• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Stanimal

  1. S

    [Azyra] The First Adventure

    Bastgare swings his flail at the wolves skeletal skull
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    [Azyra] The First Adventure

    I thought that was all i could do move action to pick up my weapons, move action to face the wolf
  3. S

    [Azyra] The First Adventure

    Bastgare grabs his flail and shield, then moves to face the wolf on the left.
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    [Azyra] The First Adventure

  5. S

    [Azyra] The First Adventure

    Does Dm roll mean none of us roll we just add our bonus to that roll?
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    [Azyra] The First Adventure

    "This seems a good a place to spend the night as we are likely to find on the road. What say we up camp in the ruins?"
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    [Azyra] The First Adventure

    Bastgare lays in his bedroll staring up at the sky, creating different patterns between the stars as he slowly drifts to sleep. A few minutes later the clearing is filled with a quiet but obnoxious snore.
  8. S

    [Azyra] The First Adventure

    Bastgare drops the wood where the Dwarf gestures. As he turns around to head over to his bedroll he smiles conspiratorially at Bezim and sends him a wink. He sits down on his bedroll and begins rummaging through his pack after a few moments he lets out a string of curses. Looking up at the...
  9. S

    [Azyra] The First Adventure

    Bastgare nods along convingcingly adding such helpfull comments as "It could jump like yea long" gesturing that it could jump his entire armspan and "It had a meanstreak a mile wide" and ending with a convincing "Poor bastards didnt stand a chance. If it hadnt been for Bezim here I probably...
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    [Azyra] The First Adventure

    Bastgare drops his pack to the ground and quickly unfurls his bedroll onto any spot lacking in rocks and roots. "I don't mind getting some firewood." he says as he stretches a little and then heads off into the woods in search of deadwood. the idea sounds good to me and you make a good point...
  11. S

    [Azyra] The First Adventure

    "I apologize for my poor choice of words. I am simply curious as to how much longer we could expect your fine company? "
  12. S

    [Azyra] The First Adventure

    "And how long would you guess that Aos is going to guide your feet in our direction?"
  13. S

    [Azyra] The First Adventure

    Bastgare sits down at the bar and glares somewhat halfheartedly at Tor. "You mind telling me what happened last night?" he says in a slightly annoyed voice as he grabs for some porridge and fruit.and the lamb and the sloth and the anchovies and the orangutans and the breakfast cereals and the...
  14. S

    [Azyra] The First Adventure

    Bastgare wakes up and yawns. He hadn't had a good sleep like that in weeks! As he stretched, attempting to waken his sleepy muscles he suddenly realizes that he didn't remember going to bed. his eyes snap open and he rolls out of the bed and tries to jump to his feet, but ends up tangling...
  15. S

    [Azyra] The First Adventure

    Bastgare reaches out and grabs a cup. Lifting it high into the air he says "To first adventures and making it back alive!" and then swiftly downs the drink.