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[LPF] Kaedyn's Quest



After setting up his tent is nice shady looking spot, Thuvian retreats to it for a few hours to quietly study and reflect on what he has learned over the course of the day, a standard preference for him. Eventually he emerges to nibble on some food, and be somewhat social. "As usual, I have no preference over first or last watch. Sadly, my studies prohibit me from taking the watch I would be most comfortable with; midnight is such a beautiful time of day. And of course, most adventuring is glossed over in the stories. Who wants to hear about a 2 week long trek dealing with mud and bugs when they already know what that feels like?"

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"Not only that. Pushing daisies might be the only sure thing you will get... Unless you try to go for immortality like those pesky necromancers, or vampires, or mummies.... well, you get my meaning. We all kick the bucket eventually. I think is just a matter of how long and exciting can you make it until then. I rather someone singing great things about my deeds than how I choked on some chicken pot pie"


First Post
"Not sure if... zombies and mummies count. Do they Thuvian?"
he asks, hoping some knowledge is shed on the subject, hoping to confirm his suspicion, "Perhaps vampirism, maybe? If I had a platinum for every time a vampiress in a story was written into a corset and lace, and I admit I can't fault that, I might not be here today; surely there must be some catch and being an immortal vampire is not as great as it seems, right?"


"Uhm.... let me remember. My vampire tales are a little rusty... Uhhhmmm..." Damaris taps her lips trying to recall some information about the undead, vampires in particular.

Knowledge religion (vampires/undead) (1d20+7=16)

"Well, there was this old story about a vampire that lived with his 'family' in a forest and then seduced a young girl as myself. I believe he glowed or... wait, wait-, no I think I'm mixing it with a story about a fairy... *sigh* never mind, I'll have to look it up later"

"As far as I could tell about a catch with the undead, it had to do with the use negative energy" she shrugs. "I believe that much 'bad feels' ends up changing who you are... you know, sucking blood, killing people. Don't take my word for it, tho. I'm no cleric. Just throwing some ideas out there"


[sblock=GM]Good job on RP. :) I have an hour or two today to post a bit before Thanksgiving.

The way I see it, you travel 8 hours a day but take a 30 minute rest for lunch. Adding 45 minutes for breakfast and dinner along with breaking/setting up camp on either end equals 10 hours of meals and travel. That leaves 14 hours of time to cover with watches. But if everyone is awake for an hour on each end for chitchat at night and morning ablutions before breakfast, that really comes down to 12 hours of watchstanding while some are sleeping. You can do it in 3 shifts with pairs, everyone gets 8 hours of sleep to prevent fatigue and meet resting requirements for prepared spellcasting.[/sblock]


First Post
Ru Brike, rangerish human ninja


"Well, the last necromancer I met seemed to think killing familiars was a swell way to spend a full moon, so I can't say I'm keen to join that lot," he says. "And for vampires ... who knows? It seems like an awfully thirsty way to live. And never seeing the sun again? Darkness is a fine tool for sneaking about, but a southerner needs a bit of light now and again, I find. Reminds you of the good part of home."

[sblock=ooc]Double watchers sounds like a reasonable choice, then, as it seems to give everyone the rest they need[/sblock]

[sblock=mini stats]

Ru Brike
AC: 18 (Touch 14, Flatfooted 14)
HP: 30/30

Initiative: +4
Perception: +6 (+7 Traps) Sense Motive: +5
CMB: +2 CMD: 16 Fort: +5 Reflex: +10 Will: +2
(conditional: +2 vs. divination effects)

Wakizashi: +7, 1d6
Wakizashi (TWF): +5/+5, 1d6/1d6
Nunchaku: +6, 1d6
Shuriken: +6, 1d2
Conditional Attack mods: +1d6 Sneak Attack (when denied Dex), +1 Dirty Fighter (flank), +2 Attack / dmg vs. Ranger's Focus (1/day)

Conditions: Ioun Torch (in darkness)

In Hand: Wakizashi x2

Ki Pool: 3/3 remaining
Ranger's Focus: 1/1 remaining
Shuriken: 9/10 remaining
CLW Wand charges: 48/50 remaining

Used: 10 days' rations[/sblock]



Ok, I was thinking this might work (added everyone's perception)

Amien +3
Thuvian +6 ~Nora +9

Ru +6
Tyrion +6

Damaris +6
Lai Tai +7

What do you think? Is there a shift you would prefer to be placed instead?[/sblock]
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"I personally would not care for the strictures that come with being undead of any kind, save maybe, and even than only maybe, a lich. Continuing to exist solely to exist, with no real purpose but to feed off of others seems like an unpleasant existence. A lich at least can focus on his own studies and ignore the rest of the world if he so desires; if the studies are truly that engrossing, I suppose such a life could be interesting enough. And yes, light is necessary to at least some degree. After all, shadows are in essence a mixture of light and dark; take away one half of the mixture, and you lose the shadows. There are many who seek the darkness that overlook that critical detail."


First Post

Nodding, Amien says, "Well, with all of that said, we can't truly call zombies immortal, can we? I forgot to mention that they're completely brainless and are like slaves to a master. And clingy."

[sblock=OOC]Whatever our watch ends up being, probably best to assume that our roleplaying and conversation happens before anybody goes to bed and the first watch happens that way nobody has to wait on their turn watching to be able to have dialogue with another character.[/sblock]


First Post

Tyrion, not really interested in this conversation about immortality, says "All things need to die, ya? Who knows? One of us might be kicking the bucket this trip, so best not ponder on such things."
[sblock=mini stats]
Tyrion Thankirk
AC: 20(Touch 12, Flatfooted 18)
HP: 46/46

Initiative: +2
Perception: +6 Sense Motive: +2
CMB: +8 CMD: 20 Fort: +7 Reflex: +4 Will: +6

Conditional Attack mods: Power Attack (-2/+6), Furious Focus (Ignore first PA Penalty), Overhead Chop (+2 to damage rolls w/ 1 attack)

Conditions: Ioun Torch (in darkness)

In Hand: Hammer of DOOM! +9 / 1d12+14 (PA/FF/OHC)

CLW Wand: 2 charges used.
Enlarge Person Potion
Protection from Evil Potion


Voidrunner's Codex

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