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D&D 5E Paladin, Oath of the Anti-Arcane


Yep, 'Oath of Arcane Inquisition'.

Cool first up bash at a concept that has been popular with us. At our table this would be fine, but at others some will want a very specific indication of what is 'arcane' vs divine. I guess you don't want these features working versus clerics etc?

If so, it matters not. 5E doesn't clearly define arcane/divine/primal power sources is all.

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I admit to some questions about the spell list. Teleport? Why no Detect Magic if we're an anti-magic hunter?

It's hard to do everything you'd want within the confines of a subclass.

My campaign setting has a mage-slayer who is an anti-arcane paladin. However, the ability to detect certain types of creatures (which exists outside the subclass framework) is replaced with the ability to detect magic. Likewise, the ability to cure diseases through use of the Lay on Hands ability (again, outside the subclass framework) is replaced with the ability to remove curses.

Elon Tusk

I changed it to Oath of Inquisition, much better than Anti-Arcane.

First, as mentioned before, Detect Magic definitely needs to be on their list of spells. Better yet, allow them to detect magic when they use their Divine Sense.

Secondly, I don't generally see too many NPCs using concentration spells specifically. Make it broader by allowing them to prevent an enemy struck from casting spells at all. Or censure them, making them take some damage every time they cast a spell or maintain concentration on a spell.

The Oath of the Ancients Paladin also gets an anti-magic aura. I'd just re-use the wording.

Finally, I'd put Spell Interruption on a short rest timer and possibly make it a reaction. Being able to shrug off spells every once in a while is one thing. Being able to cast Dispel Magic/Counterspell pretty much at-will seems a bit much. Then again, I doubt the DM will generally want to ever waste even a single NPC action trying to target a character with this feature with a spell, making it kind of moot.

Other features that could be interesting. Taken largely from the anti-magic Templars of Dragon Age and Protectorate of Menoth from iron Kingdoms...

Passive bonus like advantage on attack rolls or bonus damage when the target that just cast a spell or is under the effects of a concentration spell. Could apply to summoned monsters as well.

The ability to treat weapons as magical for the purposes of overcoming damage resistance. Or ignoring all defense bonuses/resistances that come from spells when attacking and dealing damage.

The ability to turn demons (possibly fey), since this trope of the Holy Anti-Arcane Knight usually works under the assumption that arcane magic involves dealings with malevolent spirits. Although again, it'd be very similar to the Oath of the Ancients.

Thanks for the thoughtful reply.

I made detect magic combine with Identify - increasing both of their duration - and replace magic resistance as a Channel Divinity.
I added not casting form a turn to Concentration Breaker.

I changed the wording for Aura of Anti-magic to mimic Aura of Warding more, but I didn't want it to be exactly the same; I kept it giving Magic Resistance instead of resistance to damage.

I clarified Spell Interruption (and removed Dispel Magic) so that is more clear that it is not an at will ability - the paladin has suffer from a spell before being able to use Counterspell against a later spell.

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Victoria Rules
You might want to chuck in a drawback: that use of arcanely-created magic items (i.e. most of 'em) is banned to this class.


In 5e they say all spells/magical effects are from the weave--making all "magical" effects arcane. I believe Anti-Magic fields affects divine spells and any magical effects.

Only the "access" path to them is different and those definitions get wonky. Warlock is actually Divine since they are granted access through a higher being. I can't recall the explanation for druids. Monks, bards, eldritch, arcane trickster are all magical, therefore arcane. So you may need a clarified definition of Illicit Arcane users.

Forbidden knowledge--Wizard, since they must study to learn the magic.
I consider Sorcerers to essentially be Blood magic since it is literally in their blood.

Oath of the Arcana Verboten
Oath of the Unsanctified
Oath of the Contra-Magi

You might want to chuck in a drawback: that use of arcanely-created magic items (i.e. most of 'em) is banned to this class.
Define "arcane magic." Also, define how magic items are made. Because 5e is darn well not explaining those for you. Heck, if anything, the best magic craftsmen are Forge Clerics. Most weapons and armors and other warrior-class items are going to be very likely made by them.

After that, its Transmuter Wizards for the most likely craftsmen, but I think they'd be more along the lines of potions and wonderous items than stuff you'd expect a paladin to be using in the first place.


It is an interesting concept. A couple issues I see:

Concentration Breaker: There needs to be a saving throw of some sort, even if it is just Constitution with disadvantage. Otherwise this can shut down any high level spellcaster so that it is eliminated in a round. Specifically, this can stop a lich cold. With no saving throw, there is no way for it to use its legendary resistance. I do not really see any cases where a magic user of any difficulty is not killed within a round of this being used.

