• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. G

    D&D 5E Death in the Abyss

    So... let's say that the players do not realize that they have stumbled into the Abyss. What they think of the wastelands of their world is actually a Dark Sun-like level of the Abyss that is slowly growing into/over/consuming the world they know and love. I'm starting to drop hints about this...
  2. G

    Running my first Paranoia game...tips?

    On VERY short notice I'm running Paranoia from an old, unused copy of ParanoiaXP I have. I'm running on Friday, so I'm scrambling to get the rules down and get people ready. I'm just going to run the pregen characters and the adventure in the book, so that's covered. Any tips, aside from...
  3. G

    Adapting Carnival of Tears

    Just based on reviews I think I'd like to look at putting Carnival of Tears into my ongoing campaign, but I was wondering how easy it would be to adapt. I haven't bought it yet, so I don't know the details of it. My campaign is based in Sharn in Eberron and I'd like to keep it there if...
  4. G

    Death Frost Doom - too lethal?

    I'm running Death Frost Doom this Friday in my Eberron/Pathfinder campaign and I'm a bit concerned about the lethality of it. I'm pulling it out at a last minute to fill a hole in our gaming schedule since I didn't have any standard stuff prepared and I've thought about a killer way it will...
  5. G

    Percy Jackson Novels...any good?

    I haven't seen the recent movie, but the trailer made for a fun idea. Are the 5 books in the series worth reading? I normally go for darker stuff, but I also have enjoyed the Harry Potter books, so I don't mind something lighter. What do you think?
  6. G

    Designing a trap-filled tower

    I'm hoping to get some ideas to help fill out a lair that my PCs will be trying to get through on Friday. Here is the relevant background info: Pathfinder system 5 PCs, all are 3rd level Wizard, cleric, rogue, bard, druid (note no heavy fighters) Location is Sharn in Eberron These guys are...
  7. G

    Thoughts on a magic item?

    Desperate Defense Armband Aura moderate conjuration; CL 10th Slot wrists; Price 4,000 gp ; Weight 1 lb. DESCRIPTION This dull iron bracer has a few overlapping leaves that, as an immediate action, expand in a crazy unfolding motion to cover the wearer in a suit of masterwork mithril...
  8. G

    Books - The Blade Itself

    I'm reading The Blade Itself, by Joe Abercrombie, at the moment. I'm only about 1/2 of the way through, but I'm really enjoying the painful, gritty world. It reminds me a lot of the Song of Ice and Fire series. Has anyone read the other two books in this series (The First Law)? Do they hold up?
  9. G

    I know what you want for dinner tonight...SUBWAY!

    Yeah, ok, not the best sandwich place in the world, but buying a footlong tonight may help get Chuck renewed for a 3rd season. So, what do you say? Have a subway so we can continue to see hot a Austrailian woman find excuses to wear too tight clothes and fight with every female guest star, ok...
  10. G

    Do you build NPCs to live or to die?

    A friend and I got into a conversation about the point of a monster/npc and how we build it. He build npcs like he would a pc...as tough as possible. Notably max out the AC so they are impossible to hit, use Dex over Con, for instance. Better to not be hit than to have extra hit points. I...
  11. G

    War of the Burning Sky: The Scouring of Gate Pass

    A thoroughly enjoyable adventure, The Scouring of Gate Pass is well worth any DM's time, either as a stand alone or as the kick off to the War of the Burning Sky Adventure Path/Campaign. What you get:I got the adventure via download off of RPGnow.com. While I expected to find the zip file was...
  12. G

    Fighter - additional abilities

    I'm thinking of starting up my first Pathfinder game and reading up on it I've heard that many feel that the fighter is still underpowered. I don't want him to be overpowered, but I'd like for him to have a few options and be a bit more mobile around the battlefield so he can be a better...
  13. G

    What to do when the double-cross is expected?

    The party recently took a job from a guy who they know is untrustworthy, but they took it since the pay was so good. The job was a simple "go here and get the money" type of job. Now they are fully expecting him to double cross them and try to take it all, either by ambushing them on the way...
  14. G

    D&D 4E Playing parts of 4e today: Second Wind

    I'm about to push my group through a very rough fight or two and I started thinking how nice it would be to have a second wind type of heal for them. Well, why not? We are using Eberron and thus Action Points, so I was thinking I'd give all PCs the ability to burn 2 APs to heal their...
  15. G

    How much for a Scent granting item?

    I have a player who would like to get a magic item crafted that gives him scent (he's a shifter and it works well for his character). Looking through the MIC, I've seen Corsair's eyepatch - 3/day see invisibility 1 round or blindsight 1 minute, 3,000gp Mask of the Tiger - Gain Track feat, low...
  16. G

    SpaceBattles - a cool video

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ho-uIXGTE9g Impressive work here.
  17. G

    SciFi Channel Movie: The Legend of Earthsea

    I know this came out a few years ago, but I just watched it last week and it wasn't bad. I know that to make a book into a movie a lot of material has to be cut, but I kept thinking while watching it that there were entire scenes were they tried to make up for huge leaps in time or in the...
  18. G

    Help me design a pirate's "logic-themed" treasure map/encounter

    My current campaign is somewhat pirate/naval based and as an ongoing secondary plot the party is tracking down the treasure of a ship full of pirates. They found a map which pointed the way to an island where they recovered the treasure of a lessor officer on a famous pirate ship that pillaged...
  19. G

    Spell levels when able to access multiple lists

    This question has come up with artificers and archivists, the two classes which are able to gain access to spells on a number of spell lists. If there is a spell that lies on different lists at different levels (ie Lesser Restoration, Paladin 1, Cleric 2), can the player use the lower level...
  20. G

    Warmage versus Duskblade

    I am looking at maybe rolling up a new character for an upcoming game and I thought about doing a fighter/mage type. What is the general opinion of the two classes? Is one considerably better than the other? Thanks!