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  1. S

    need some advice for running an encounter

    Little background - I'm running a homebrew game, 3.5 with some houserules, and have 2 more characters that need to join the party. I figured a way to insert them in an epic battle mid sea. Current party: Half Silver Dragon (half human) bard, princess of a nation and just recently allied 3...
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    "item exp" (stolen from another thread here) help

    Hey all...I'm making a D&D campaign set in a very economically poor world, but I don't want the PCs to be underpowered so I'm going to skim a certain amount of gold/drops off encounters after i roll them normally, and distribute their GP value as "item exp" that can be used to enhance their...
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    need some help

    i dm an online campaign for some of my friends, and there will most likely be an areal combat coming up a half-celestial fighter in my group is going to be taking on a red dragon...while physically he's no match (will be ECL 9 or 10 against a juvenile red..) he intends to use his greater...
  4. S

    need help with an adventure

    so i've procrastinated until the day before the session with making my adventure lol i've got an idea in mind...i think i'll be sending them on a murder investigation...but i can't think of exactly how they are going to solve this in game...like what clues i should leave etc they are in sharn...
  5. S

    Trying to start a game in San Antonio Area

    http://www.rpgx.org/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=33 for more details!
  6. S

    question about keep restoration

    http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/oa/20001001a I'm going to be running that adventure module for my players in ebberon ~they will set out from the capital of breland, with a writ from morgrave university requesting that they see why orcs have taken intrest in this keep which was...
  7. S

    are the D&D Map folios any good?

    i've got a wal mart gift card burning my wallet and wanted to get rid of it...have some questions though which of these do you think would be a better buy? Vile Darkness (I already have exalted deeds) monster manual 2 or 3 Map folio 3-D AND map folio 2 ghost walk libris mortis oriental...
  8. S

    favorite npcs? ((anybody in my game stay out!))

    OK i'm running an online campaign for some friends, and am trying to flesh out some of the important NPCs ahead of time, so that they don't suddenly realise "oh theres a world famous person named this. uh, we knew this!" probably not to that scale but if there is an npc that will become...
  9. S

    need 1 or 2 more for online campaign [closed]

    all full up now thanks :)
  10. S

    am i reading this right??

    exalted arcanist level 5 ability: Sanctified Spells: A 5th-level exalted arcanist can use sanctified spells as though they were among her spells known. (Pre-req for exalted arcanist is a spontaneous arcane caster - sorc or bard, basically) then, page 84 Sanctified spells: 1st Twilight luck...
  11. S

    need help quick!

    ok so i found a group to play in down here but i know nothing about forgottem realms lol! help me quick, what do i need to know to play in FR? and the dm said i need to chose a region of origon, so a quick breakdown of those would be VERy helpful i have to leave for their house in 30 min so...
  12. S

    unusual character concepts?

    reading a post on the wotc forums sparked my intrest on this idea, basically it was talking about adding new light to the barbarian class, since everybody seems to play half-orc barbs raised on the fringe of society etc they pointed out that just because his class is "barbarian" doesn't mean he...
  13. S

    TX, San Antonio - gamer looking for group

    hi! i'm looking for a group that plays friday evenings in san antonio texas. have played 2nd edition for a couple years but my books are in indiana still for that, and just recently picked up 3.5e handbook and ebberon cs. im game for any setting really, as long as its d&d! :P