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Asha'mans Holistic Guide to Fiends


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In this thread, I intend to collect a lot of stat blocks for evil outsiders, which I have decided to revise for use in a new campaign. I feel that 3.5 in many ways went too far in powering up the evil outsiders of 3.0, so these statblocks will in large part be hybrids of the 3.0 and 3.5 versions, also taking into account the BoVD and the Fiendish Codexes I and II. Finally I hope to place everything from Dretches to Demogorgon in a sensible and consistent progression of power. Said progression is created for a setting which assumes no epic level rules are in use and which is overall fairly low-powered.

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First Post
Didn't I say "low power"?

As is implied by the moniker ”holistic”, let us begin at the very top… or bottom, from another point of view:

Asmodeus, King of Hell --- CR 27?

LE medium outsider (lawful, evil, extraplanar, baatezu)
Init +11;
Senses see in darkness, remote sensing, portfolio sense, Listen +30, Spot +30
(range penalties to spot and listen checks per mile, not per 10 ft.)
Aura Aura of Fear 100ft.
Languages all

AC 42 (+15 natural, +7 dexterity, +10 deflection), touch 27, flat-footed 35
Hit Dice 36d8+324 (612hp)
DR 20/epic and silver and chaotic or good; Regeneration 20
Resist acid 30, cold 30 SR 38
Immune ability damage, ability drain, death effects, energy drain, fire,
form-altering effects, stunning, paralysis. Does not automatically fail attacks or saves on a natural 1.

Fort +29, Ref +27, Will +28
Weakness Locked Within the Gates

Speed 60 ft. (12 squares), fly 180 ft. (good)
Melee The Ruby Rod +49/44/39/34 1d8+13+2d6 vs. good and 2d6 vs. chaotic/x2
Base Atk +36; Grp +44
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Atk Options spells, spell-like abilites, Call Baatezu
Spell-like Abilities (CL 24):
At will -desecrate, flame strike (DC 25), greater dispel magic, greater teleport,
persistent image (DC 25), unholy blight (DC 24), unholy aura
(DC 28), unhallow, wall of fire (DC 24)
3/day- blasphemy, power word (stun, blind or kill), meteor swarm (DC 29), symbol (any)
1/day- wish (DC 29)
Str 26, Dex 25, Con 28, Int 35, Wis 26, Cha 30
SQ Lord of the Nine, immortality
Feats Combat Expertise, Dark Speech, Negotiator, Persuasive, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-like ability(x2), Violate Spell, Quicken Spell, Corrupt Spell-like ability, Improved Initiative, Malign Spell Focus, Flyby Attack
Skills Appraise+49, Bluff +51, Concentration+48, Diplomacy +59, Disguise +49 (+53 acting), Forgery+49, Gather Information+49, Hide +30, Intimidate +55, Listen +30, Move Silently +30, Perform (Oratory) +49 Search +33, Sense Motive+49, Spellcraft+51, Spot +30, Ride+27, Knowledge (Arcana+55, Nobility and Royalty+50 Law+50 Religion+50, The Planes+50, History+50)
Combat gear The Ruby Rod
Spells: Asmodeus casts spells as a 20th level Evangelist with the Law, Evil, Tyranny, Domination and Baator domains.
His spells have DC 18+spell level
9th (6/day) Astral Projection, Dominate Monster, Miracle, Summon Monster IX*, Imprisonment, Monstrous Thrall
8th (7/day) Antimagic Field, Demand, Discern Location, Fire Storm, Mass Charm Monster, Shield of Law,
Spell Turning, True Domination, Unholy Aura
7th (7/day) Blasphemy, Bestow Greater Curse, Dictum, Grasping Hand, Greater Scrying, Imprison Soul,
Mass Suggestion, Repulsion, Summon Monster VII*
6th (7/day) Blade Barrier, Create Undead, Geas/Quest, Harm, Heal, Hold Monster, Mass Fox’s Cunning
5th (7/day) Dispel Chaos, Dispel Good, Forbidden Speech, Greater Command, Mark of Justice,
Morality Undone, Spell Resistance, True Seeing, Summon Monster V*
4th (8/day) Deeper Darkness, Dimensional Anchor, Dominate Person, Fear, Freedom of Movement,
Order’s Wrath, Psychic Poison, Sending, Unholy Blight,
3rd (8/day) Detect Thoughts, Discern Lies, Love’s Pain, Magic Circle against Chaos/Good,
Protection from Energy, Speak with Dead, Suggestion, Summon Monster III*, Wrack
2nd (8/day) Augury, Bull’s Strength, Calm Emotions, Darkness, Desecrate, Eagle’s Splendour, Enthrall,
Fox’s Cunning, Owl’s Wisdom Undetectable Alignment,
1st (8/day) Bane, Command, Deathwatch, Detect Chaos/Good/Law, Disguise Self, Divine Favor, Protection From Chaos/Good
* (lawful and/or evil creatures only)

Regeneration: Asmodeus takes normal damage from weapons that penetrate his damage reduction, and from spells with the [Chaotic] or [Good] descriptor.

