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[LPF] Kaedyn's Quest


~ Day 8: 16:00 In the Darkwood ~

Damaris uses two charges on Amien's wand to cure the warrior.

[sblock=Combat Information]Party Status:
Amien:     51/54 HP remaining; 
Ru:        27/30 HP remaining; Greased
Damaris:   27/27 HP remaining;
Lai Tai:   30/30 HP remaining;
Thuvian:   22/22 HP remaining;
Nora:      11/11 HP remaining;
Tyrion:    33/46 HP remaining; 

Spells Cast: Minor Image (Thuvian), Grease (Damaris), Color Spray x2 (Thuvian), 
          Corrosive Touch (Lai Tai), Frigid Touch (Lait Tai)
Abilities Used: Invis (Ru/2 rnds), Bard Perf (Damaris/3 rnd), Rage & Renewed Vigor (Amien/1 rnd)
Conditions in effect: none
GM: With Ru using two charges, he might not want to use a 3rd to cure the last three. I leave that to him. Amien has his own wand, so I think his two charges should come from that one.

If Tyrion is also asking Damaris to use his wand to cure himself, then I think the wand's owner has the control of number of charges expended and they can roll themselves.

If Damaris is going to always agree, we can assume this from now on and players all roll for their own wands. Sound good?

Please update expended charges on your Character sheets at this time.

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First Post
[sblock=ooc]Yeah, Ru was fine with two, which he managed to do himself this time. He was referencing Damaris for future attempts. Sorry if that was unclear.

PM, what I've been doing with expendables / charges is tracking them via mini-stats, then updating the sheet when I make changes at the end of adventures or at point when it needs reviewing (level ups). I've found I remember / track things better that way -- I sometimes don't have the time to make a post and update my sheet, and I've found this helps me keep track a little better. I think of them kind of like HP, which I don't pull up or down during a fight for the same reason?

I can update the sheet each time if you need me to, I just figured I'd check to see if that was okay?[/sblock]

[sblock=mini stats]

Ru Brike
AC: 18 (Touch 14, Flatfooted 14)
HP: 27/30

Initiative: +4
Perception: +6 (+7 Traps) Sense Motive: +5
CMB: +2 CMD: 16 Fort: +5 Reflex: +10 Will: +2
(conditional: +2 vs. divination effects)

Wakizashi: +7, 1d6
Wakizashi (TWF): +5/+5, 1d6/1d6
Nunchaku: +6, 1d6
Shuriken: +6, 1d2
Conditional Attack mods: +1d6 Sneak Attack (when denied Dex), +1 Dirty Fighter (flank), +2 Attack / dmg vs. Ranger's Focus (1/day)

Conditions: Ioun Torch (in darkness)

In Hand: Wakizashi x2

Ki Pool: 1/3 remaining
Ranger's Focus: 0/1 remaining
Shuriken: 9/10 remaining
CLW Wand charges: 48/50 remaining

Used: 8 days' rations[/sblock]


[sblock] Damaris will always agree to help them with the CLW wands. *nods*

Haven't got my PC back. I'll post more later. [/sblock]


[sblock=OOC]Jkason; Hmmm, okay you can do it that way. I just don't want them lost and forgotten after we have another encounter. So, as long as people are tracking them one of those two ways, I am good with that.[/sblock]


First Post

"Huh. Today I learned. Well, next time I'll try not ta lose my grip on my blade, so ya won't have to worry about using those charges unless ya really need to."

Damaris, after taping the wand twice on Tyrion's wounds, nods and hand the healing wand back to Tyroin for safe keeping

"Now then, if we are done licking our wounds, let's get going?"
1d8+1=9, 1d8+1=9, 1d8+1=4, 1d8+1=7

Looks like 2 charges total.

[sblock=mini stats]
Tyrion Thankirk
AC: 20(Touch 12, Flatfooted 18)
HP: 46/46

Initiative: +2
Perception: +6 Sense Motive: +2
CMB: +8 CMD: 20 Fort: +7 Reflex: +4 Will: +6

Conditional Attack mods: Power Attack (-2/+6), Furious Focus (Ignore first PA Penalty), Overhead Chop (+2 to damage rolls w/ 1 attack)

Conditions: Ioun Torch (in darkness)

In Hand: Hammer of DOOM! +9 / 1d12+14 (PA/FF/OHC)

CLW Wand: 2 charges used.
Enlarge Person Potion
Protection from Evil Potion

Last edited:


~ Day 10: 17:00 In the Darkwood ~


You continue on and have completed two full days of travel in the Darkwood. You will have another two days yet before you reach the fork in the trail that is on the map. Then you will be able to follow the directions to reach the elven wizard's home.

The going is slower in the forest and after 8 hours of walking the sun is no longer visible from under the canopy of the forest and the vast view of trees in every direction.

You have found another decent campsite that is not very visible from the trail. The looks to be plenty of space underneath a large oak tree to lay out your bed rolls.

