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Flight of the Resistance - Rogues' Gallery


[SECTION]Campaign Trailer
Out of Character
Actual Play[/SECTION]

This is a repository for your characters in my Flight of the Resistance Star Wars game.

Post your finished characters here. Before we start, I'll give each a quick review of XP expenditures to make sure we've got our maths right.

The Party:
[MENTION=6801311]KahlessNestor[/MENTION] Arsinoë Anjuliz – The Ingenue – human Colonist (Performer, Force Sensitive Emergent)
[MENTION=6788545]xynthoros[/MENTION] Rex (R3-X20) – The Astromech – droid Technician (Slicer, Mechanic)
[MENTION=14655]Green Karl[/MENTION] Kospirian Cowl – The Resistance Agent – mirialan Spy (Infiltrator, Force Sensitive Emergent)
[MENTION=6803188]VLAD the Destroyer[/MENTION] Garret Jinsalon – The Scrapper – human Seeker (Pathfinder, Pilot)
[MENTION=6814006]Thateous[/MENTION] Rico – The Jedi – ?

Spending XP

Starting XP
✓ Arsinoë 135/135
Rex 170/180?
✓ Kospirian 110/110
Garrett 120/125?

XP Award Guidelines
+10 XP per character each "session" (with 2-3 major encounters and a handful of minor ones)
+5 XP for accomplishing key story objectives or reaching milestones
+5 XP for strongly playing to your character's motivation
+2 XP (GM's discretion) for exceptionally clever ideas or exceptional role-playing
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First Post
View attachment 81621
View attachment 81622

[sblock=Rex Take 3]Rex (R3-X20) is an R3 series astromech droid who once belonged to the smuggler, Sarn Doree. Rex was wiped just before his Sarn purchased him twelve years before, it was poorly executed and there are bits of information without context that rattle around in his processes. He has pieced bits of the information together to know enough that he once preformed calculations in an x-wing squadron and that he already possessed several mods before his last wipe. Sarn was a talented smuggler, but he needed an assistant who could splice and help with hyper-drive calculations, if the assistant could also pilot when they weren't under duress it was a boon that made his life easier.

With Rex by his side, Sarn's notoriety increased. When opportunities arose he had Rex fitted with after-market upgrades. It was during such upgrades that Sarn first noted that Rex was not a standard R3. Someone had tinkered with Rex's guts, replacing damaged circuitry with bits that didn't quite belong. It made the upgrades a challenge, to install the upgrades and integrate them into his programming without wiping Rex. Despite the droids quickly developing personality, there was too much information that he couldn't risk losing, and he was growing fond of the droids quirky nature.

For years Sarn and Rex were inseparable, Rex pulling Sarn out of dozens of scenarios that would have been his end. Sarn always tried to stay out of the Galactic conflicts, Sarn hated the politics of the New Republic almost as much as he hated the remnants of the first empire, but there was money to be made moving illicit goods for the resistance (and other less reputable organizations). It was not unheard of for Sarn to take on the odd job for the resistance, though he generally avoided working with the First Order, just as he had avoided working with the Empire in the past. Sarn may not have been the most reputable individual, but he had a strong personal code that guided his "business" decisions. He freely shared his outlook with Rex, and those outlooks became woven within Rex's directives.

Sarn's history with the resistance, the empire, and the First Order led to the First Order identifying him as an enemy combatant. During a hyperspace jump, they were ambushed by First Order ships, apparently the First Order had caught wind of the black market tech they were smuggling for the resistance. At first it seemed like previous adventures, Rex began jamming their comms and splicing into their ships using their ships communications hardware in hopes of disabling the First Order ships so they could slip away. The First Order were aware of this tactic and had prepared their defenses accordingly. The First Order boarded their ship and began killing on sight, some of the crew managed to slip away in the few escape pods they had. Rex watched as the First Order officer, Officer Glys, caught Sarn off-guard. There was little that Rex could do to stop it, but that didn't stop him from trying. Two of their grunts wound up writhing on the ground before, they managed to fit him with a restraining bolt. He watched as Glys killed Sarn and confiscated the ship and all its cargo, to include the Rex himself. R3's processes were disrupted by the restraining bolt and they would have wiped him, but they wanted to recover what information they could from his databanks first... big mistake.

They had loaded the cargo to include Rex on a small shipping frigate bound for a First Order star destroyer, they knew Rex was designed and modded to splice, but what they didn't realize was that Rex was equipped with a Data Breaker. He managed to disable the restraining bolt, steal a large swath of data as to the nature of First Order operations in the region, and sent the few First Order forces on the Frigate into the vacuum of space. He probably could have gotten away with it up to that point, there were no survivors and he could wipe the ships data, but a data loop kept reminding him the First Order and Glys were responsible for Sarn's death. He couldn't help himself as he siphoned tracked down the Glys' digital presence, his companion had always said the best way to hurt someone was by hitting their credit stick, and he needed to hurt the people who had ended his companion. He drained the Glys' credits, and did his best to do some damage to the man.

