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Recent content by shadowmask

  1. S

    Family Gamers: When the Little Ones cry…

    Note: Just want to remind everyone that input, criticism, etc is welcome and appreciated. I noticed last week’s article wasn’t read by many. Are you getting tired? Do I need a new direction? Was that article really that bad? Remember, you tell me if it’s a hit, miss, critical hit or a critical...
  2. S

    Family Gamers: D&D + Disney = Happily Never After?

    I didn't think it was accurate; Hasbro is doing just fine. ;) With the rumor mill working overtime, I found exploring the various and sundry possibilities to be great fun, though. :D I agree; a Joss Whedon D&D movie would be geeklicious with extra awesomesauce. B-)
  3. S

    Family Gamers: Memorable moments of crow bars, grain silos and more…Oh my.

    Family Gamers: Memorable moments of crow bars, grain silos and more…Oh my. What makes a game session, regardless of what game you’re playing, memorable? Is it winning? Is it the newest bit of loot? Is it turning an impossible situation your way? Why do we continue to play games as we get older...
  4. S

    Family Gamers: D&D + Disney = Happily Never After?

    Wow. Rumor has it Disney wants to buy Hasbro which (if accurate and successful) means Disney will buy Dungeons and Dragons. What a concept. Suddenly, all your family gaming needs will be found under one “roof.” But what does that mean for the Disney characters? We’ve all grown up with Disney...
  5. S

    Family Gamers: Gaming in the military – with kids…

    Family Gamers: Gaming in the military – with kids… Military folk are often viewed as indefatigable, unflappable and generally not easy to scare. We take that attitude into our hobbies, families, jobs and everything else we value. Then you mix the high intensity gaming many people enjoy...
  6. S

    Family Gamers: Sorry! I have a monopoly on your RPG!

    Welcome to this week's Family Gamers article. We're on time and ready to roll. Let's break out the dice and see if we crit. ;) The progression a child makes through the variety of games most of us have in our homes is quite enlightening. Many wildlife and child development experts agree: Play...
  7. S

    Family Gamers:

    NOTE: Sorry for the delay, everyone. This is the first instance I've been able to post anything. Please enjoy a very late, yet still here, Family Gamers article. Gamers come in all types and genres. We have our social gamers, roll-playing gamers, role-playing gamers, serious gamers and party...
  8. S

    Family Gamers: Of d4’s, feet and dragons…

    @Lwaxy <!-- END TEMPLATE: dbtech_usertag_mention -->: lol Cats are "eeveel" no question about it. What they don't tell you is their nocturnal shenanigans mostly involve plotting how to maneuver you into the vicinity of a d20 attuned to you. Then they laugh behind their paws when your perspective...
  9. S

    Family Gamers: Of d4’s, feet and dragons…

    Family Gamers: Of d4’s, feet and dragons… Hi, everyone. Welcome to my new article for EN World, Family Gamers. My name is Marie, aka Shadowmask here on the forums, and I’ll be your guide through the wacky plane of family and games. My goal is to provide an entertaining window into the vagaries...
  10. S

    Hiring a freelance layout artist

    No worries. I certainly understand the desire to do it yourself. :D Good luck, and let us know when we can sneak a peek. ;)
  11. S

    Hiring a freelance layout artist

    No worries. Whenever you can. :)
  12. S

    Hiring a freelance layout artist

    Good morning, OnlineDM. I think I can help with at least some of your questions. Usually, I send a pm regarding business; unfortunately, I am unable to do that this morning. I have some layout credits to my name with Rite Publishing. Depending on the size of the project, I can help you out with...
  13. S

    Paths of Legend: The Azgundi Tournaments

    Pryzm woozily walks into the hall. Her eyes narrow and a low, humming hiss escapes her as she sees Valen literally locked in combat with the fuzzy-man-thing. "Leave him be!!" She rushes forward in an attempt to rip the toothy beast's legs literally out from under him from behind the ranger, her...
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    Paths of Legend: The Azgundi Tournaments

    Initiative: 2 Pryzm feels a little woozy as the spell affects her. Upon hearing the commotion in the hall, she lifts her head from where she rested it on her forepaws. "What's that?" Her voice wobbles as much as her head does on her neck. She stands in an effort to stabilize herself. OOC...
  15. S

    [D&D3.5] Paths of Legend: The Azgundi Tournaments (OOC)

    Thpppfft! :p There wasn't a heck of a lot for Pryzm to do - other than throw a monkey-wrench into Entan's idea. (pun intended ;)) The move is in. And, yes, Pryzm is modeled on a hyper-active five year old's behavior coupled with draconic arrogance, independence, stubbornness and greed...