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Recent content by whokan

  1. W

    Must-play modern/future or horror adventure

    Thanks for the help. These easily give me enough fuel to start. Has anyone tried anything from modern dispatch?
  2. W

    Must-play modern/future or horror adventure

    We have been playing d&d once a week for 20 years with a few hiatuses now and again. I'm trying to get my diehard d&d group to try something different. Variety is the spice of life! But they are stubborn old dogs. Before kids and work responsibilities it was home brew or death. Unfortunately...
  3. W

    Solid RPG system for modern/future campaigns?

    Based on everyone's terrific suggestions, I've spent a pretty big chunk of dough on games that are mostly d20 based. Doh! Now it occurs to me that this could be money down the drain. Will D&D 4e kill them all or will these systems have legs? I guess this is a form of the question that many of...
  4. W

    Mix and match pre-painted plastic

    I'm thinking of buying some Star Wars and Axis & Allies TMG boosters to use with my DDM's to give me a wide enough arsenal to mix and match for a campaign that spans fantasy, modern & future/sci-fi. I'm concerned that they will not scale well together. Having trouble determining if they can...
  5. W

    Solid RPG system for modern/future campaigns?

    Well I've gone and spent a big chunk of my bonus on some core source books--I should have probably ran them by the group first. Some of them are big $ (I don't mind supporting good causes) and some are hard to find. I'm excited for my Amazon boxes of treasure to arrive. Here's what I have so...
  6. W

    Solid RPG system for modern/future campaigns?

    Wow! This community is amazing and the spontaneous feedback is impressive. This is just what I needed. Now I can look into your recommended systems to figure out what might work best for our group of old school dice chuckers. The first order of business is to become a paid member in good...
  7. W

    Solid RPG system for modern/future campaigns?

    I would appreciate your recommendations or advice for a RPG system that can handle a campaign that could span swords to lazers, fireballs to nanotech, dragons to star cruisers. I'm leaning towards GURPS but I'm not sure if it will stand the test of time. I've also looked briefly at Shadowrun...