His Splicing didn't go unnoticed, First Order technicians back traced his splicing and accessed recordings of the droid spacing the ship's crew and splicing their network. A bounty was quickly placed on Rex. Glys was held responsible for the Data breach due to his oversight and was promptly relieved of his command position. He has been reduced to a ship's officer and would do anything to see Rex destroyed and stripped for parts. By disabling the comms on the freighter, and shutting down all non-essential systems Rex managed to float around on a derelict freighter for months before realizing the dire nature of his situation. He began running calculations as to which scenarios had the highest probability of his survival, he came to the conclusion that on his own he had the highest chance of survival, but all alone on a ship as though he didn't exist. Readjusting, he calculated highest chance of survival while negatively impacting the First Order, he came to the conclusion that by approaching the resistance, he would avoid being turned in for the bounty and could possibly work with them towards harming the First Order. His plan formulated, Rex piloted the freighter to known resistance space. The Resistance was more than happy to receive the confiscated cargo, but questioned the droid's authenticity, believing it to be a ploy by the First Order.

The resistance technicians tried to wipe Rex, but after one of their technicians wound up crumpled on the ground and their systems became flooded with the First Order data he had stolen, to include the bounty on him. One of the technicians who understood binary worked out an agreement, explaining to Resistance leadership the droid's situation. At first there was a call for the droids destruction, it was too much of a risk they argued. Finally, Lt. Mason stepped forward, "I'm in need of a new astromech anyways, I'll take responsibility for it." So for several months, he traveled the outer rim aboard the small cruiser with Lt. Mason. On a resupply on Tatooine, Lt. Mason managed to pick up a young girl, apparently from a wealthy family who had become stranded on the planet, Arsinoe.

It started with Rex merely observing the girl, taking note of the way she seemed so out of place, but still belonging wherever she went, somehow the natural center of attention. A particular scene replaying in the little droids processors: Sarn at one of the space ports while waiting on a client, dragging away a man who had "gotten handsy" with a girl despite her protests. "Keep an eye on the girl, I'll be right back."

Rex followed her around, guarding her against the less than savory types that often wind up fighting in wars on either side. She doesn't understand his beeps and boops, but Rex feels compelled to keep her safe. An underlying chivalry that he inherited during his time with Sarn. While Rex doesn't see himself as her personal astromech droid, it is likely how his association with her has come to be viewed by any who witness the droid following her around. He is merely keeping an eye on the girl...

So when the time came to drop the girl off on Kabal, Rex protested in his blips and boops. He didn't want to leave the girl alone. After some negotiation with Lt. Mason and crew, they allowed him to part ways for the time being so he could keep a watchful eye on the girl. They hadn't felt completely comfortable leaving her on Kabal all alone anyways, though leaving her with an Rex didn't help alleviate their concerns that much, it was better than nothing.[/sblock]


Garrett Jinsalon Human Pathfinder, Pilot

[sblock=Background]Garrett spent his youth staring at the stars. He grew up working for his uncle as a scrapper, gathering salvage from the crashed ships throughout the forests and islands of the planet. Garrett never knew his father. His mother Afeera talked little of the man. He was a crew member on a trading vessel that ran the Sharlissian Trade Corridor. His mother said they had a brief love affair that lasted no more than a couple years. Then the vessel moved on to more profitable trade routes and the man was gone. The only reminder of his love was Garrett. His Uncle Sarn looked after his mother till Garrett was old enough to begin working on his crew. It was a tough life but he was good at it. He seemed to know where to point the crew. His uncle started calling him his good luck charm.
Garrett never wanted to be stuck in this back water hole. He dreamed of hopping on a freighter and taking it to the stars. He was a good pilot. His uncle said he was a natural. He could fly a tramp freighter from Triton to Sharlissia. He could even stop in and see his mother whenever he landed on Kabal. That all changed when Garrett’s uncle died. His mother came down with Zithrom's Syndrome only a couple months before his uncle’s accident. He couldn’t leave her. She’d die without him. But the medication that kept her alive did not come cheap. He began hunting for more expensive salvage and was barely able to acquire the medication. When he was short he had to go to the local loan shark and barrow the money. He quickly racked up a small debt to the Houk Barcad which could take years to work off. Worse they took his uncles ship the one he was going to give to Garrett when he was older.
Something deep inside him told him to watch the sky that day. The storms were bad that day. Garrett took little stock in the superstitions but this storm was different. He watched as the ship crashed. Disabled by the storm and headed for one place. Garrett didn’t think he jumped in his speeder and headed for Starship Coast. He had dreams of pulling valuable salvage from the downed ship.[/sblock]
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First Post
Kospirian Cowl


[sblock=History]Kospirian Cowl was born and raise in the Mid-Rim world of Chryya. His family was involved with the Spice Trade, smuggling it towards Hutt Space and other various criminal organizations (including the First Order). Kospirian never really thought about the illegal nature of the trade as it was not something talked about on planet; it was just another business. His ‘job’ within the family business was to act as a spy against the other families to make sure everyone was dealing with each other 'honestly'.

