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Shadowrun: For Us It Was a Tuesday [OOC]


Queen of Everything
Yeah, it would be much more likely for me to play if the character was just done or at least mostly done so I can alter it. The gorgeous bad ass magical Rock Star uncover spyish person sounded like a cool concept, if I could make that work somehow. But I'm not by any means tied to a certain class. I don't even mind if we had a full band, Scooby style ;)

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Queen of Everything
Oh, and California. I am not saying we won't have a great time because we are seeing friends and family and doing some cool stuff and it's going to be 70's-90's which is waaayyy better than teens. However, the actual reason we are going is that Fenris is taking his f'ing psycho ex to court for better custody arrangements because she is literally killing us with stress and financial sh*t. So, that is looming over the whole thing. We do not have a lawyer, and that is stressful itself and she is a high conflict narcissist type so it's nothing but heartache dealing with her. As of right now, legally we're supposed to see his two children for FOUR weeks in the year and every G*d damn year she manages to whittle it down to maybe 2. TWO frikkin weeks he gets to see his kids a YEAR. I am so over her sh*t I swear, the day I get to meet her I am going to punch her in the throat. And you don't know what it takes for me to say that because I am not a violent person.

/vent. Sorry guys. We ARE going to do some cool stuff. I have never been to San Francisco, where we are starting off, and then moving to Lakewood, near Disneyland, where his parents live. All that stuff will be good :)

Love the Ruger Warhawk, [MENTION=6781406]Unsung[/MENTION]. Girlie has the same weapon (it's her ONLY weapon), so she'll take a shine to your PC. [MENTION=8058]Queenie[/MENTION]. Good luck w/the hearing. Most judges would be super impressed with someone who travelled cross country to appear at a child support/parenting time hearing. I hope your judge is, too. Enjoy SF! I spent a couple years in Monterey. Beautiful country.

I posted the rough draft of Girlie in the RG.

[sblock=Rough Draft]Handle: Pussy Riot (I'm kidding, I haven't named her yet)
Name: Azami (Japanese for thistle) Murakami (TBD)
Race: Elf
Gender: Female
Role: Close Combat, Back-Up Face, Boom-Boom
(Priorities - A: Attributes, B: Resources, C: Skills, D: Race, E: Magic)

ATTRIBUTES (24/24) (10 Karma)
REA 5 (8) INT 5
EDG 2 ESN 1.4

Initiative: 13 + 3D6
Limits (M/P/S) 5/7/6
Monitor (P/S) 10/10

Active (28/28 // 2/2)
Combat: Pistols (6), Unarmed/Striking (6)
Physical: Perception (3), Stealth SG (2)
Social : Con (3), Etiquette (3), Negotiation (x)
Technical: Demolition (6)
Knowledge (XX/16)
Academic: None
Interests: Religion (2), Fashion (2)
Professional: Protective Detail TTPs (4)
Street: Organized Crime (2), Shadowrunners (2)
Language: English (N)

QUALITIES (25 – 11 + 5 = 19 Karma)
Positive: Indomitable [Physical], Quick Healer
Negative: Distinctive Style

CONTACTS & REP (X/18) (0 Karma)
Name, Gender Race Occupation (X/X)
Current Karma (0), Total Karma (0), Street Cred (0), Notoriety (0), Public Awareness (0)

GEAR (Current Nuyen: 3,133) (9 Karma)
Ruger Super Warhawk [APDS] w/Internal Smartgun & Quick-Draw Holster: 1,047 (W)
30x APDS Heavy Pistol Ammo: 360
30x Regular Heavy Pistol Ammo: 60
30x S&S Heavy Pistol Ammo: 240
Armor Jacket w/Electrochromic: 1,500 (W)
Renraku Sensei (3): 1,000
Monocle (3) w/Flare Compensation, Thermographic Vision, & Vision Magnification: 1,360
1x Trauma Patch: 500 (W)
Yamaha Rapier: 8,500
Fake SIN (3) [Name]: 7,500
Fake Licenses (3) [Cyberware, Firearms, Vehicle Operation]: 1,800
1-Month Low Lifestyle : 2,000

Datajack: 1,000 (0.1) (W)
Smartlink: 4,000 (0.2)
O. Cyberarm w/ AGI 10, STR 9, Armor (2), & Large Smuggling Compartment: 97,000 (1.0)
Reaction Enhancers (1): 13,000 (0.3) (W)
Wired Reflexes (2): 149,000 (3.0) (W)

Description: Harajuku chic with a comically oversized Ruger Super Warhawk that hits like an f-ing tank

Background: TBD [/sblock]
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First Post
Bahaha, nice. Ruger with APDS is a big slap across the face. :)

I would say that if you just want to be the 'backup' Face, you could afford to have a Charisma of 5 or even 4, and puts those points into Body. You will want them there when you get hit.

If you have any gear cash you haven't spent, consider picking up a gas mask, a commlink, and throw Image Link onto her monocle or cyberware. Oh, and one or two Rating 6 Stim patches too. Good armor often converts incoming damage to Stun, so having a way to deal with that can be important. And if you have the nuyen, throw a Rating 2 Nonconductive on that armor jacket. You have stick and shocks (which is great!), others will too. :)

Shayuri said:
Bahaha, nice. Ruger with APDS is a big slap across the face.
I know, right? I love it. Forged Fury really got that I was looking for a giant-sized F-YOU to the world.

Waiting to see if anyone nabs primary Face, then will tweak. I think I've got something paltry like 3k Nuyen leftover, so not sure I can afford much of anything additional. Will price your recommendations once I have the core rulebook in hand. Thanks!

Forged Fury

First Post
Just jumping in since I helped to build CB's character. I agree with Shayuri on the CHA deal if someone else is going to be a face (so far, it doesn't appear like that's going to happen). You're pretty much just going to be rolling teamwork tests. If you are stuck being the primary face, I'd roll your last 3 skill points to Negotiation and leave your CHA as is. Unfortunately, you're still not going to be all that great at it, but SR tends to be very unforgiving the more you try to avoid specialization.

As far as gear, the character does have a commlink (Renraku Sensei) and doesn't actually need an Image Link since she has a datajack. The datajack provides Direct Neural Interface, which eliminates the need for it (Core p. 222, Direct Neural Interface sidebar). The gas mask would be helpful, although the rules are not particularly clear on how to handle multiple-vector toxins (which most are) and protection/immunity. Agree with everything else (and should probably be within your budget).

One of my goals in building her was to try to keep it as simple as possible.

ETA: [MENTION=11146]CanadienneBacon[/MENTION] Did you lower Demolition for some reason? It was at a 6. You're going to want it high if you leave your Logic average.
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RE: Bod being low, we built her to be fast with a lethal punch/firearm. She's not durable, but she's quick.

These are the images of Girlie I'll be using when we kick off the IC:


That's Devon Aoki, Japanese-American supermodel. I hunted for but couldn't find a chic with shoulder-length or short spiky hair. C'est la vie. Devon's a good substitute.

Did you lower Demolition for some reason? It was at a 6. You're going to want it high if you leave your Logic average.
No? Something must not have translated when I cut and pasted. My laptop's been wonky for about six weeks now, so I wouldn't put it past it. The only thing I altered was Etiquette (instead of Intimidation), and I indicated that I hadn't yet assigned points to Negotiation by putting "Negotiation (x)" in the post.

Demolition should still be 6.
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