without saying how does? Until we hear what actually happened to Greywolf's group, I can't really accept the conclusion that the BB's rats encounter "gets your characters killed right off the bat" and...
  15. ronaldsf

    Pathfinder Beginner Box Review

    I'm actually trying to ask for details from Greywolf's story of a character dying to giant rats, and figure out why it happened. This is not "living in a minmax bubble." With the Giant Rats fight, I can see a death happening to super-tactical players IF: 1. Rat wins initiative, runs up to Kyra...