Fear Aura: Anyone who comes within 100 ft. of Asmodeus must make a Will save (DC 38) Those who fail the save become shaken and suffer a -2 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks. The merest glance or gesture from Asmodeus makes them frightened, and they flee as quickly as they can, although they can choose the path of their flight.

Call Baatezu: 9/day, Asmodeus may call any of the following: 21 lemures or soul shells, 18 Barbazu or Osyluths, 15 Erinyes or Hamatulas, 12 Malebranche, 9 Gelugons, 6 pit fiends, 3 Dukes of Hell or Ashmadia, or Ashema Deva, any one Heir of Hell, Archdevil or Lord of the Nine.

Lord of the Nine: Asmodeus treats the entirety of Baator as his own Cosmic Realm. He may reshape the entirety of Hell as if it were his divine realm; shaping actual divine realms within Hell is only possible with an opposed power check (1d20+HD+Cha modifier). Asmodeus can promote lesser devils into greater forms at will. If the devil in question does not possess the proper HD for its new form, Asmodeus receives a number of negative levels equal to the difference. Asmodeus does not need to make a Fortitude save against permanent level loss. Instead, his negative levels are removed at the rate of one per hour. Asmodeus can also promote a devil to Archdevil or Lord status, granting them the appropriate abilities.

Locked Within The Gates: Asmodeus may never physically leave Hell by spell or portal, and although he can Astrally Project to other outer planes, he can’t Project himself to the material plane. He cannot be Called or Summoned except with the Invocation of Unlocking the Nine Gates.

Portfolio sense: Asmodeus automatically senses any event involving tyranny, domination or enslavement as it happens, if it affects a thousand or more people. He becomes aware of the event and where it happens. Once Asmodeus notices an event, he can use remote sensing to perceive the event.

Remote Sensing: As a standard action, Asmodeus can perceive everything within a radius of nine miles around any of his worshipers, holy sites, sacred objects, any location where someone has spoken his name or title within the last hour, anywhere in Hell or any location where an event related to his portfolio has occurred. (Although he is not necessarily aware of all such events to observe them, see Portfolio sense above) This ability can cross planar boundaries and penetrate barriers and is not fooled with misdirection, nondetection, or similar effects. Asmodeus can extend his senses to up to nine separate locations, and still sense what's going on around him.

Block Sensing: As a standard action, Asmodeus can block the sensing ability of another cosmic entity or deity for up to nine hours by making a successful opposed power check. (1d20+HD+Cha modifier, +46 for Asmodeus) This power extends for a radius of nine miles, and can be centred on Asmodeus himself, on a sacred site, on the location of something related to his portfolio, or anywhere in Hell. Asmodeus can simultaneously block the area around himself and one other area.

The Ruby Rod (Major artifact): This rod, crafted by Asmodeus personally, is the symbol of rulership of Hell. It is a +5 unholy axiomatic heavy mace. A total of 9/day, the wielder can use the following spell-like abilities, all at CL 20 and DC 29:
Corrupted violated Prismatic Sphere
Fortunate Fate
Restore 9 levels worth of expended spells or spell-like abilities
Corrupted line of lightning 150 ft. long, 10 ft. wide. 20d6 damage, reflex half
Corrupted line of acid 300 ft. long, 5 ft. wide, 20d6 damage, reflex half
Corrupted cone of cold 75 ft. long, 20d6 damage, reflex half
Violated mass inflict critical wounds
Mass hold monster
Empowered Hellfire Storm

Edit: Who do the readers want to see next? Demogorgon, or Mephistopheles?
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Wow. That's a lot of work you've volunteered for. Nice read. Of the 2 you've suggested I like Mephisto (as his mates call him.) Although truth be told be I'd be more interested to see a lower powered devil (etc.) Like a Horned Devil, a Marilith or maybe a Pit Fiend or a Bator. Someone I might actually need stats for.

Sorry, I don't mean to be critical (I realease it reads a bit that way.)


