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Recent content by Uncle Joe

  1. U

    D20 Modern - What sets it apart?

    At the risk of sounding flippant, if I have D&D why should I buy this book? From all I've seen the only thing unique to this rule set will be gun stats and some awkwardly named core classes. Am I missing something major? Is there $30+ worth of new material I don't know about?
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    DarkMatter d20?

    MOGA for d20 The best way that I can think of to preserve the feel of the success quality component in Alternity is to expand the threat range rules of d20. All skills would start at a threat value of 20. Every 4 or 5 skill ranks the skill's threat value would decrease by 1; to 19, 18, 17...
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    POLL: Biblical-era Middle-East setting

    My two shekels, If your trying to produce characters with a "biblical feel", I would go with these options: Secular (no alignment restrictions) 1. Fighter - Numerous examples of this type. 2. Rogue - Scout and infiltrator types. 3. Barbarian - Rarer than fighters, but an option. Isaac's son...
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    Ray Winnger's "Countrycraft" Article from Dragon #293

    I guess it all depends on your needs. This system would probably be fine for simple resource management, but as an "update" to the Birthright system I found it lacking. It severely guts the game aspect of the original rules, and that is the part I found most appealing.
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    Deitieless Religions?

    I once played a character who was a Cleric of the Invisible Hand - a devotee of capitalist ideals. Major dogmas of the faith included opposition to high tax rates and closed shop craft guilds. Most importantly, for an adventuring cleric, was the obligation to liberate idle capital that was being...
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    Has anyone went back to 1E AD&D from 3E?

    Nope. If I were not using 3e I would probably break out the old Rules Cyclopedia for a game of BD&D.