Recent content by Tiberius

  1. Tiberius

    Kickstarter [Kickstarter] Geek Out Games: Central, SC

    Good day, all. One of my friends is opening a gaming store in Central, South Carolina and is Kickstarting this endeavor. His plan is, in part, to create a comfortable, welcoming space for gamers of all stripes, and if you want to see more of these sorts of places around I encourage you to check...
  2. Tiberius

    Has the Wandering Monster concept died?

    The concept has fallen out of usefulness now that one of the prime means of XP acquisition is killing monsters rather than gathering treasure. Wandering monsters used to be a punishment for dallying, now they are more of a reward. I refer you to Professor Vaarsuvius' take on the matter: Giant...
  3. Tiberius

    How were you introduced to RPGs?

    Can I choose the sort of monster I want to be when I grow up? I loved Choose Your Own Adventure books when I was a kid. Also, wizards and the D&D cartoon. I stumbled upon the D&D Adventure Gamebook "The Sceptre of Power" in a bookstore and asked my parents for it. I loved it, and went on to...
  4. Tiberius

    [4th ed] Clockwork Horrors now DEMONS? And Neogi...

    That sounds awfully familiar. And awesome. Replicator - Stargate Wiki I don't much care for deviation from established canon myself, but I can work with these from the Replicator angle, I think.
  5. Tiberius

    3.5 question regarding Binders in Forgotten Realms

    Binders use arcane magic, right? It is my understanding that all arcane magic is dependent upon the Weave, except for magic using the Shadow Weave. Assuming this to be true, then I would conclude that binders are subject to dead magic zones just as much as anyone who isn't a thrall of Shar...
  6. Tiberius

    OotS #725 The Significantly-More-Secret Origin of Tarquin and Nale

    Thog looks so happy in that one frame. :)
  7. Tiberius

    Irrevocable death? Or do you allow resurrection?

    Do you have access to the appropriate spell? Do you have the requisite gp of diamonds? If so, then you get to come back (if the party drags your encorpsified self to a cleric). Sometimes PCs stay dead, but that's generally only in cases of poverty or the player wanting to play a new PC...
  8. Tiberius

    Is my cookware unsafe?

    It appears to me that the "Notes" pictures are not images of the exact objects being sold, rather that a customer who had an issue with those products uploaded the images to serve as a warning or complain.
  9. Tiberius

    How to Train Your Dragon

    Yikes! I saw it in 3d IMAX for $11.50; glad I don't live in NY or LA!
  10. Tiberius

    Mage: Ascension vs Awakening

    I haven't tried nMage, but own the majority of the oMage line. If I were to start a game of Ascension, I would use the Revised rules with the Second Edition fluff. Revised attempted, for reasons that are unclear to me beyond someone saying "You're having badwrongfun!", to constrain the focus of...
  11. Tiberius

    4E - 18 Months Later: Love it or hate it?

    I was enthusiastic about 4e when the game was announced. As time passed and changes were coming to light in previews, it seemed Wizards was making deliberate attempts to drive me from the game. Played Keep on the Shadowfell and a session of my friend's campaign. If I could somehow channel my...
  12. Tiberius

    "Syndrome" Syndrome: or the Fallacy of "Special"

    The game depicts a believable fantasy world, does it not? As such, deviation from verisimilitude serves only to undermine the fundamentals of the game world itself; a self-defeating prospect. If the game world can't be taken seriously, how is it not a fatal flaw to the enjoyment of the game?
  13. Tiberius

    "Syndrome" Syndrome: or the Fallacy of "Special"

    You speak as though that is a problem; I find that it stands to reason that those who can rewrite the laws of reality by will alone or who act as conduits for the power of the divine should be more potent than those who cannot. The ability to pick any lock is nice, but is demonstrably inferior...
  14. Tiberius

    the worst party ever

    Unless they serve no master, in which case the optimal number is fourty-seven.
  15. Tiberius

    Dragon Con: A Sight of the Schism in action

    We should have, though; the degenerate Fiends should have been staked out for the sun. I may be biased, though, being a Tremere loyalist. The reference made to the Mage 2e -> Mage Revised transition is fairly apt to this discussion, I think. The new edition updated and greatly improved the...