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D&D 5E Al-Qadim Moving Through the Flame



It is a barely perceptible shift, perhaps only truly noticeable to those of faith, but Hakiyah the Honest guides your blades to the weak points in the hydra's scaled hide, showing you the safest path along the pond's edge to evade its crushing coils.

Husam's charger proves a fine gift, plunging headlong toward the pond in a display of courage that rivals Harun's own princely steed. Leaping clear over the shallows, he gouges out an eye from one of its head, driving the monstrosity back, piercing his blade through an open maw coming at him, then spinning his sword to sever the head in an arc of flame, sending the snapping head skipping across the pond's surface before landing at Derafsh's feet. Black blood leaks from the hydra's wounds as it shrieks, trying to lift its heavy limbs to avoid Husam's onslaught to no avail.

There were legends told to Husam by his father of such creatures, whose wounds must be cauterized with flame to prevent their heads from becoming legion. However, this hydra seems as much a creature of water as one of fire. Seven fire-breathing heads! Surely legends would have spread far and wide from Hakim Oasis if such a monster long haunted its watering hole...

Hissing in serpentine defiance, the hydra spins its body in the water, lashing out with an uncoiling tail against all within 15 feet of the water's edge!

GM: Yes looks good [MENTION=20005]Matthan[/MENTION]! You're a whirlwind of death! The hydra takes 88 damage total (fire does not seem to harm it).

FYI, for those who don't know, bless provides a +1d4 bonus to any attack or saving throw you make while it is in effect.

If you're at the water's edge, make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or take 7 bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. "Amina" is obviously exempt. [MENTION=6855204]tglassy[/MENTION] and [MENTION=20005]Matthan[/MENTION] definitely need to make saves. I'll let [MENTION=6814006]Thateous[/MENTION] [MENTION=23]Ancalagon[/MENTION] and [MENTION=6803188]VLAD the Destroyer[/MENTION] decide whether or not they're within 15 feet of the pond's edge & subject to the hydra's tail attack. EDIT: *Probably* Akilah is subject to the attack because range on her bless is 30 feet.

[MENTION=23]Ancalagon[/MENTION] [MENTION=6855204]tglassy[/MENTION] [MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] it's a new round, back to you all!

Player Group #1
Lal Qalandar 17
Harun 15
“Amina” 15

Hydra 15

Player Group #2
Salahuddin & Sinjin 13
Husam 12
Akilah 12

Ajan’s men 10
Nimar’s rogues 8


Hydra AC 15, HP 230 203 115, # of Heads 7 6 8 7
#Fire Breaths used (recharge 5-6) 2
If it takes 25+ damage in a single turn, one of its heads is destroyed/severed


Ajan's second HP 18 12

Derafsh HP 44 37
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Dusty Dragon
OOC: As a barbarian, I can act even when surprised on my turn if I rage. I forgot about this however so ... never played a high level barbarian ;) Next time! I guess his slowness will spare him the tail attack, seems fair

Lal had been pondering the man in the purple cloak from him dream. The vision was troubling him. What mischief would a person from Yoon-Suin be up to here? Sure, *he* was alright he supposed, but not all his compatriots had been so... enlightened. The slugmen weren't evil per se, but they were a terrible influence, and many of them were conniving, greedy and sometimes cruel.

Lal was thus completely taken flat footed when the enormous, multi headed serpent emerged from the oasis, and could only gasp at the martial prowess of his peers - and at the heads regrowing. The legends were true!

"focus" he muttered, as he widened his stance, narrowed his eyes and connected with the universe. The sand, the water, the hydra, the axe, all were one...

None here but Husan had seem Lal fight, and his style was... unorthodox. Eyes almost closed, he twirled forward, each step involving a complete body rotation, his great tabar held above him rotating with him. As he stepped closer to the beast, he unleashed the tabar, shifting it grip to extend the reach, the dwarven axehead screaming through the air as it propelled itself towards the body of the hydra. Lal twirled closer, shifting his grip on the holy staff to deliver a closed in blow.

