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Search results

  1. D

    DM Seeking Players: 4E WotBS Campaign via FGII

    In mid-October (2010), I’d like to start an online War of the Burning Sky 4E campaign, using the Fantasy Grounds II virtual tabletop. Game sessions will be held twice monthly, on Saturday afternoons, eastern time (US). From this thread, I’d like to establish a solid, core group of players...
  2. D

    Player's Guide Transcribed to Blog

    Here's a link to the complete WotBS Player's Guide, in blog format: WotBS - 00 - Player's Guide I hope some DM or player out there finds this to be useful. Regards, ~Draz [Original Post Edited - See conversation below] I'm preparing to run WotBS later this year. For the sake of my...
  3. D

    Prestige Class - Toxic Shroomer

    I put this together forever-ago, and never really got to use it. I'm deep into 4E, now, and my poor Toxic Shroomer will probably never see the light of day in my house. So, I give it to you...
  4. D

    Drazulfel's Core Adventure Path

    My family is new to 4E, and my youngest son is brand new to paper 'n pencil RPG's altogether. We decided to get our feet wet with the core adventure path. Yeah, I know, there are probably a dozen or more threads for Keep on the Shadowfell already. Well, this one's mine! As of this initial...
  5. D

    A Twist in the Myth

    Hey, RP fans. I figured this was the best spot to get in a shameless plug for one of my favorite bands - releasing a new album next week, and following it up with their first-ever full tour of the USA since their inception almost 20 years ago. Check out Blind Guardian, A Twist in the Myth. I...