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Legacy of Death Part VII: Little Granny knows Hades

Jin Abackis

Simorai gives the shield to Forge if he wants it. If we were to disenchant the armor and Simorai’s old sword, would that be enough to upgrade Simorai’s Warmage armor?
In any event, rather than meandering aimlessly as Nar pointed out, Simorai suggests that we systematically explore one room at a time by checking out each door and then moving to another room and so forth. Since Simorai is apprehensive about unguarded treasure, he recommends going back to the dirt floor room to start.
Simorai goes back to the dirt floor room to get the rest of the group. While he is there, he will take a peek behind the door one square south of the stairs (13).

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First Post
Buckthorn will follow Simorai back up to the cellar room with the dirt floor. He will stop and listen and the door (Perception) (18, rolled a 1). If he hears nothing, he would enter the room, stealthily (Stealth) (36).
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5ever, or until 2024
Even as Forge remains standing the armor museum the other 4 find a room full of bones, almost all showing signs of trauma—including being gnawed on—and a far more pleasant chamber where going up eventually leads down and all the libations of the cosmos seem to be gathered together. In the wine cellar they also meet Ivan, an oversized white mouse with the taste for the good stuff (or any stuff with alcohol). Ivan advises on the Hut as best he can, given his inebriated state. Notes how restful his preferred beverages can be.

From his advice, they head to a room full of strange skeletons—collected from the great witches kills—including a diorama of kobold skeletons bowing to a huge dragon skeleton. They also stumble into a warren of servants for that witch. Many seem to be out, but (different) scampering bird men—diakkas—and two Hades born Derghodeamons do not seem happy to see them.


Outside of some battering of the warlord, they defeat the deamonic servants handily. They rest in the wine cellar--the big mouse was right--and resume exploring.

Buckthorn spies into one room where various fiery beings supervised by a mighty fire giant work at incredibly hot forges. Another one, identified by the mouse as having “bad horses” actually contains nightmares, also of Hades, and their bird-being caretakers. Both are avoided.


They encounter the fair Elena, “sister” Natasha, who gives them a tour of the vast formal dining room—with its views of “outside”. And sends Ivan to find Forge…They even find a comfortable room, with five beds, one smaller and one quite stout. They rest.

In the midst of this, they also find a room with two planar gates. That can take them “anywhere”. One is guarded by two strange dwarf-like beings. The other by a mighty volcanic dragon. Various party members enter this chamber from one way or another. Many, many times. Surely a sign from Pathar. Somehow they convenience the guardians that they are guests of the great witch…though they also leave them deeply suspicious, and bemused, with their repeated appearances. So they don’t get actual permission to use the gates.

And there is small matter of Forge.

At some point, the 5 enter a strange place with doors that lead back into itself…they quickly realize there is no conventional escape, and seek someway of overcoming this trapped space. A variety of skills eventually allows them to “see” the way through the otherwise impassible doors, and they escape.

Not Forge. Shortly after he realizes he is standing with the armor alone, (which was a while, it was impressive armor) he does in fact find his way to the wine cellar, and signs of the party! He slowly, methodically searches. Very slowly. (Ivan has followed the party a bit at this point, and then taken an inebriated nap, missing the dwarf).

Finally, Shelsa the cat appears, and telepaths to the dwarf that he should follow her. His response: “thank goodness”. He has no doubt of the cat’s motive or identity… at least not for a really long time. He persistently goes through doors and teleports here and there, always back in. He does a masterful job of following his own tracks and figures out the layout of the whole area (a 20 on a perception check was involved). And he just keeps going. Door after door. Slowly feeling drowsy. Eventually, with no idea that his constant searching can, by itself, accomplish nothing, he collapses. As he does, he hears his companions, just entering the chamber. He is too weak to call out. As he looks up he sees Natasha bent over him with her finger on her lips. The final things he hears is her whisper “that was too easy”.

They never notice the dwarf, and continue on without him. Eventually, they decide to return to the armor museum. They take a stairway to a small chamber with dramatic double doors covered in strange runes. They eventually open them. They enter a large dramatic chamber made of black marble streaked with golden veins. A domed ceiling rises 60 fee overhead, and is filled with swirls of collared light.

The nagpa (the vulture bird men) and deamons in the room do not seem happy to see them. But they react slowly, and are hit with an incredible barrage of critical hits and powerful magic (which is in no way restricted in this place). They survive long enough to do some damage of their own…and Nar does a good job of setting Sim on fire…but eventually they are dispatched or flee.


Ivan looks for Forge, who has gone somewhere else that is not one of the 20+ areas of the Hut the party has been to.

Jin Abackis

Not clear why this room was so heavily guarded, but magic and healing don’t seem to be hampered herein. Nar do you have any rituals that can help locate the fool dwarf? Most likely he found the wine cellar and is in some dark corner sleeping off a drunken stupor.
Also now that Pathar has shown us a way out of this hut via the portals rather than Sigil maybe we should go after the Githyanki Lich-Queen. With all the Githyanki out hunting us, this may be the perfect time to attack the Lich-Queen. It may just be Nar’s black book there’re after or maybe the Lich-Queen is in league with the Acererack (e.g., the Lich-King?). Everyone knows that the Lich-Queen has a floating city-fortress somewhere in the Astral plane maybe Elena (who also mentioned the Lich-Queen) can help us get the portal address.


"Unfortunately I have no way to locate Forge. Next time we are all together, I can link our thoughts so this won't happen again. I doubt he came this way though, so if we hope to find him, perhaps we should go back?"

OOC: I think I remember 4 total doors in this room?


5ever, or until 2024
Four big sets of doors on the main chamber.

The smaller ante-chamber had the stairs you came in on (I think thats how you came in!) and another door, which you may not have paid much attention to, with your focus on the big doors.


ALSO: You all short rested here. Please let me know any dailies or surges your are short of.

Jin Abackis

Nar, do you have Detect Object (400 gp, locate the closest version of a named object within a variable range). We can try to locate Forge’s axe or armor. Alternatively, do you have Magic Map (325gp + ƒ (100 gp), for a variable time, cause a crystal (focus) to locate a specific creature).
Meanwhile, the Warlord will use 2 HSs (current 64 HP, 5 HS left, used Invigorating Shout (daily)). Simorai will also use 2 HSs (current 71 HP, 8 HS left, used Ruinblade power - weaken on crit (daily)).
Assuming he is not disturbed, the Warlord takes three short rests (or more depending if Nar can cast the rituals) to recharge his healing power (dolling out healing to those that need it most).
While this is going on, Simorai tries to recall any historical details (history - 24) about the hut and this room (he assumes this room has some significance since it was heavily guarded). He also checks the arcane patterns for information about the room (Arcana - 40).
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5ever, or until 2024
Since Nar answered, perhaps Sim is talking to himself. It would be consistent with the sort of behavior the hut can induce. Sim could also remind himself (from a few posts above) that rituals and powers are not hindered here--including divination ones, appropriately enough--hence making this place unusual in the hut.

You can benefit from 1 short rest. You continue to stand there.

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