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D&D 5E Al-Qadim Moving Through the Flame


Alqatil, Harun's Shamshir, was in his hand seconds before the creature emerged. He turned to Akilah and grinned.

"And I was beginning to think traveling with you would be boring."

Spuring his horse forward, he slashed at the heads as he passed by.

OOC: Going to ride past the Hydra, attack, and use Bonus Action to disengage and continue riding. Warhorse speed is 60', so I need to know how close it is. If the horse doesn't give me advantage, my hawk can use the Help action to do it.

Attack: [roll0] or [roll1]
Damage: 27 (see next post)
Bonus Action: Disengage
Movement: to melee range, attack, then remaining movement away.

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GM: Let's try to do this theater of the mind! If you all end up being more "count the squares" types, we can always switch to map-and-minis later.

His warhorse's hooves pounding, Harun spurs it into the edge of the pond just at the point where it is up to its knees in water, ducking as the serpentine heads weave and snap about him. When one of the hydra's heads reflexively pulls back at the sudden charge, it gives Harun the opening he needs to sever it completely with a clean stroke of Alqatil. Black blood gushes from the stump as the head, still snapping, falls into the pond. Speeding past the terrified nomads still at the water's edge, Harun easily withdraws to about 15 feet away from the hydra, just out of its reach.

GM: When it comes to familiars, animal companions, and mounts, I generally have a "hands off" rule which means I don't target those creatures. However, if you want to use a familiar to Help you in combat or a mount to allow you to Sneak Attack, I remove that "hands off" rule for that creature and let monsters go after it with extreme prejudice.


Player Group #1
✓Lal Qalandar 17 (no longer surprised)
✓Harun 15
“Amina” 15

Hydra 15

Player Group #2
Salahuddin & Sinjin 13 (surprised)
Husam 12
Akilah 12

Ajan’s men 10 (surprised)
Nimar’s rogues 8 (surprised)


Hydra AC 15, HP 230 203, # of Heads 7 6
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OOC: Except that with the Mounted Combatant Feat, if you target my horse, I can force you to target me.

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First Post
Ankabut had been as overjoyed to see the oasis as anyone else in the group. She had beaten Akilah to the side of the water and was busily filling skins and gourds. There was laughter. The water itself seemed to dance.

Nothing had fallen into it.

Her arm came out, catching Akilah across the chest and knocking her back a step so her handmaiden could step between her and the water's edge.

Bursting from below the surface came not one but a multitude of twisting serpents, hissing and writhing! But no...one?! It was enormous! And with so many heads, how would she control who it attacked? The answer was clear as soon as the question occurred to her though. How did a spider attack a man?

Palm trees were dotted around the sides of the pool. One was close enough, she thought. Her deep brown eyes locked on Akilah's, and she said, "Stay back." Then she ran at the tree. Her feet touched the rough, scaly bark of it and she twisted her toes just so...and suddenly she was not running up a tree trunk. She was running along it, and the world stretched up above her like a vast wall. The water in the pool should have come sloshing out, spilling over her and sending the beast falling endlessly down...down to the opposite horizon far below.

Amina got far enough out on the tree trunk, glanced back up over her shoulder...and leapt backwards, tucking into a flip as she went. The moment her feet left the palm, the world whirled around her. Down was the ground again, and she was hurtling towards the monster over the water.

Hoping to land squarely on its back!

(Using the 'Climbing a larger creature rules on p.271 of the DMG. Making a Dex (Acrobatics) check as an action, which it can oppose with its own Dex (Acro). If I win, I occupy its space and move with it, and have advantage to attack it. Its ability to attack me is subject to GM's assessment, though it's necks are long and snakey enough that I expect it probably can attack me freely. :) It can also make a Str (Athletics) check contested by my Athletics or Acrobatics, to dislodge me.)