[sblock=Combat Information]Party Status:
Amien:     54/54 HP remaining; 
Ru:        30/30 HP remaining; Greased
Damaris:   27/27 HP remaining;
Lai Tai:   30/30 HP remaining;
Thuvian:   22/22 HP remaining;
Nora:      11/11 HP remaining;
Tyrion:    46/46 HP remaining; 

Spells Cast: 
Abilities Used: 
Conditions in effect:
[/sblock]Updated Map
GM: With me being scarce until 2 Dec, you have that time to free RP, establish camp and watch rotations for your nights in the Darkwood. On 2-3 Dec, I plan to advance the scene.


First Post

Amien only needs to spend roughly an hour to install the tent which he purchased. With a few does this go heres, let me look at your tent real quicks, and some tinkering he manages to get it set up.

Clasping away dirt from his hands, he says, "That should help if rain comes. Hmm. I kind of enjoyed that, now I'll be sitting still for the rest of the evening, won't I?"

He sits on the dirt, presumably in front of a fireplace, deciding to make a topic as the night comes, "I now wonder what the wizard's home must be like. I don't suppose it's anything like the city where there's goods all about and walls made of stone and plaster, I would assume?"

[sblock=Mini-Stats]Character Sheet Page

Weapon in Hand: Heavy Flail +1
Condition: Inspire Courage (+1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls), Controlled Rage (+4 Strength Chosen, ending at end of turn)
HP: 51/54
AC: 15
AC Touch: 12
AC Flatfooted: 13
Initiative: +2
Fort: +6
Reflex: +3
Will: +0
CMB: +7
CMD: 19

Glaive Attack: +7; Damage: 1d10+4 (+9, 1d10+7 under Strength Rage); Crit: 20/x3, Slashing, Special: Reach
H. Flail +1: Attack: +8; Damage: 1d10+4+1 (+10, 1d10+8 under Strength Rage); Crit: 19/x2, Bludgeoning, Special: Disarm, Trip
Sling Attack: +5, Sling Damage: 1d4+3
- Sling Bullets (06)

Handy Haversack
- Rations (19 days left)
- Medium Tent
- Wand of CLW x1
- Potion of CMW x3[/sblock]


[sblock] Is Ru still greased!? xD [/sblock]


Damaris will take her time to help around the camp. "Alright, I don't cook very well, so I guess I'll provide entertainment tonight! Who wants a song? C'mon, don't be shy boys" the bard claps her hands in anticipation "What would you like? Something sweet? Something joyful? A little melancholic? (those work better with ale, just saying!)... I'm open to suggestions~!"


First Post

"Restful," Ru calls to Damaris, dropping his pack just inside the tent, and giving Amien a nod of thanks once again for providing it. "10 days of this trudging about with the bugs and the owlbears, I think I'd like me a pretty little lullabye more than anything."

[sblock=ooc]I believe Thuvian's the only one who has to worry about uninterrupted sleep, yes? So he could take the first or last watch? Do we want to have single watchers, or pair folks up? Thuvian's the only one with darkvision, so that's not really a factor for who takes the later parts of the night. I'm not especially great at watch math / logistics, so I'll go along with anything that sounds reasonable.[/sblock]

[sblock=mini stats]

Ru Brike
AC: 18 (Touch 14, Flatfooted 14)
HP: 30/30

Initiative: +4
Perception: +6 (+7 Traps) Sense Motive: +5
CMB: +2 CMD: 16 Fort: +5 Reflex: +10 Will: +2
(conditional: +2 vs. divination effects)

Wakizashi: +7, 1d6
Wakizashi (TWF): +5/+5, 1d6/1d6
Nunchaku: +6, 1d6
Shuriken: +6, 1d2
Conditional Attack mods: +1d6 Sneak Attack (when denied Dex), +1 Dirty Fighter (flank), +2 Attack / dmg vs. Ranger's Focus (1/day)

Conditions: Ioun Torch (in darkness)

In Hand: Wakizashi x2

Ki Pool: 3/3 remaining
Ranger's Focus: 1/1 remaining
Shuriken: 9/10 remaining
CLW Wand charges: 48/50 remaining

Used: 10 days' rations[/sblock]


First Post

"If it is acceptable, might I take last watch? One fears that one requires full rest in order to meditate over the few humble magics that one knows. But if Miss Damaris is not averse to it, one would enjoying hearing her sing under less stressful circumstances."

[sblock=Mini Stats]Lai Tai Liu

AC: 17 (15 flat-footed, 12 touch)
HP: 30/30
CMB: +7 CMD: 19
Fort: +6 Reflex: +4 Will: +5

Perception: +7
Initiative: +4

Arcane Pool: 4/5
Staff Charges: 8/10
Cantrips (DC 12): Detect Magic, Light, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
1st Level (DC 13): Chill Touch, Corrosive Touch, Enlarge Person, True Strike
2nd Level (DC 14): Frigid Touch, Stone Call

Current Weapon in Hand: Quarterstaff (+8, 1d6+7)
Current Conditions in Effect: Arcane Pool

Used Items:


Voidrunner's Codex

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