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D&D 5E Al-Qadim Moving Through the Flame

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Akilah.jpgAkilah moves to the Camel to try and bring it back to the land of the living. Placing a hand on it she tries to stabilize the creature.
[sblock=OOC]Casting spare the dying to see if i can heal the creature. If so i will gather those hurt and heal them all at once.[/sblock]


Dusty Dragon
Ooc: I am heading to a concert at the moment, I will post late this evening. I do believe that there is an opposed check for a grapple to succeed but what is it? (No books with me)

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Dusty Dragon
Edit: oh the others freed me, thanks!

Lal has great athletism which I imagine that this means that he has good swimming skills. I will definitely investigate the sphere if safe to do so, or at least mention it to the others!

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Dusty Dragon
OOC: The concert was Tom Petty, it was *very good*. Sorry for the delays, the day was busy and this thread accelerated! Anyway, the following is based on my understanding that the water is sill hazardous.

OOC2: Can Lal even be dragged in the water at all given that he has a wring of water walking? Oh well, given enough force eh? ... I'm going to take a bit of liberties here, I hope no one minds, he's not a very *magical* character so I have to milk what I got!

Lal burst from the boiling water at tremendeous speed, skin reddish from the unnatural heat, arching up, falling back... and landing on the surface of the water without sinking back in, its surface bowing and flexing under his weight. Standing on the rippling surface, he reached in to help Husam and Amina get out of the scalding liquid as quickly as possible, his powerful shoulders flexing as he more or less threw them towards the shore.

"I am sure Husam that this was more sanitary than sewage, but you have to admit that it stings a little" Lal said with a huge smile. He turned to Amina and gave her a short bow. "My thanks my lady for the assistance, and my apologies for the lack of ceremony.".

Putting his Tabar over his shoulder, he started walking toward the shore. He added. "When I was under the water, I saw many things. No bathing maidens alas, which is probably best for me and the maiden to be frank. But I saw something... very peculiar. A bronze sphere, some kind of puzzle box. It may have been opened already, although it is hard for me to say as I didn't get to see it properly. But I think we should investigate... the water will cool given time, or perhaps one of you has some magic to deal with its heat?

This great beast... well someone put it there. Why? Perhaps it was to deny the use of this oasis to others. Or, perhaps, it has something to do with this sphere"

Current HP: 90/104.

OOC3: does it perhaps look like this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sphere_Within_Sphere I had the pleasure of seeing the Vatican one :)


GM: Yes! It's like a cross between Pomodoro's "Sphere within Sphere" and something like this, maybe with a touch of Lemarchand's puzzle box from Hellraiser thrown in.

Having brought the party safely back to solid ground, Lal Qalandar stepped across the roiling pond's surface as if it were no more difficult than descending a dune. The hydra lay sunken in the depths of the pond, its black blood covering your blades and armor. While the camel was beyond saving, it was the only casualty of the monstrosity's sudden attack. A twisted ankle, cut and bruises, and rattled nerves are the worst of your caravan's injuries. Despite being caught completely unprepared, Ajan's men are quick to let out a raucous cheer at your victory.

[SECTION]Ajan bin Najon al-Yaqud quickly moved to Akilah's side, barely having had time to draw his sword, making sure his cousin was unharmed. "Thanks be to Fate we have survived!" He nodded in agreement with Lal, intimating similar thoughts, "No wonder travelers have been avoiding Hakim Oasis. But a monster of such size...I've never heard of such a thing dwelling here...what would it eat to survive?"

"You've chosen skilled traveling companions, my cousin," he handed Akilah a bandage as he watched her work, clearly uncomfortable just sitting on his hands. "There are caves up there," gesturing to the escarpment that rises from the center of the oasis, Ajan squinted his eyes in that direction but gazing toward the setting sun hid any details he might otherwise pick out. "We've stayed there to avoid flooding and predators before. If there are any survivors, that's likely where they'll have retreated to."[/SECTION]


First Post
Amina takes off her beige aba so the water soaking her tunic and breeches can cool faster. Her skin is pinkened by the scalding she took in that heated bath. For those besides Akilah it is the first time they've seen her full face. She's not unattractive, though something in her demeanor resists terms like 'pretty.' As soon as the breeze has cooled the cloth she replaces the aba and veil.

"The thing Lal saw may have answers," she says in response to Ajan. "If the beast was put here by design, we must instead ask who's design, and why? The danger here may not be past if it was a guard dog set to ward off intruders."


OOC: Husam takes 11 fire damage from the water. 101 Current HP.

Husam nods his thanks to Lal for the assist out of the water and ignores the stinging pain of his bright red and inflamed skin while cleaning the ichor from his clothes and sword.

"We should absolutely see if there is anyone in the caves who may need assistance, but I also agree with the handmaiden. Such a creature had to have been placed here for a purpose. We should be on guard. Furthermore, we also cannot leave that creature's corpse down there. It's blood is foul and could pollute the oasis for some time. Lal is correct, the water shouldn't stay boiling long though I have no magic to help it along or deal with the heat. Once the water does calm down, we should see if we can attach some ropes to the beast and haul it up with our animals. If it would please the vizier, perhaps Ajan could take his men to tend to any who need aid in the caves while we try to recover this sphere and deal with the monster's corpse."


Dusty Dragon
Lal nods. "We should also retrieve the camel while we are at it. It would be a shame to have the waters poisoned by this monster in death.

Killing this monster was a righteous act, and clearing the oasis will be too... something that we can all work towards." Lal looked at the nomads assembled and added with a smile "besides, think of the tale it will make! One all of our grandchildren will enjoy!"

"As far as that sphere... well I must admit that I am quite curious too. It looked wondrous"

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