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Search results

  1. DayTripper

    My 8-point Agenda [for gaming]

    (with apologies to The Herbaliser featuring Latyrx) Over the years I have gone through phases of mixing with other gamers, going to conventions, dabbling in organised play, trying out different RPG clubs & games. My experiences may not be as extensive as others but are probably more than most...
  2. DayTripper

    Trials of Tarlock

    This story hour is supported by blog entries for further background, explanation and crunch behind the campaign -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oerth, Flanaess, Vesve Forest, Earthday 13th Readying CY585 As the Greyhawk Wars drift into a negotiated...
  3. DayTripper

    Good City Adventures

    So, anyone got any recommendations for good city adventures that I can use or convert for use in my 4e campaign? My players are heading for a big city where I plan to run a conversion of of the 1e D&D classic, The Veiled Society, and it would be nice to run some other city based adventures...
  4. DayTripper

    Satisfying (but sad) DM Moments

    Last week we had a new guy join our group. The players seemed so into roleplaying meeting his character they didn't even ask him what he class was! They were far more interested in where he came from, what he looked like and how to get him interested in joining their group. As DM I thought...
  5. DayTripper

    Using 1e adventures in a new 4e campaign

    So about 3 years ago I relocated for a new job leaving behind my gaming group of about 20 years! I didn’t play for a while settling in to the new job, new home etc. About 2 years ago I started to look about for a local game. I’d tried gaming via video link with my old group but that didn’t...
  6. DayTripper

    New Blood in Oxfordshire

    Looking for a game in or around Abingdon. Is there anybody out there..?