Dexterity (Acrobatics)! [roll0]

(Note- If you rule the distance to the hydra is great enough that I'd need a die roll to reach it, I would like to spend a Ki point as a bonus action to gain Step of the Wind, which doubles jump distances among other things. If I do -not- need Step of the Wind, I will instead use a Ki point as a bonus action to gain Patient Defense, which allows me to Dodge; disad on all incoming attacks this turn until my next turn begins)


The water about the hydra seems to roil with a life of its own as the monster writhes about in pain at Harun's clean stroke severing its head. "Amina" nimbly avoids the hydra's lashing tail as she ascends onto its sleek back, using its dorsal fins as leverage to climb onto the monstrosity.

Locking onto the horseback Harun, two heads pursue him in a serpentine winding pattern, but as he evades the hydra's reach, instead the two heads intake deep breaths, an inner light illuminating the fat of their jowls. The air reeks of sulfurous fumes as the two heads breath concentrated cones of fire upon Harun, catching Ajan's second in the process, but missing the spot where the handmaiden "Amina" had been moments before. Staggering back, Ajan's second drops to the ground in panic, flames hissing against the water's edge; the man's quick action likely has saved his life.

Following "Amina", another head snakes after her, attempting to grasp her in its distended jaw, but the savvy handmaiden is able to use the monstrosity's bulk against it, easily ducking under the jaws of death. However, "Amina" soon discovers a new neck emerging underneath her from the stump severed by Harun's shamsir, a foul mucous and blood-covered "newborn" serpentine face glaring at her with one baleful eye.

Another head grasps a pack camel before it can flee, snapping the poor animal's neck and dragging it into the water where the head feasts upon its entrails.

Another head clamps down on Derafsh's arm still holding a waterskin, and only is repelled by repeated blows from the rogue's elbow against its sensitive snout. Wincing, Derafsh drops back into a defensive stance, surprisingly little sign of blood on his arm.

Yet another head strikes at Husam, but the steadfast half-orc, having been forewarned by the silence of birds, is quick to parry the clenching jaws, water spraying around him.

From the severed stump where Harun decapitated one of the hydra's heads, two more heads emerge like pustulant boils given foul life, one carrying the handmaiden "Amina" along with it, dangling her some 15 feet overhead as she maintains her grip.

[SBLOCK=Marching Order (for random targeting purposes)]

GM: Two heads breathes 15-foot cones of fire focused on Harun.
fire breath x2 - who else is targeted besides Harun?: 2d20 [2d20=5, 6] Ajan’s 2nd is caught in one breath, ”Amina” would be caught but is out of line of fire by climbing onto hydra's back
[MENTION=6855204]tglassy[/MENTION] make a DC 17 Dexterity save, taking fire breath x2 damage: 6d6 11 fire damage on a successful save, or 1/2 damage on a successful one (or no damage with Evasion). If you succeed your save, apply your Evasion to your warhorse too.

Ajan's second takes 6 fire damage.

One head snaps at “Amina” attempting to grab her and fling her off. grapple vs. "Amina" with disadvantage (Patient Defense): 2d20l1+5 7 [MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] since your Acrobatics is +9, let’s treat that as an auto-miss

The other three heads who do 3 heads target? (see marching order): 3d20 [3d20=8, 15, 1] attack the pack camels, the rogue Derafsh, and Husam respectively.

bite vs pack camel (AC 9): 1d20+8 18 hits! bite damage vs camel: 1d10+5 15 damage, killing the camel

bite attack vs Derafsh (AC 12): 1d20+8 24 hits! bite damage vs Derafsh: 1d10+5 14 damage, reduced to 7 due to damage resistances

bite attack vs Husam (AC 17): 1d20+8 14 misses!

At the end of the turn, the hydra regrows 2 heads!


Player Group #1
✓Lal Qalandar 17 (no longer surprised)
✓Harun 15
✓“Amina” 15

✓Hydra 15

[MENTION=20005]Matthan[/MENTION] [MENTION=6814006]Thateous[/MENTION] you guys are up!

