Rokugan D20 Discussion (RECRUITING & OOC Thread)


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Chauzu said:
Kaiu Takane
1st-Level Male Human Samurai of the Crab Clan (Kaiu Family)


INT: 12 (+1)


5 – Knowledge (Architecture & Engineering)
5 – Climb
3 – Jump
3 – Craft (Stonemasonry)
4 – Tumble


Correct me, if I'm wrong, but I think you are missing some skill points. Yours add up to 16, i.e. 2 per level *4 + 1 INT bonus *4 + 4 human bonus points at first level, but doesn't the Samurai get 4 per level?


P.S.: No fair, stealing my concept of a naginata-wielding Kaiu samurai. ;)
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Tokiwong said:
You are right, he does need 4 more points, outside of the four spent on Tumble

Am I totally off in my assumption that he should have 8 more skill points?

4 per level *4 + 1 INT bonus * 4 + 4 human bonus = 24?

[Edit: Sorry, Tokiwong! Didn't mean to sound cranky or insulting! It's just 5.30 AM over here and I'm kinda tired. :)]

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Picture of Gunso Sensei Basho, minus the horse. :)


  • sensei-basho.jpg
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My bad, that 4 Tumble threw me off. It's supposed to be only 2 Tumble since it's not a class-skill, which mean I need 4 more skillpoints for... Battle


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Iuchi Kaiji
Shugenja 1
CR: 1
Clan: Unicorn
Alignment: Neutral Good
Honor: 3
STR 10
DEX 14
CON 12
INT 12
WIS 12
CHA 16
Massive Damage Threshold: 12
Hit Dice: 1d6+1
Hit Points: 7
Speed: 30 feet
Initiative: +2
Armor Class: 12 (+2 DEX)
Base Attack Bonus: +0
Saving Throws: FORT +1; REF +2; WILL +3
Attack: +0 Bo 1d6 20/x2, +2 Sling 1d4 20/x2
Special Qualities: 1 extra skill point per level, Element Focus (Water), Sense Elements 10', Training Benefit (Gatherer of Winds)
Skills: Concentration (4) +5, Diplomacy (4) +7, Heal (4) +5, Knowledge (Elements (3) +4, Fortunes (3) +4, Shintao (2) +3), Spellcraft (4) +5
Feats: Combat Casting, Dancing with the Fortunes (Hotei)
Spells per day: 0) 5 1) 4
Spells Known: 0) Commune with elements, Minor Blessing of Inari, Moment of Peace, Summon Water, Wisdom of the Fortunes; 1) Castle of Water, Heart of Nature, Path to Inner Peace.
Description: Kaiji is an easygoing, kind and compassionate young shugenja that just loves his life, his talents and be as one with the kami and the nature. He had his basic training at Gatherer of Winds Castle, then followed his Sensei into Crab lands, enjoying every bit of his travel. He feels protected by the kami and the fortunes, and this feelings gives him the strenght and the courage not to back away from perils and adventures. He's always eager to use his talents to help the othersand make them feel better, no matter their caste.
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Tentative Start Date

Tenative Start Date: The 27th of January, is when I plan to post the first IC Thread for the game, so I need characters beforehand, so we can work out any background issues and such.

Start Location: Crab Territory, minor Province run by an aging Hida Daimyo, Hida Yusuke "The Red Boar", a strong berserker in his day, but at the age of 54, edging towards retirement.

Character Roles: The characters will be charged making sure the Province runs smoothly, and working under the tutelage and guidance of Gunso Sensei Basho, a stern taskmaster.

Game Style: Investigation, politics with breif explosions of violence, start simple and grow into a persistent plot, starts in the Spring of 1152 in the Imperial Calendar, long live Toturi I.

Combat: Unless the players demand it, will be run more or less without a visual counter map, unless the situation warrants it.

Lets have fun people. And lets see some more Character Sheets.
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