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  1. ukgpublishing

    UKG Publishing Release Thousand-Faced Heroes

    UKG Publishing are pleased to announce the release of "Thousand-Faced Heroes" a SotC supplement by Richard Fannon. Like Limitless Horizons did for Pulp SciFi, Thousand-Faced Heroes explores the genre of Epic Fantasy. Examining the ingredients which go to make up classic Epic Fantasy, the...
  2. ukgpublishing

    UKG Publishing Release Encounters: Dead Stock a YotZ Adventure

    UKG Publishing are pleased to announce the release of Dead Stock, an Encounters Products for Year of the Zombie. Encounters, the roleplaying supplement line from UKG Publishing aims to provide small encounters and adventures which can be dropped into any game as a filler between adventures...
  3. ukgpublishing

    UKG Publishing - Announcing the Release of Hold at all Costs:1

    It’s taken 3 years to bring to fruition. It’s grown to 3 times its original size. But it’s here! UKG Publishing is pleased to announce the release of Hold at all Costs 1: All You Can Eat for the Year of the Zombie setting. Hold At All Costs One: All You Can Eat is the sequel to Hold at all...
  4. ukgpublishing

    Two New products from UKG Publishing

    Hi All We're pleased to annouce two new products (well one new and another not quite as new). The Complete Fighter The poor fighter, everyone knows how poorly he or she compares to the other martial classes. They are good as a ‘dip’ class to pick up a few feats, but woe to those who stay...
  5. ukgpublishing

    Year of the Zombie Bundle Offer Must End Soon!

    Buy Year of the Zombie and get Fleshmongers and Marauders Free! For a limited time we have been offering our Year of the Zombie expansion for its regular price of $12, with Fleshmongers and Marauders absolutely free. But we can't hold out much longer, the barricades are nearly breached, ammo is...
  6. ukgpublishing

    YotZ: Hold at all Costs:1 is nearing completion

    Hi all Just a heads up to let you know that HAAC:1 is nearing completion. After nearly 2 years in development, re-writes, changes of mind, re-writes, additions, re-writes, subtractions, did I mention re-writes, the product is in layout and is looking like it will be a monster. The adventure...
  7. ukgpublishing

    UKG Publishing are release Encounters: Fantasy 1

    http://ukg-publishing.com/images/stories/ENF01-EN08-thumb.jpg UKG Publishing is pleased to announce the release of their newest product line, Encounters. Aimed at the GM who needs to fill a few hours of game time, between adventures or when the party is in transit, these small and inexpensive...
  8. ukgpublishing

    UKG Publishing - Announcing the Release of a New Stock Art Cover

    http://ukg-publishing.com/images/stories/JM13-EN08-Thumb.jpg UKG Publishing are pleased to announce the release of the latest addition to its Stock Art Covers range, Leather Bound Book VIII. StockArt Covers VIII is the continuation if our range designed to provide inexpensive cover images for...
  9. ukgpublishing

    UKG Publishing - New Website

    After some time, UKG Publishing are pleased to announce the launch of their new website, ukg-publishing.com. This move has been prompted by a number of issues including our forums being hacked beyond recovery, our shopping cart system requiring a major revamp and our general desire to present a...
  10. ukgpublishing

    UKG Publishing 5 Years Old

    Hi Everyone The title says it all, UKG Publishing is now 5 years old. And to celebrate our birthday (and the season of course) we have put our entire back catalogue on sale at 40% until the new year. You can see our products at rpgnow
  11. ukgpublishing

    UKG Publishing Releases With a Stiff Upper Lip

    With a Stiff Upper Lip A Guide to Modern Roleplaying in the United Kingdom By Richard Fannon Britannia, Britannia, Britannia. We conquered half the planet (and we’ll never let you forget it), raised sexual repression to an art form and we still can’t spell “color” correctly. Successive waves...
  12. ukgpublishing

    Year of the Zombie: Hold at all Costs 1 Mapping

    Seems like an age since I last posted here. You know what its like, sometimes you have to force yourself, so here's me forcing myself in the hope of getting back in the habit. Anyway, slaving away at the maps for HAAC:1 and I thought it would be nice to share some of the process with you guys...
  13. ukgpublishing

    UKG Publishing Releases The Enduring: Witches and Shamans

    UKG Publishing are pleased to announce the release of their latest fantasy source book: The Enduring: Witches and Shamans by NICHOLAS J. THALASINOS Art by: John Picot, Art Ford, Chris van Bruggen Witches and Shamans, two of the most iconic spell casting characters throughout myth and legend...
  14. ukgpublishing

    UKG Release Eternal Prestige: Vampire Ascendant

    http://enworld.rpgnow.com/products/product_21291.jpgEternal Prestige Vampire Ascendant By Ben Mowbray Have you ever wanted to play a vampire in your d20 campaign, but that +8 Level Adjustment throws you completely off? You can’t even contract the condition until you are 5th level or...
  15. ukgpublishing

    UKG Publishing proudly presents The Immortal: Unliving

    http://enworld.rpgnow.com/products/product_20918.jpgUKG Publishing proudly presents our latest fantasy sourcebook. The Immortal:Unliving Golems of Flesh and Mechanical Men by Ben Mowbray Art by: Ben Mowbray Owen Kuhn and John Milner It's Alive!!! Flesh golems - iconic monsters inspired by...
  16. ukgpublishing

    Tis the season to .....

    get discounts on over 40 products from 8 great publishers. Thats right the ENWorld Christmas Coupon Book is out and from now until the 25th December you can use this book to save between $0.50 and $5.00 off a variety of pdfs. Whatever your tastes, Fantasy, Scifi or Modern theres something here...
  17. ukgpublishing

    This weeks releases from UKG Publishing.

    This weeks releases from UKG Publishing. http://enworld.rpgnow.com/products/product_15112.jpg YotZ: A Survivors Guide to Risen America A Survivors Guide to Risen America chronicles the travels of Marion Samuel Lefferts, as he looks for civilisation and other living humans. This e-zine will...
  18. ukgpublishing

    New Releases from UKG Publishing

    We've had a number of new releases recently, so here is a roundup of those releases, and a sneak peak at some of the upcoming product we have. http://enworld.rpgnow.com/products/product_15039.jpg The Hades Aerospace ASF-09 Firefly The Hades Aerospace Firefly ASF-09 line of fighters contains 2...
  19. ukgpublishing

    UKG Publishing Release New Modern Tileset - The Office

    http://www.ukg-publishing.co.uk/images/mpm4_thumb_200.jpg UKG Publishing are proud to announce the 4th set of Master Plan: Modern tiles, The Office. Offices are generally dreadfully dull places, where we go to work to earn a crust. However, for the adventurous or criminally minded they can be...
  20. ukgpublishing

    The Immortal: Vampires - Version 2 with a little more bite.

    http://www.ukg-publishing.co.uk/images/vamp_cover_thumb_200.jpg UKG Publishing are proud to announce the Release of the new version of The Immortal: Vampires. For thousands of years the legend of the vampire has enthrawled and instilled fear in the hearts of men. The earliest legends span back...