EDIT: about Asie's Summoning: At the lower end (the Lemures and Barbarzu f'rinstance) I can't help but feel the numbers of critters he can call are a bit low. 21 Lemures? Not much of threat to a group over about 4th level. And this is Asmodeus we're looking at. The Lord of the Nine Hells. If he Commanded it then endless seas of lemures would appear and wash over any fool mortals who offended Him. Least, that's how I'd call it.
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First Post
No offence in any way, I love feedback. And you're right that most people would probably prefer stats they can use in a game. I think I can add the pit fiend, gelugon and malebranche later today. Just stick around.

As for Asmodeus' summoning ability, you're right that summoning anything less than gelugons is almost certainly a wasted action for him in a fight. But there are some considerations behind why the ability looks the way it looks:
1. There is a pattern to what numbers and kinds of creatures he can summon. If I change the pattern to give him "endless seas" of lemures, I worry that it'll lead to encounter balance problems with the higher orders. And any finite number of lemures, even if arbitrarily large, is only an annoyance to anyone who'd fight Asmodeus anyway.
2. They are mostly there for completeness' sake anyway. If Asmodeus wants reinforcements, he won't call lemures or barbazu. They are inconsequential to anything he'd ever bother to actually fight. He'll call pit fiends, or better yet his Dukes, Martinet, Rhone and Carreau.
3. If I change the ability to make it sometimes worthwhile to call weaker devils, there would have to be scores of them. Running a fight with Asmodeus and 6 level 20 characters is already pretty complicated. Add six pit fiends and Martinet, and you're at the threshold for what most DMs can manage without bogging the fight down completely. But Asmodeus, 49 erinyes and 64 barbazu? It'd be the grind to end all grinds. (To say nothing of the campaign)

Still, I notice as I reread it that I forgot about Aesmadeva and the Ashmadia when I wrote up his calling power, so it will need revision anyway. What do you think it should look like? Your feedback is much appreciated!

EDIT: Gnaah! I spent several hours converting the Gelugon and Pit Fiend, and just as I was starting on the Malebranche, the document self-destructs on me! :mad: I won't be posting any devils until tomorrow at the earliest.
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No offence in any way, I love feedback. And you're right that most people would probably prefer stats they can use in a game. I think I can add the pit fiend, gelugon and malebranche later today. Just stick around

DAmn computers. Now they're tools of Asmodeus.


First Post
Since all my lesser devils went MIA, I’ll have to give you what I’d planned instead. Hopefully you’ll approve. Note that he borrows heavily from the Dicefreaks conception, as most of my builds will.

Mephistopheles, the Lord of Loss --- CR 25

LE medium outsider (lawful, evil, extraplanar, baatezu)
Init +7;
Senses see in darkness, remote sensing, portfolio sense, Listen +20, Spot +20
(range penalties to spot and listen checks per mile, not per 10 ft.)
Aura Aura of Despair 100ft.
Languages all

AC 41(+12 natural,+5 armor, +7 dexterity, +7 deflection), touch 24, flat-footed 34
Hit Dice 30d8+240 (480 hp)
DR 20/magic and silver and chaotic or good; Regeneration 20
Resist acid 30, cold 30 SR 36
Immune ability damage, ability drain, death effects, energy drain, fire,
form-altering effects, stunning, paralysis. Does not automatically fail attacks or saves on a natural 1.

Fort +29*, Ref +28*, Will +28* (* Including +4 from Robe)
Weakness Locked Within the Gates

Speed 60 ft. (12 squares)
Melee Cold Soul +40/35/30/25 2d4+12+1d6 fire+1d6 cold/19-20 x3
and 2d10 cold and 2d10 fire
Ranged Hellfire ray +37 ranged touch or spell +37 ranged touch
Base Atk +30; Grp +35
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with Cold Soul)
Atk Options spells, spell-like abilites, Call Baatezu, Hellfire
Spell-like Abilities (CL 20):
At will -desecrate, freezing sphere (DC 23), greater dispel magic, greater teleport, sleet storm, unholy blight (DC 21), unholy aura (DC 25), unhallow, wall of fire (DC 21), wall of ice (DC 21)
3/day- blasphemy, power word (stun, blind or kill), hellfire storm, symbol (any)
1/day- wish (DC 26)
Str 20, Dex 25, Con 26, Int 40, Wis 24, Cha 25
SQ Lord of the Seventh, immortality
Feats Arcane Mastery, Dark Speech, Improved Critical (ranseur), Empower Spell, Quicken Spell, Eschew Materials, Energy Substitution (Cold), Energy Admixture (Cold), Corrupt Spell, Violate Spell, Skill Focus: Knowledge Arcana
Skills Appraise+35, Bluff+40, Decipher Script+48, Diplomacy+46, Disguise+30(+32 acting), Disable Device+30, Craft: Alchemy+48, Concentration +41, Forgery+30, Gather Information +30, Hide+20, Intimidate+30, Move Silently +20, Search+30, Sense Motive +40, Spellcraft+50, Spot+20, Listen+20, Knowledge: Arcana +51, History+48, The Planes+48, Religion+48, Nature+48, Nobility and Royalty+48, Psionics +25, Law +48, Geography+48, Architecture and Engineering+48, Local+48, Use Magic Device+30

