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  1. A

    Attention all sages of the 'Loths -help a cutter find the dark on the Dream Reaver

    My epic-level PCs are headed fast and surely for a confrontation with the Baernaloth known as the Dream Reaver, one of those wonderful creations of Shemeska's: The Demented. Unfortunately, from what the extent of my google-fu could determine, the Dream Reaver has had very little light shed on...
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    Asha'man's Monster Thread (Updated daily!)

    Every day in this thread, I will post 3.5 stats for a creature or NPC. I tend towards high CR monsters, but sub-epic ones. Eventually, I may begin to take requests; feel free to make suggestions or criticise. Index: Next: Izzadrux, Gelugon Guerilla
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    Subsystems as feats (Part one: Martial Adepts)

    Hi. In my opinion, many of the subsystems/variant systems created by Wizards over the course of 3e (ToB, Binding, Incarnum, and even Truenaming) are cool and interesting, but I don't like to introduce whole new classes and rulebooks to use those options. Instead, I'm planning to make feat chains...
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    Planescape- How secure are the Mazes?

    It's well known that in Planescape, the Lady's Mazes are nestled in the Deep Ethereal, locked to normal plane shift spells and only have a single, hard-to-reach portal to connect with the outside. But can't you Wish your way out? (Or in, if you need to)? If so, why not? Wish spesifically...
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    Modus operandi for a Marut?

    In my home campaign, there is a PC who's died and been resurrected, unless I miscount, six times. I figure such an excessive number of resurrections is sufficient grounds for a Marut inevitable to be dispatched against him. Now the question is, what would the Marut's response be? Killing him...
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    Asha'mans Holistic Guide to Fiends

    In this thread, I intend to collect a lot of stat blocks for evil outsiders, which I have decided to revise for use in a new campaign. I feel that 3.5 in many ways went too far in powering up the evil outsiders of 3.0, so these statblocks will in large part be hybrids of the 3.0 and 3.5...
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    On DMing and "writing books"

    It is a commonly expressed sentiment both on these boards and in the community at large that "If a DM wants to 'tell a story', he should get away from the screen and go write a book", or words to that effect. On reflection, though, I think that's really both rude and disingenious. Of course...
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    Blasphemy redesign -help wanted

    I'll be brutally honest. I don't really want to fix Blasphemy and its ilk. I think they are cool spells, and the evil DM in me cackles whenever I get to use them. But I have to face up to it: they are broken. They are showstoppers which screw the whole party, with no save and no effective...