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D&D 5E Tall's PotA Campaign - IC

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GM: Since a few of you are taking a rest, you hove a bit of time to search the other rooms if you want. Once you are ready, just let me know where you are headed next?



Dessarin/Stone Monastery
Day 7/Night
Round 0

“I’m going to go check out that distillery and scriptorium again,” Errol told the others. “Holler if you need me.”

He headed back into the corridor and headed to the rooms to search.

Action: Investigation: 1D20+2 = [19]+2 = 21
Bonus Action:
Free Object Interaction:
Bolts used:

[sblock=Errol’s Mini Stats]
Inspiration: 2
AC: 16
HP: 36/36+6 thp HD: 4/4d10
Superiority Dice: (4/4/R @ d8 DC 14) (Commander’s Strike, Rally, Trip)
Arrows: 35
Bolts: 16
Bolts Used: 3
Action Surge (1/R)
Second Wind (1/R 1d10+4)
Inspiring Leader (1/R 6)*

[sblock=Party Loot]
21 gp (???)
200 cp (Errol)
Set of Keys (Illvelious) - one key opens the doors to the guard room, +3 more keys
Small figurine of a one-eyed orc (Gruumsh)(Illvelious)


GM: You still have some tunnels to explore in the lower level. Navigating most of them might be a challenge as they are very irregular.

M20 is the Tomb and M18 is the guard room


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Returning to the distillery proves a waste of time for Errol. Apart from the still there is pile of fire wood and a rack filled with bottled brandy that is probably more use stripping tar than drinking, only the most desperate drunk would drink this stuff.

Moving on to the scriptorium proves more fruitful. Despite the poor light you quickly work out that many of the texts are worthless, mostly accounting from many many years ago, then just as you are about to give up you find a sheaf labeled Marlos's Testament. The parchment is much newer and there are many copies of the same texts. The opening is the dull, sorrowful whining of a self obsessed sadist, but skipping ahead, you read a passage that seams to describe his arrival at this monastery.

Marlos styles himself as The Prophet of Earth and was lead to something called the Fane of the Eye where he was gifted a powerful weapon. After that he returned to the monastery where meditation and visions led him to write his testament while he awaited other followers of Ogremoch . As his followers grew, he was able to move below ground into an ancient dwarven stronghold and establish a Temple to Ogremoch, leaving Hellenrae to oversee the monastery. The testament ends abruptly, explaining how Marlos is nurturing something he calls the Black Geode and expects the Evergrowing Mountain" to come and remake these lands in its own image.



Dessarin/Stone Monastery
Day 7/Night
Round 0

Errol returned to the room where the others rested. “I think I found something,” he told them, holding up the sheaf of parchment. “Looks like an autobiography of the guy that leads this earth cult, someone named Marlo, who calls himself the Prophet of Earth for someone called Ogremoch. He got a powerful weapon from someplace called the Fane of the Eye, and then moved into the dwarven ruins down below here. There’s something about a Black Geode and an Evergrowing Mountain.”

Errol handed the papers around for the others to examine to see if they could get any more information from them.

Bonus Action:
Free Object Interaction:
Bolts used:

[sblock=Errol’s Mini Stats]
Inspiration: 2
AC: 16
HP: 36/36+6 thp HD: 4/4d10
Superiority Dice: (4/4/R @ d8 DC 14) (Commander’s Strike, Rally, Trip)
Arrows: 35
Bolts: 16
Bolts Used: 3
Action Surge (1/R)
Second Wind (1/R 1d10+4)
Inspiring Leader (1/R 6)*

[sblock=Party Loot]
21 gp (???)
200 cp (Errol)
Set of Keys (Illvelious) - one key opens the doors to the guard room, +3 more keys
Small figurine of a one-eyed orc (Gruumsh)(Illvelious)


"Well, that's very interesting! Makes me think any prisoners might be in this ancient dwarven place instead of here in the monastery?"

OOC: Is there any clue in the document how to get to the dwarven place?


The writing implies that the farther underground you go, the more holy the place is. The Monastery guards the temple, which guards the Fane, which guards the Black Geode each place more holy than the one before, but there are no specific clues to any entrance.

Marlos writes about rebuilding the monastery and temple by using non believers to work the mines.


J.V. reads the text and is perplexed. "This must be the workings of lesser gods attempting to gain followers through rapid fanaticisms. Seems like the work of someone bonked on the head too many times in a bar brawl. How can anyone be dumb enough to fall for this load of crap." he says in frustration. He looks to his companions before continuing, "So, do we see how far down this thing goes?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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