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[LPF] Kaedyn's Quest


First Post

Tyrion, hoping to end the fight, drops his morningstar and picks up his falchion "Time to die beasty!" Drawing his hands back, Tyrion almost loses his falchion as he swings it back too far in his haste to slay the stunned monster. "DAMNED TO HELL!"
Free: Drop Falchion
Move: Pick up Dropped Falchion
Standard: ATTACK! Falchion +11 (PA-2/+6; FF+2/+0; OHC +0/+2 Bard Song +1 / +1) 2d4 + 18 1d20+11=12, 2d4+18=23 DAMNIT! OF ALL THE TIMES TO ROLL A 1!

[sblock=mini stats]
Tyrion Thankirk
AC: 20(Touch 12, Flatfooted 18)
HP: 46/46

Initiative: +2
Perception: +6 Sense Motive: +2
CMB: +8 CMD: 20 Fort: +7 Reflex: +4 Will: +6

Conditional Attack mods: Power Attack (-2/+6), Furious Focus (Ignore first PA Penalty), Overhead Chop (+2 to damage rolls w/ 1 attack)

Conditions: Ioun Torch (in darkness)

In Hand: Falchion +11 (PA-2/+6; FF+2/+0; OHC +0/+2 Bard Song +1 / +1) 2d4 + 18

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First Post

"Hell Adder Stance! Bite of Seven Dooms!" A green aura envelops the staff, and the owlbear's flesh blackens and liquifies where the blow lands. The creature falls to the ground screaming from several moments before finally growing still. Lai Tai looks somewhat appalled at the damage his magics have wrought. "I did not ... I am sorry."

[sblock=OOC]Arcane Strike (swift), full round spell combat with corrosive touch

Attack on owlbear with corrosive touch (1d20+8=23, 1d6+7+4d4=23)

No change to map.
[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Lai Tai Liu

AC: 17 (15 flat-footed, 12 touch)
HP: 30/30
CMB: +7 CMD: 19
Fort: +6 Reflex: +4 Will: +5

Perception: +7
Initiative: +4

Arcane Pool: 4/5
Staff Charges: 8/10
Cantrips (DC 12): Detect Magic, Light, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
1st Level (DC 13): Chill Touch, Corrosive Touch, Enlarge Person, True Strike
2nd Level (DC 14): Frigid Touch, Stone Call

Current Weapon in Hand: Quarterstaff (+8, 1d6+7+4d4)
Current Conditions in Effect: Arcane Pool, Arcane Strike, Spell Combat, Inspire Courage

Used Items:



First Post

Ru has barely collected himself when he watches Lai Tai's magical attack necrotize the remaining owlbear as it falls. He whistles appreciatively.

"Why sorry, Muscles?" he asks. "Those things were more than happy to take chunks out of us. Only deserved the favor returned." He glances around, trying to make sure there are no more which have not surfaced.

"How many of these things tend to congregate together, anyway?"

[sblock=ooc]It looks like combat's over? Just in case it's not, I'm holding off any specific actions. If it is over, Ru will likely choose to make sure the dying Owlbears are good and dead if no one objects, then try to get Damaris to use his healing wand to patch himself up.[/sblock]

[sblock=mini stats]

Ru Brike
AC: 18 (Touch 14, Flatfooted 14)
HP: 12/30

Initiative: +4
Perception: +6 (+7 Traps) Sense Motive: +5
CMB: +2 CMD: 16 Fort: +5 Reflex: +10 Will: +2
(conditional: +2 vs. divination effects)

Wakizashi: +7, 1d6
Wakizashi (TWF): +5/+5, 1d6/1d6
Nunchaku: +6, 1d6
Shuriken: +6, 1d2
Conditional Attack mods: +1d6 Sneak Attack (when denied Dex), +1 Dirty Fighter (flank), +2 Attack / dmg vs. Ranger's Focus (1/day)

Conditions: Ioun Torch (in darkness), Inspire Courage (+1 attacks)

In Hand: Wakizashi x2

Ki Pool: 1/3 remaining
Ranger's Focus: 0/1 remaining
Shuriken: 9/10 remaining

Used: 8 days' rations[/sblock]



Thuvian remains alert as he watches the last of their opponents fall. "I suspect that is probably all of them. Any not involved in the hunt would likely not get to eat, so I can't imagine any of holding back."


First Post

Amien still feels a bit dazed from the battle calming down, saying towards everyone while grasping his abdomen, "My world views have certainly expanded today. I think I am going to seek out a cellar to live in once we get back to the mainlands."

