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Search results

  1. K

    Kung Fu Rust Monster?

    Here's a weird one..... If a high level monk is polymorphed into a Rust Monster, can he use flurry of blows to make multiple attacks vs. an Iron Golem with his antennae? And, what would be the REF Save DC for the Iron Golem to avoid being destroyed by the rust attack? Thanks for your help...
  2. K

    Iron Golems and Electricity?

    Hi, quick question for the EN World rules gurus.... If an iron golem is affected by an electrical spell (lightning bolt, etc.), does it take damage AND get slowed, or is it only slowed? Thanks!
  3. K

    Krauss' Age of Worms (Act I) - The Whispering Cairn

    It had been a good gathering in Owen's favorite hidey-hole, the abandoned mine office, full of excitement and anticipation of the exploration to come. Old acquaintances were renewed, and new comrades-in-arms introduced. Once everyone was satisfied that they were as prepared as they could be...
  4. K

    Krauss' Age of Worms Rogues Gallery

    Players, please post your completed character sheets and backgrounds here. Thanks!
  5. K

    OOC - Krauss' Age of Worms Adventure Path [Full]

    I believe that my schedule can allow for (at least) one more PBP game, and the new Adventure Path in Dungeon magazine (Age of Worms) looks like it's going to be a blast to run. I've gotta go for it! I'm looking for five 1st level PCs. I'm planning to leave this thread open for at least four...
  6. K

    Crypt of Crimson Stars

    The waiting area is cramped and the chairs uncomfortable. It hardly seems like the sort of accomodations one would expect in the office of Tophran Damilek, a man reputed to be one of the foremost autorities of Dragonshards in all of Sharn. Still, Ezala, the elderly gnomish woman working as...
  7. K

    Sneak Attacks - Help?

    I may just be making this too hard, but my players and I have been unable to come to a well-supported consensus. So, I turn to the EN World community for help. If a rogue can make multiple attack rolls as a full attack, and is in position to deal sneak attack damage, how does it work? Do you...
  8. K

    Eberron - Crypt of Crimson Stars Rogue's Gallery

    Go ahead and place your PC sheets on this thread, once given the okay. Thanks! Heinz
  9. K

    Crypt of Crimson Stars OOC [Full]

    Crypt of Crimson Stars Rumors of an Eberron dragonshard of enormous size and power have reached the ears of Tophran Damilek, one of Sharn’s wealthiest citizens. Unfortunately, the shard seems to be concealed within a trap-laden temple-tomb, a tomb itself located below a village of cruel...
  10. K

    Maure Castle - The Adventure Begins!

    Sitting in a small private study in the City of Greyhawk with the famous wizard Mordenkainen is enough to make anyone feel a little self-conscious, even for adventurers of no little renown. The summons had gone forth that the Circle of Eight required assistance, and you had known better than to...
  11. K

    Maure Castle Rogue's Gallery

    Post your sheets here once approved. You know who you are! :) -Heinz
  12. K

    Maure Castle OOC (Full)

    Greetings one and all! I've been reading the mega-adventure Maure Castle, released last summer in Dungeon Magazine, and it simply looks too fun not to give it a try! I'd like to DM this beast, if I can find four willing sacrificial lambs....I mean, brave adventurers. :] The starting...