It was during this time he also meet a ‘smuggler’ crew member but the name of Garnett through the man’s unlce, Sarn Doree, who the Cowl family dealt with fairly often. A few years later they meet up during Kospirian’s wandering and against most recently when Kospirian took part in a Resistant raid against the First Order where Garnett was being held.

This all changed for him when he encountered a group of smugglers that were using slave labor to transport their goods. This awakened a powerful sense against the injustices of not only slave trade but the illegal spice trade itself (as it relied so much of other criminal infrastructure).

Kospirian helped the slave escape and got them off world, leaving himself when his family found out. They did not turn him in to the local enforcers but they made it clear he was not welcome on world any longer.

For a time he wandered a bit, working as a space hand on some bulk freighters, keeping to himself. It was in these few years of early wandering that he started noticing things that others did not. At first he thought he might be going crazy, until fate would draw him towards the Outer-Rim World of Akiva and a native Ania-Ko shaman who help him connect with his natural Force Abilities. The shamans of this world were very water-focused in their understanding of the Force and Kospirian picked up a bit of this also. He always carries a couple of small vials of ‘pure’ water from the planet on his person, sort of acting as a talisman or lucky charm.

After a few months spend with the shaman, Kospirian returned to the Galaxy at large and found himself working for the Resistance against the First Order. He is not really admitted to anyone about his Force abilities but he wants to…

Kospirian’s first mission for the Resistance was attacking a smuggler ring that was shipping supplies to the First Order. He helps free a number of slaves found among the ships and some independent droids. One he believed to be Force Sensitive like himself.

Recently Kospirian has started working for one Lieutenant Mason within the Resistance and introduced to an independent droid by the name of Rex. It seems like a reasonable droid and Kospirian would be quite happy if they were work together again in the future.[/sblock]
[sblock=Personality/Motives]Honor: Kospirian tries to act honorably in all things but his hatred of the Empire and the First Order means that he compramises this values in the face of what he considers “true evil”. Otherwise he is pretty honest and upfront with most people (except about him being Force Sensitive. He is a bit paranoid about how those connected to the Force were treaded during the Empire and it still lingers after its fall).

Redemption: Kospirian would also like nothing better than to end the Spice trade and turn his family to a more honest trade. He knows there are other goods and services that Chyya could supply to the great Galaxy, its’ just that Spice is so lucrative. He is still a bit too young to wonder about what he would like to do when he retires but he would not mind being able to return to the family and settling down with a nice mirialin lady and maybe having a family of his own. But that is after the First Order is destroyed, the Spice trade removed from Chyya and freeing as many slaves as he can.

Freedom: Finally Kospirian believes strongly in the freedoms of the individual and has a burning hatred of slavery and similar indentured servitude. One of the main reason he joined the Resistance was that the First Order had continued some of the worst atrocities of the Empire, including the use of slave labor. While he is not especially against smugglers, he hates anyone who uses slaves or is a slave trader. This can also apply to droids in special cases as he has seen enough evidence of the emergences of true ‘sentient’ in more than a few individual models.[/sblock]
[sblock=Character Sheet]Spy (Infiltrator Specialization, plus Force Emergent)

Species: Mirialins
Motivation: Freedom (personal), Honor (personal), Redemption (family).
Force: 1

Brawn 2
Agility 3
Intellect 3
Cunning 3
Willpower 2
Presence 2

Wound Threshold: 13
Strain Threshold: 12
XP: 110
Encumbrance: 7

SKILLS (*Career)
Cool* 1 (2A+1P)
Computer* 1 (2A +1P)
Deception* 1 (2A+1P)
Discipline 1 (1A+1P)
Melee* 1 (2A+1P)
Perception* 1 (2A+1P)
Stealth* 1 (2A+1P)
Streetwise* 1 (2A+1P)

Dodge 1 (take a Dodge incidental and 1 strain and increase opponent’s attacks against you by one Difficulty)
Uncanny Senses 1 (add one Boost die to all Perception checks)