[sblock=OOC]IIRC I can only move to get closer this turn so if it turns out the owlbear didn't die I'm gonna wait and see if it's taken out before I update the map.[/sblock]
[sblock=Mini-Stats]Character Sheet Page

Weapon in Hand: Heavy Flail +1
Condition: Inspire Courage (+1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls), Controlled Rage (+4 Strength Chosen, ending at end of turn)
HP: 35/54
AC: 15
AC Touch: 12
AC Flatfooted: 13
Initiative: +2
Fort: +6
Reflex: +3
Will: +0
CMB: +7
CMD: 19

Glaive Attack: +7; Damage: 1d10+4 (+9, 1d10+7 under Strength Rage); Crit: 20/x3, Slashing, Special: Reach
H. Flail +1: Attack: +8; Damage: 1d10+4+1 (+10, 1d10+8 under Strength Rage); Crit: 19/x2, Bludgeoning, Special: Disarm, Trip
Sling Attack: +5, Sling Damage: 1d4+3
- Sling Bullets (06)

Handy Haversack
- Rations (21 days left)
- Medium Tent
- Wand of CLW x1
- Potion of CMW x3[/sblock]


~ Day 8: 16:00 In the Darkwood ~

Lai Tai finishes off the last of the owlbears and the forest grows quiet. The dying creatures still have some labored breathing, but it is getting fainter. Ru puts a final end to that and the beast are no further threat to you.

OOC: Combat Over
[sblock=Combat Information]Party Status:
Amien:     35/54 HP remaining; 
Ru:        12/30 HP remaining; Greased
Damaris:   27/27 HP remaining;
Lai Tai:   30/30 HP remaining;
Thuvian:   22/22 HP remaining;
Nora:      11/11 HP remaining;
Tyrion:    33/46 HP remaining; 

Spells Cast: Minor Image (Thuvian), Grease (Damaris), Color Spray x2 (Thuvian), 
          Corrosive Touch (Lai Tai), Frigid Touch (Lait Tai)
Abilities Used: Invis (Ru/2 rnds), Bard Perf (Damaris/3 rnd), Rage & Renewed Vigor (Amien/1 rnd)
Conditions in effect: Inspire Courage, Raging (Amien)
[/sblock]Updated Map
GM: You each received 800XP. I updated the first post. Thuvian gained 5th level at 10596xp effective 18 Nov 2013.

Please do some free RP for awhile as I am busy and will need some time before we advance the scene.


First Post

The monk shakes his head. "Beasts have no choice but to take the Lowest Path. It is not their fault. As men, we have the choice to be better." He looks down on the owlbear that had been killed with the acid magics. "It is one thing to defend oneself, but I would prefer to choose a higher path ... one that does not employ these magics again."

[sblock=Mini Stats]Lai Tai Liu

AC: 17 (15 flat-footed, 12 touch)
HP: 30/30
CMB: +7 CMD: 19
Fort: +6 Reflex: +4 Will: +5

Perception: +7
Initiative: +4

Arcane Pool: 4/5
Staff Charges: 8/10
Cantrips (DC 12): Detect Magic, Light, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
1st Level (DC 13): Chill Touch, Corrosive Touch, Enlarge Person, True Strike
2nd Level (DC 14): Frigid Touch, Stone Call

Current Weapon in Hand: Quarterstaff (+8, 1d6+7+4d4)
Current Conditions in Effect: Arcane Pool, Arcane Strike, Spell Combat, Inspire Courage

Used Items:



First Post
Ru Brike, rangerish human ninja


Ru pulls his blade out of the neck of the last of the dying owlbears, nodding once he's sure it's well and truly dead.

"High path, low path, whatever keeps me alive," Ru says, moving over to the creature with its flesh eaten away, careful not to touch the edges marked by corrosion, though his bright interest in the effects is clear.

"You might not like it, but this is some top-notch chymical warfare," he says, standing and giving Lai Tai a complimentary smile. "Trust me, I know a bit about poisons, and that one's clearly efficient. Think of it this way: if you held back, the poor bugger would only have suffered more. This is ugly, but it was still pretty quick."

He gives the monk an encouraging pat on the shoulder before returning to his bag and producing a small wooden stick with runes engraved along its length.

"Now, I've been paying a bit of attention to folks using these, and it seems to me, if I remember correctly ..." he furrows his brows, moving the wand in an odd pattern, then touches it to himself, speaking an archaic word. A mad grin erupts on his face as the wand end actually glows, and a bloody gash on one of his sides knits itself up.

"Oooh! Tingles a bit, the wanding," he says. "Should we have another go?" He furrows his brow again, and again the wand responds, its glow covering the most egregious of wounds. There remains only a small bit of bruising and gash beginning to heal along the southerner's forearm.

