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Malvoisin's War of the Burning Sky - IC Thread


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OOC: Let's get this thing started, I'm just going to throw you right into it. The fledgling heroes of the resistance have been instructed to meet their contact, someone named Torrent, at the Poison Apple Pub, a little before midnight on New Year's Eve, and to use the alley door. Little is known of the mission at hand, but it's secret, and it's important.

The people of Gate Pass know the Ragesian army is on its way, so the streets are deserted, and the normal New Years festivities muted, letting the conspirators travel unmolested. The pub is in a poorer district about a mile from the western city wall, filled with slush-covered cobblestone streets and dark, snow-filled alleyways. The evening is dark and claustrophobic, the multistory buildings of the city looming in the night, no lights in most windows. The tension of impending war hangs palpably in the cold night air.

The Poison Apple is a two-story building attached by a rooftop bridge to a neighboring house. The door and windows are boarded up, and the curtains drawn.

A notice has been posted on the door:



OOC: Note, please role-play your character's arrival at the Pub, including some conversation or inner thoughts as to motivations, if desired. Characters may arrive together in small groups, if you wish to have a pre-existing relationship, or alone. It's up to you.

Most of all, have fun!


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Rystil Arden

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*Cassandra Priades walks swiftly through the crisp night air, sighing softly at the cool tingling sensation of the cold. Her rapier is at her hip, at the ready, bobbing gently to and fro as she steps through the slush on the ground, her long brunette locks braided behind her, and her sturdy clothes covered up by a light shirt of fine steel chain.*

'Okay, they're going to tell me to deliver information to the Lyceum, but Cassandra doesn't know that yet, so I'll just need to keep a straight face and hear what this so-called Torrent has to say. What a silly codename, Torrent.'

'I'd rather not have a weapon and armour in such prominent display with the Ragesian sympathisers in control, but...the crazy Resistance people should be here soon, and this will blend in better.'

*Noticing the letter, Cassandra tilts her head oddly, her eyes narrowing.*

'Damn it--that's just like the Resistance. Intolerably unsubtle. The contact could still be in there, or there could be Ragesian sympathisers in there laying a trap, or both, or neither. This is not something I want to get involved with alone.'

*Cassandra checks the neighbouring house for a fire escape or some such. Her plan is to get to the rooftop and watch to see if anyone else enters or exits the pub. She may later enter through the rooftop entrance if it looks like a good idea.*


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
I'm going to kill Bane for this.

It was cold. Biting cold. Colder than cold. It was never this cold in Morrus. That's what Coldan told himself anyway. It was cold, he was hungry, and his mouth tasted like ashes.

"It'll do you good to have something to do. Even better, its the right thing to do."

Dorian Bane knew all the right things to say, all right. He'd had enough drinks with the smiling rogue that the rapscallion was able to pierce under the thick skin Coldan used to bury his anger. Normally, he would have been drinking alone, though that elf Blanders or that even more sullen Marsh boy would often share the same bottled companionship, but somehow Bane had found him. Found him and forced himself to open up by dredging up all those things he missed about Morrus. His honor. His valor.

His ability to do something right.

Life in Gate Pass wasn't horrible. But it was just the motions. He doubted the higher ups trusted in the Pass militia him. He was sure they were just using him. And now, with Ragasia on the march, he wondered how long it was going to be before they turned him over. "We've got what we needed from you, Ciandra. Off to the Inquisitors with you." He was waiting for Sergeant Tallows to say those words every day.

That is what made Bane's words so insidious. If you do nothing, they'll just get you again. You know how corrupt they are. They have nothing---no honor, no value for life. They get in Gate Pass, and who knows what will happen. Bane knew well enough that Coldan knew.

Knew too well.

So, he found himself freezing to death in the middle of the night before an abandoned inn on the urging of a man with a less than casual relationship with the truth. He rubbed his hands together, and once again wished for a drink.

I'm going to regret this.