Magic Detection: Calling out identify here is a bit odd for a few reasons: 1. It has a 1 minute casting time. 2. It is an instantaneous spell that targets one object or creature. Having it last for 10 minutes does not explain if it can identify an unlimited number of items (each item identified in 6 seconds), can be cast at will (with up to 10 1-minute uses), or if it is cast without needing the 300 gp pearl material component. In general this channel divinity option seems to be tacked on because all the other Paladin subclasses have 2 channel divinity options. However the standard subclasses all have one option that is offensive in nature and one that turns a specific type of opponent. Another option for this second channel divinity would be for it to be a "turn arcane spellcasters" option that calls for all arcane spellcasters to make a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened.

Aura of Anti-Magic: This maybe should be limited to spells and spell effects from arcane users.

Magic Immunity: This is a bit open ended. Does cure wounds work? Are ongoing effects cancelled? Does it function like antimagic field?

A couple of spelling errors to clean up that do not reflect on the quality of your work:
Exterminate the Arcane: [d]estroying
Magic Immunity: "enter" rather than "inter"

Overall it is a good concept. I would be interested in why you chose this versus using an Oath of the Ancients paladin with the Mage Slayer feat which gives maybe 80% Oath of the Inquisition out of the box. Was it just not specific enough, or was there another reason?

Elon Tusk

My campaign setting has a mage-slayer who is an anti-arcane paladin. However, the ability to detect certain types of creatures (which exists outside the subclass framework) is replaced with the ability to detect magic. Likewise, the ability to cure diseases through use of the Lay on Hands ability (again, outside the subclass framework) is replaced with the ability to remove curses.

I think you are right about converting the Divine Sense into an Arcane Sense since this paladin would care more about arcane than good/evil (though I think I'll leave Lay on Hands alone).
Maybe something like this:

The presence of arcane magic registers on your senses like a noxious odor. As an action, you can open your awareness to detect arcane magic. Until the end of your next turn, you know the location of any creature or object that has arcane magic within 60 feet of you that is not behind total cover. You don't learn the type (monster, sorcerer, warlock, wizard, etc.) of any being whose presence you sense or its identity (Elminster Aumar, for instance). Within the same radius, you also detect the presence of any place or object that has been enchanted by arcane magic.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier. When you finish a Long Rest, you regain all expended uses.

Then I would change the Detect Magic Channel Divinity back to Magic Resilient.

You might want to chuck in a drawback: that use of arcanely-created magic items (i.e. most of 'em) is banned to this class.

I see the point of this for fluff/lore reasons - though as mentioned by others.
Though I'm thinking adding a drawback like that may adversely effect the balance; other paladins don't have such.

Concentration Breaker: There needs to be a saving throw of some sort, even if it is just Constitution with disadvantage. Otherwise this can shut down any high level spellcaster so that it is eliminated in a round. Specifically, this can stop a lich cold. With no saving throw, there is no way for it to use its legendary resistance. I do not really see any cases where a magic user of any difficulty is not killed within a round of this being used.

Magic Detection: Calling out identify here is a bit odd for a few reasons: 1. It has a 1 minute casting time. 2. It is an instantaneous spell that targets one object or creature. Having it last for 10 minutes does not explain if it can identify an unlimited number of items (each item identified in 6 seconds), can be cast at will (with up to 10 1-minute uses), or if it is cast without needing the 300 gp pearl material component. In general this channel divinity option seems to be tacked on because all the other Paladin subclasses have 2 channel divinity options. However the standard subclasses all have one option that is offensive in nature and one that turns a specific type of opponent. Another option for this second channel divinity would be for it to be a "turn arcane spellcasters" option that calls for all arcane spellcasters to make a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened.

Aura of Anti-Magic: This maybe should be limited to spells and spell effects from arcane users.

Magic Immunity: This is a bit open ended. Does cure wounds work? Are ongoing effects cancelled? Does it function like antimagic field?

A couple of spelling errors to clean up that do not reflect on the quality of your work:
Exterminate the Arcane: [d]estroying
Magic Immunity: "enter" rather than "inter"

Overall it is a good concept. I would be interested in why you chose this versus using an Oath of the Ancients paladin with the Mage Slayer feat which gives maybe 80% Oath of the Inquisition out of the box. Was it just not specific enough, or was there another reason?

Since I added that it prevents casting for a round, I think making the concentration check with disadvantage work great (I didn't think about how powerful that could be for a low level paladin vs. a high level creature).

I'm switching Magic Detection to Magic Resilient and Divine Sense to Arcane Sense so the Identify issue is removed.

I'll add the yuan-ti pureblood definition of Magic Resistance to Aura of Anti-Magic to clarify: You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

I'll change Magic Immunity to state Immune from Magic damage.

The only thing about Oath of Ancients that fit seemed to be Aura of Warding; the other features and almost all of the lore seemed to be more nature related than anti-arcane. My friend didn't want a druidic paladin - he wanted a specific anti-magic warrior. And I tried to make it so that Mage Slayer could still be a useful feat.

Thanks to everyone for the suggestions!



I would change magic immunity, I don't like outright immunities, and immunity to magic weapons would make more sense than immunity to normal weapons.
Then there is the question about magic items, I find it a bit absurd to fight arcane casters and not try to destroy their creations.

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