"Hmm. Does give me a bit of headache, that, but handy to know I might be able to manage it in a pinch," he says.

[sblock=ooc]Figured, what the heck. I've never tried Use Magic Device before, and this is a pretty no-risk scenario:

Use Magic Device (class feature activation) (1d20+6=22)

And it worked. :)

CLW, one wand charge. (1d8+1=8)

Only really need one more charge, probably, so ...

Activate wand (1d20+6=22)

Hey. Twice, even. :)

CLW charge (1d8+1=7)

[sblock=mini stats]

Ru Brike
AC: 18 (Touch 14, Flatfooted 14)
HP: 27/30

Initiative: +4
Perception: +6 (+7 Traps) Sense Motive: +5
CMB: +2 CMD: 16 Fort: +5 Reflex: +10 Will: +2
(conditional: +2 vs. divination effects)

Wakizashi: +7, 1d6
Wakizashi (TWF): +5/+5, 1d6/1d6
Nunchaku: +6, 1d6
Shuriken: +6, 1d2
Conditional Attack mods: +1d6 Sneak Attack (when denied Dex), +1 Dirty Fighter (flank), +2 Attack / dmg vs. Ranger's Focus (1/day)

Conditions: Ioun Torch (in darkness)

In Hand: Wakizashi x2

Ki Pool: 1/3 remaining
Ranger's Focus: 0/1 remaining
Shuriken: 9/10 remaining
CLW Wand charges: 48/50 remaining

Used: 8 days' rations[/sblock]


First Post

Tyrion snarls at the owlbear before looking at Lai Tai. "That, and ya might've saved my life by killing that creature now. If it had survived, it woulda grabbed at me again. It's violent world we live in, and to be fair they did attack first."

Picking up his discarded weaponry, Tyrion says "At any rate, I got one of them wands as well, but I doubt I can get it work like pretty boy over thar. Let's rest up and get on our way."

Sheathing his falchion and his morning star back, Tyrion keeps his hammer at the ready. I really need to working on striking those creatures as they get closer...

[sblock=mini stats]
Tyrion Thankirk
AC: 20(Touch 12, Flatfooted 18)
HP: 33/46

Initiative: +2
Perception: +6 Sense Motive: +2
CMB: +8 CMD: 20 Fort: +7 Reflex: +4 Will: +6

Conditional Attack mods: Power Attack (-2/+6), Furious Focus (Ignore first PA Penalty), Overhead Chop (+2 to damage rolls w/ 1 attack)

Conditions: Ioun Torch (in darkness)

In Hand: Falchion +11 (PA-2/+6; FF+2/+0; OHC +0/+2 Bard Song +1 / +1) 2d4 + 18



Killing may not be pleasant, but in this trade, it is a necessity. High path, low path; not a concern for these creatures. For them, it's be dinner or eat dinner; if you are going to be out in the wide world, you need to be understand that, lest you become dinner. As for the demons and devils that surely lie in wait for us, they want to corrupt and take your soul; just another form of eat or be eaten." Thuvian picks over the dead bodies, looking for any spell reagents of value as he speaks quietly. A small snake pops it's head out and starts to slither toward one of the dead bodies. Thuvian chuckles, "I'd avoid eating any of this meat if I were you, Mistress Nora. You don't know where it's been." The snake flickers it's tongue a bit in annoyance as it examines the corpse before returning to it's pouch. As it does so, it seems to make a noise that Thuvian just chuckles at. "Silly snake, what did you expect from carrion?"

After gathering any useful reagents, "A rest would be helpful. I have gained some insights from this battle that I need to think on briefly. I suggest we do it away from the rotting dead, though, unless we want to be disturbed by scavengers."

OOC: I'll put the final touches on Thuvian's leveling today. Thuvian only needs a few minutes to prepare his new spells, thanks to Fast Study.

[sblock=minstats]Thuvian Darklight
AC: 14 (Touch 13, Flatfooted 11)
HP: 27/27 Initiative: +3
Perception : +6 Sense Motive: +1
CMB: +2 CMD: 15
Fort: +2 Reflex: +4 Will: +5
Current Weapon in Hand:
Current Conditions in Place:

CL 5; +9 Concentration (+13 Casting Defensively); SR +5
Extended Illusion (2 round beyond concentration)
1st level Sapphire of Power - used
+4 to Spellcraft DC to identify spells cast

Darkness 1/1

Cantrips - Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation
1st - Color Spray (cast, recast), Mage Armor, Shadow Weapon, Silent Image, Vanish
2nd - Acid Arrow x2, Minor Image (cast), Mirror Image
3rd - Fly, Major Image x2[/sblock]
Last edited:

Voidrunner's Codex

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