• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by snowbound

  1. S

    Stranger Things Companion Book Features D&D Character Sheets

    Is that Rust Monster in the background one of the original toys that inspired the game monster? And are there three white box and three brown box editions in the background?
  2. S

    When the Sharks Finally Catch You: The Death of Geek Chic

    When I grew up and started buying real furniture, I realized that $3500, 6 month lead time, and payment in advance is not unusual for a piece of craftsmanship that will last generations. Often a better deal than Ikea items that fall apart in a few years. Sounds like Geek Chic almost made it, and...
  3. S

    Are PDA 3e software projects all dead?

    Re: Re: Re: Are PDA 3e software projects all dead? I would like to use something like that for my characters too. Have you tried PCGenView? I have not tried it yet, but from looking at the screen shots, it looks pretty good.
  4. S

    Are PDA 3e software projects all dead?

    I am in the finishing stretch of developing a D20 initiative tracker for Palm. After I am done with that, would be very interested to hear what Palm fans want. Just curious, why would you want a Palm character builder? Generating characters involves looking at and entering lots of data, both of...