Bonus action: One with the universe ("rage")
Move: Move into melee range with the Hydra

Attacks: Lal Senior attacks a hydra: 1D20+1D4+11 = [5]+[4]+11 = 20
1D20+1D4+11 = [12]+[4]+11 = 27

Damage: Two hits while raging vs the hydra: 1D12+10 = [12]+10 = 22
1D12+10 = [9]+10 = 19

Greats gouts of blood erupted as the hermit shifted position again to prepare for his next strike - and leave room for ranged fire.
(Staying in melee range, just circling the thing)

"Still keeping up with your training I see Husam? Nice sword you have there". The mendicant spoke in conversational tones, clearly unperturbed by the mayhem around him.


Harun managed to leap his horse over the tail each time it threatened to smash him to the ground, laughing to himself as he did so. He held his marvelous Shamshir to the side as he went for another pass at the creature.

OOC: Action: Attack: [roll0] or if advantage [roll1] Damage: [roll2] + [roll3]
Bonus Action: Disengage
Movement: move 15 feet, attack, move out to shore.


First Post
Amina kicked out to set herself swaying and used the momentum to swing back around onto the creature's neck. Noting its formidable powers of regrowth, she realized there was but one option open to her. With fortune the others would not notice the nature of the weapon, with the bulk of the beast between she and they...and they quite busy with problems of their own. Her hand dropped down to the scabbard at her belt and undid the catch holding it in place. The blade, when drawn, was a deep black in hue, and the air around it grew cold and stale.

"All things pass," she said softly to the creature undulating beneath her. "Even you."

Without further ceremony, she slammed the blade down into the closest available neck and wrenched it sideways, attempting to re-cleave it from the monster. Where the sword touched it the flesh of the hydra was stained with inky black even darker than its own blood, and the wounds not only did not close but slowly began to get worse as the tissue withered away.

(Attack action: 2 attacks with Theriajidan, then bonus action for Patient Defense again)
[roll0] or [roll1] with advantage for [roll2] damage that cannot heal save with rest.
[roll3] or [roll4] with advantage for [roll5] damage that cannot heal save with rest.

Plus sneak attack on the first hit: [roll6]
And some necrotic at the start of its next turn, again if it hits: [roll7] It can make a DC 15 Con save to remove the ongoing damage at the end of each turn.


The whirling tabor bites into the mauve neck of one of the hydra's heads, Lal Qalandar's momentum carrying it clean through, sending the head flying off behind him to land upon the shore of the pond.

GM: Oops! I overlooked that too. Next time!


Player Group #1
✓Lal Qalandar 17
Harun 15
“Amina” 15

Hydra 15

Player Group #2
Salahuddin & Sinjin 13
Husam 12
Akilah 12

Ajan’s men 10
Nimar’s rogues 8


Hydra AC 15, HP 230 203 115 74, # of Heads 7 6 8 7 6
#Fire Breaths used (recharge 5-6) 2
If it takes 25+ damage in a single turn, one of its heads is destroyed/severed


Ajan's second HP 18 12

Derafsh HP 44 37



I'm getting my but kicked by this dice roller... can you tell...
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OOC: Well... nuts.
Husam Dex Saving Throw: 1D20+3 = [1]+3 = 4
That's to funny to go for Indomitable, but this is going to hurt.
Lose 7 HP and go prone.
Current HP: 129

Husam hears his friend greet him as he joins the battle. For the briefest moment, he turns his head to greet Lal. "Reminds me of the snake..." is all that Husam is able to say before the creature's tail whips out sending him sprawling on his back in the water. Spitting water, Lal might hear Husam whisper, "At least it wasn't sewage this time."


Dusty Dragon
OOC: I don't know if this is an issue of the GM and player posting at the same-ish time, but you may have missed [MENTION=29863]shay[/MENTION]ruri 's and [MENTION=6855204]tglassy[/MENTION]'s attacks?

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