With that, he made his way to the alleyway entrance.
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First Post

A shadow flitted through the alleyway near the house next to the pub. Footsteps all but inaudible save for the tiny splashes they made in the melting slush on the cobbles. She peeks around the corner at the pub. No one else there yet.

Wait. No.

There was movement there, across the street. Someone coming out of another alley. She shrinks back into the shadow and crouches, watching. Damn this city. Damn its treeless sky and its snow-ridden, stinking streets and its hundreds on hundreds of thronging, teeming humans! Her teeth clenched at that, and she huddled her wolfpelt cloak over her shoulders more.

And yet...she shouldn't be hiding. These humans...these in the city...they were her allies, if not her friends. The Regesian humans, the burners, the destroyers...THEY were the enemy.

Still, it's an effort for her to stand up, to walk out of the comforting darkness and approach the pub. A lanky human girl in a loose white blouse and knee-length hide skirt, with a 'cloak' made from the bristly silver-furred skin of a wolf. Her face is pretty, if a bit hard.

She nods at Coldan stiffly, not seeming to be sure what to do with her hands.


First Post
Rystil Arden said:
*Cassandra checks the neighbouring house for a fire escape or some such. Her plan is to get to the rooftop and watch to see if anyone else enters or exits the pub. She may later enter through the rooftop entrance if it looks like a good idea.*
There doesn't appear to be a ladder, or any other easy way to reach the rooftops from outside. If Cassandra wants to get up there, she'll have to try to scale the walls.


First Post
The sound of heavy boots splashing down on the wet cobbles hails the arrival of Xander Marsh. Turning around the corner, the warrior moves toward the Poison Apple, his gait quick, his head up as he takes in his surroundings. He stops abruptly as he notes the motley group milling about the tavern.

What have I gotten myself into this time? With a shake of his head, Xander dismisses his doubts. He begins walking again, the slight jingle of his chain shirt accompanying his footsteps.

Stopping before the door and reading the note, Xander swears unders his breath. Pulling his cloak tighter about him, he turns to regard the others, wondering what to do next.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Coldan watches as the two figures emerge from the snow. One he recognized. Though he had not spoken with the Marsh boy much, he knew enough that he was sullen and not one to bandy words. The young girl, however, he did not recognize. Looked to be woodswoman or trapper or somesuch. Probably caught in Gate Pass after they bolted up. But if they were both here, it was possible Bane or someone like him had sent them.

Unless it was a trap by Tallows.

Coldan rubbed a hand through his straight black hair. He didn't think Tallows was crafty enough for such nonesense. In any case, the sergeant already had enough to send Coldan out in chains---he was a Ragasian exile. Case closed.

He nodded at the two new arrivals. "I assume you are here for the same purpose as I? It seems we must attend to the rear entry. At you leave." He gestures towards the alleyway.

Rystil Arden

First Post
*Cassandra waves to the three.*

"Ah, greetings and good morrow, fellows-in-arms," she calls, quietly enough to be discreet but with enough elocution to be heard clearly by all, "It would seem that either our friends down at HQ have set us to meet at a watched spot to throw off suspicion, or, at least as likely, an enemy got wind of this and is waiting for an ambush. Do any of you have some good rope? We could come in unexpectedly by the rooftop with such."


First Post
Xander nods his greeting to the others, no hint of emotion upon his square-jawed face. As Cassandra's question, he responds, his voice low. "I've some rope that may serve."

OOC: How high to the roof top?

Also, is it okay to assume Xander has already gained his psionic focus for the day? I picture that being the first thing he does when he gets up in the morning (I believe you can Take 20 on it, so it seems reasonable to do it upon waking up).


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Coldan rolls his eyes. "We have a saying in Morrus: 'Do not attribute to malice that which you can attribute to stupidity.' Likely they just think this place is empty enough not to draw attention. However, if you wish to draw attention by performing a second story entry, be my guest." The large man rubs his hands together. "I just hope they have the inside warmed up." Looking to the others. "Shall we go?"
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