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D&D 5E Anyone else think the Bard concept is just silly?


I think some of us just have a hard time imaging the actual look or feel of a dude singing his a*s off in combat while playing his favorite instrument. Honestly that's all it is for me. I realize that bard is a great class in technical terms, and I think there can be good concepts if you have a skilled and good role players. My problem is that most people I play with must NOT be skilled role player's because I get a lot of elves in tights with rapiers strumming a lite with sing0casting in the middle of combat!
That's hard to imagine. Orcs attacking everyone in the party and I am supposed to imagine them attacking this Bard in melee while he sings his way to victory? Its just somewhat silly to me.
At the end of the day if someone is cool with it that great. Seriously it is. I just have a hard time with the visual. When Im running a serious game and there is a combat that is absolutely desperate and I am doing my nest to translate that desperate serious feeling to the players , then here comes F*ck*ng "Morvin the Magnificent" with his castanets of smiting and dances a jig while relating spoken word poetry....well I think you get the drift...

While I appreciate that bards have been well represented in fiction and folklore, and the 5e bard is a solid class that embraces those icons, I must admit I feel the same way as Brandegoris. I DM our games and I have no problem with one of my players taking on a bard, but I have quietly disdained the class for years. For reasons above.

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Orpheus didn't prance about reciting stupid limericks. He descended into the Underworld and won back the soul of his true love by moving the Lord of the Dead to tears.

Yet he didn't do this while his equally well known and heroic companions were in the middle of a life and death combat with said Lord of the Death and they were hacking at each other wit swords, scythes and axes.

You can make everyone look heroic in a specially crafted scene where he is the only protagonist, but how would Orpheus look like in a generic random encounter with dire wolves while he viciously mocks them?
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Agreed. I mean I can see the Original Celtic bard being cool. But its Mostly a Lore class ( with some fighting ability and magic), but I just cant dig the Singing in Combat crap! LOL

Name one feature that requires or even mentions singing. Bonus points if it's a combat ability. No points for spells.

Methinks the problem with the flavour of the bard id one you're adding.

You can make everyone look heroic in a specially crafted scene where he is the only protagonist, but how would Orpheus look like in a generic random encounter with dire wolves while he viciously mocks them?
Probably much like he looks in a generic random encounter with lions and leopards:


Music, soothing the savage beast? Who ever heard of something so absurd? What kind of loser brings wild animals to heel with nothing but a firm gaze and the power of his voice? Words are for wimps! Heroes solve all their problems with violence!
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Gardens & Goblins

First Post
I love just how un-Greek Orpheus looks here. Dude's paler than a sheet!

''Music hath charms to soothe the savage beast.''
-- hey, that sounds an aaawful lot like magic but hey, ok. Maybe. Fine.
''To soften Rocks, or bend a knotted Oak.'' -- Ok. Stop. That's magic. You nearly had me with the, 'music' malarkey. You cad!

Anyway - where's our Artist character class? Whips out an easel, knocks out some expressive juxtaposition of void-shape relationships and man's struggle with knowing the infinite. Then proceeds to dart around the encounter, holding the thing up, showing it to all. ''Beholden! I, like many great artists from history & legend, have the power to move you! Have a +2 bonus to attack and damage. Oh, and on insight into your struggle with knowing the infinite. Also, give me gold.''

Real Scotmen solve their problems with VIOLENCE AND WORDS! :D


Relaxed Intensity
During the runup to 4e I got in alot of trouble on these boards for pointing out my abject pleasure that they would not be in the Player's Handbook! Also the joy that I would be getting the Warlord and the Warlock! The Bard, the Cleric, the Paladin and the Druid are some of my least favorite D&D classes. I tend to favor my fantasy more on the Swords and Sorcery end of things. By Crom!

Ask me my thoughts on Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings, and such sometime! Especially the short folk! Then ask me how much I love Tieflings!

Of course 4e had to ruin it by making me actually like their takes on several of the things I normally do not care for! Including the Bard! Vicious Mockery indeed!
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