Player Group #2
✓Salahuddin & Sinjin 13 (no longer surprised)
Husam 12
Akilah 12

Ajan’s men 10 (surprised)
Nimar’s rogues 8 (surprised)


Hydra AC 15, HP 230 203, # of Heads 7 6 8
#Fire Breaths used (recharge 5-6) 2
If it takes 25+ damage in a single turn, one of its heads is destroyed/severed


Ajan's second HP 18 12

Derafsh HP 44 37
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OOC: Dex Save [roll0]

Ha! No damage for me or my horse! Unless you want him to make his own save...

Seeing the fire coming at him, Harun deftly twists his horse's head and leans to the side, causing the horse to fall flat on its side as the fire rolls over them both, leaving only a few hairs singed.

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Akilah prays for her companions to have the strength and resolve to vanquish this monstrosity.
OOC: Upcast bless. All PC now have bless. Level 4 spell slot used.
Disengage to outside of threat range.


Husam immediately sends his horse into a gallop towards the monster rising from the waters. He unsheathes his sword and snarls a word as flames leap out and wreathe its surface. He grips the horn of his saddle with his free hand and leads his steed into a curve towards and then away from the snake beast. When the horse is close enough, he raises his legs to crouch onto the saddle and leaps off slashing his blade towards the creature while letting his steed gallop to safety. Landing ankle deep in the water, he hacks at the beast in a whirlwind.

Bonus Action: Ignite Flametongue
Action: Attack x3 w/Great Weapon Master on all three (-5 to hit, +10 to damage)
Husam Initial Attacks: 1D20+4 = [8]+4 = 12
1D20+4 = [1]+4 = 5
1D20+4 = [16]+4 = 20

* edit * Thateous posted while I was typing this up. Bless won't impact anything but possibly the first attack.
Husam Bless check: 1D4 = [1] = 1 Doesn't impact anything. *end edit*

Only one hits (First 2d6 is weapon, Second 2d6 is fire damage):
Husam Initial Damage: 2D6+2D6+15 = [3, 6]+[1, 2]+15 = 27

I'm going to assume that Great Weapon Fighting (Fighter Fighting Style) does not allow me to change the fire damage.

Total Initial Damage = 27

First time playing a fighter, but if I'm reading the ability right, I can Action Surge (it doesn't cost a bonus action to activate – it just happens). If I'm reading that right, Husam is all in, repeating the above (GWM etc...)

Action Surge Attacks:
Husam Action Surge Attacks: 1D20+4 = [16]+4 = 20
1D20+4 = [15]+4 = 19
1D20+4 = [16]+4 = 20

There it is! All three hit:
Husam Action Surge Damage: 2D6+2D6+15 = [3, 5]+[6, 3]+15 = 32
2D6+2D6+15 = [1, 5]+[3, 3]+15 = 27
2D6+2D6+15 = [2, 2]+[2, 4]+15 = 25

Rerolling 1's and 2's (Great Weapon Fighting Style)
2nd Attack (1) :Husam Great Weapon Fighting Reroll 2nd Attack: 1D6 = [4] = 4
New Total for 2nd attack: [4+5]+[3+3]+15=30
3rd Attack (2, 2) : Husam Great Weapon Fighting Reroll 3rd Attack: 2D6 = [1, 1] = 2
New Total for 3rd Attack: [1+1]+[2+4]+15= 23

Total for Action Surge Attacks: 85

Total for All Attacks: 27+85=112 total damage w/Action Surge.

Hydra is under Guardian's Mark (my opportunity attacks have advantage on it + do not expend my reaction; it's attacks on my allies have disadvantage)

Also, for its next turn, Husam has Uphold the Meek: when an enemy within 5 feet of you attacks one of your allies (without attacking you), you may make an opportunity attack against that enemy, adding your proficiency bonus as extra damage if you hit.

If each of its heads attacks someone other than Husam does that mean Husam gets an opportunity attack for each one (since the Hydra is marked, opportunity attacks do not take Husam's reaction)?

Voidrunner's Codex

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