Heavy Clothing (Defense 0, Soak +1 [3], Price 50, Enc 1), Vibroknife (Damage +1 [3], Crit 2, Range [Engaged], Enc 1, HP 2, Price 250, Special [Pierce 2, Vicious 1]), Holdout Blaster Pistol (Damage 5, Crit 4, Range [Short], Enc 1, HP 1, Price 200, Special: Stun Setting)[/sblock]
[sblock=Build] Start the Game with 1 rank of Discipline and 1 rank of Cool
Skills: Computers, Cool, Coordination, Deception, Knowledge (Warfare), Perception, Skullduggery, Stealth
Bonus: Deception, Melee, Skullduggery, Streetwise
Cunning 3 = 50 XP
Intellect 3 = 30XP

TALENTS = 10 XP total
Dodge = 5 XP
Uncanny Senses = 5 XP

Force Emergent = 20 XP

SKILLS = 0 XP total
Cool 1 (Mirialan species skill) = 0 XP
Computer 1 (free career skill) = 0 XP
Deception 1 (free career skill) = 0 XP
Disicpline 1 (Mirialan species skill) = 0 XP
Melee 1 (free specialization skill) = 0 XP
Perception 1 (free career skill) = 0 XP
Stealth 1 (free career skill) = 0 XP
Streetwise 1 (free specialization skill) = 0 XP[/sblock]
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Rico, Human ♂ Guardian Jedi

[sblock=Background]Rico's early life never had any purpose other than survival. Born on Gatalenta and an orphan of the war, Rico only knew the harsh side of life. Having to fight for scraps to ensure survival made him tough but brash. All he knew of his parents were they were informants for the Rebellion, but were captured by the Empire. Rico spent much of his early life alone until he was discovered by a visiting Jedi named Luke Skywalker. Luke had come to Gatalenta because of its rich Jedi history. Rico had no clue who the man was, but something pulled them toward each other. Luke saw the hidden potential within Rico and took him to train with the new Jedi Order he established.

As a padawan things were going great for Rico. His training gave him new purpose and focus as his outlook on life was becoming more hopeful, until the Knights of Ren attacked the temple while he was out with Master Uvell. Master Uvell, who'd survived order 66, was out on a week long expedition to show Rico how to attune to the surroundings to sense danger when he suddenly felt a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. Master Uvell and Rico rushed back to the temple to find it ablaze.

Master Uvell had been through this before and though he knew what he needed to do he was no less saddened by the sight before him. The temple was still burning as they attempted to find any survivors throughout the day. Rico could feel the anger welling within him at the sight of his fallen comrades even as Master Uvell reminded him of his training and what those thoughts would lead to. Rico turned to Master Uvell for guidance who suggested they set up camp so he can meditate for answers.

When morning came Master Uvell said his visions were clouded by a great disturbance in the force. He saw Luke Skywalker on a watery world, isolated. A friendly familiar face, Leia Organa and the Resistance. A cryptic message, “Find the children of the Force, seek the Mayagil sector.” Now with some direction, however cryptic, the pair set off for the Mayagil sector on the Rimma Trade Route.

On their journey they made several stops on many planets. One planet in particular, Akiva, had an Ahia-Ko shaman that Master Uvell sought out for direction. There they learned of a child of the Force being born into the prestigious Anjuliz family, so they backtracked to Corellia to seek out Kyrton, the head of the household. When they arrived everything appeared normal, but it was a trap. Kyrton was a former Imperial Navy Admiral who apparently wanted nothing to do with Jedi, so he placed a few calls and arranged to have them taken care of as they left.

Master Uvell was first to react, using the Force to enhance his reflexes but, all they could do was run. Master Uvell broke a steam pipe and then hurled crates their pursuers buying them time. After a sharp turn into an alley he told Rico to, “Continue to seek out the Children of the Force”, just before shoving him in trash bin and continuing on. Before Rico could free himself he froze instinctively as the pursuers ran right past him. He was free, but alone and with only a vibrosword, a few creds, and an incomplete lightsaber.

Once again Rico found himself alone. Feeling all too familiar to him. For a second his resolve faltered and he actually considered abandoning the mission, thinking it too much for him to accomplish on His own, but something within him wouldn't allow it. For all his attempts to convince himself it wasn't his problem he still found himself heading for the Mayagil sector.

Clak’dor, Triton, and numerous other planets were visited, but nothing ever stuck out to Rico. With little direction to guide his search, Rico had little hope for the next planet, a criminal backwater planet named Kabal. When he set foot on Kabal he froze as a sudden surge of energy coarser through his body. There was something here with strong connections to the force, an artifact, a temple, or something else. Even as things were looking up for Rico he couldn't ignore the of doubt he felt scratching at the back of his mind. [/sblock]

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