Combat gear Cold Soul, Black Robe of the Archmagi
Spells: Mephistopheles casts spells as a 20th level Evoker with the prohibited schools Enchantment and Conjuration. His spells have DC 25+spell level. He has a +22 bonus on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance.
Typical spells prepared:
9th (6+1/day) Astral Projection, Empowered Violated Cold Admixed Scorching Ray,
Empowered Whirlwind of Teeth (DC 32), Foresight, Meteor Swarm (DC 34) Time Stop, Corrupted Polar Ray
8th (6+1/day) Cold Admixed Fire Shield, Discern Location, Empowered Storm of Fire and Ice (DC 31),
Mind Blank x2, Moment of Prescience, Cold-substituted Violated Emerald Flame Fist
7th (7+1/day) Spell Turning, Delayed Blast Fireball, Cold Substituted Delayed Blast Fireball,
Quickened Corrupted Darkbolt (DC 27), Whirlwind of Teeth (DC 32), Greater Arcane Sight,
Greater Scrying, Quickened Curse of the Frigid Husk (DC 28)
6th (7+1/day) Fiendish Quickening, Quickened Darkbolt (DC 27), Veil,
Mephistopheles’ Lucubration, Contingency, Legend Lore, True Seeing, Repulsion (DC 31)
5th (7+1/day) Dismissal (DC 30), Resonating Resistance, Sending x3, Wall of Force,
Quickened Shield, Mephistopheles’ Private Sanctum
4th (7+1/day) Anticipate Teleportation x2, Distort Summons,
Dimensional Anchor x2, Wrack (DC 29), Enervation
3rd (8+1/day) Corrupted Darkbolt x2(DC 27), Fly x3, Displacement,
Slow (DC 28), Protection from Energy, Empowered Ray of Enfeeblement
2nd (8+1/day) Fox’s Cunning x3, Shatter (DC 27), Misdirection x2,
See Invisibility x 2, Pyrotechnics (DC 27)
1st (8+1/day) Shield, Ventriloquism, Magic Missile, Chill Touch x2 (DC 26),
Identify x2, Ray of Enfeeblement, Disguise Self (DC 26)
Spellbooks: The arcane libraries of Mephistar are vast, and Mephistopheles has access to all common wizard spells (including Corrupt spells) of schools other than Enchantment and Conjuration, many personal spells researched by other wizards, and several unique spells researched by him or his servants.

Regeneration: Mephistopheles takes normal damage from weapons that penetrate his damage reduction, and from spells with the [Chaotic] or [Good] descriptor.

Aura of Despair: Anyone who comes within 100 ft. of Mephistopheles must make a Will save (DC 32) Those who fail the save are struck numb with despair, and take a -4 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks.

Call Baatezu: 3/day, Mephistopheles may call any of the following: 18 lemures or soul shells, 15 Barbazu or Osyluths, 12 Erinyes or Hamatulas, 9 Malebranche, 6 Gelugons, 3 pit fiends or 1 Duke of Cania
Hellfire: 9/day as a standard action, Mephistopheles can call forth hellfire. This ability can be used in several ways:

  • Mephistopheles can attack with it in a 30 ft. cone, 60 ft. line or 90 ft. ray (+37 ranged touch, no save) which deals 9d12 points of divine damage to all creatures caught within, Reflex DC 32 half.
  • He can wreathe himself in a shield of hellfire for 9 rounds, so that anyone attacking him in melee, and anyone he hits with a touch attack, takes 3d12 points of divine damage. (no save)
  • He can radiate a 30 ft. aura of hellfire for 9 rounds. Anyone caught within the aura takes 1d12 points of divine damage per round, and must make a Reflex save (DC 32) or the hellfire catches, continuing to deal damage every turn thereafter. Every turn thereafter, the character is allowed a new save against the same DC to put out the fire, but otherwise it can only be extinguished by casting a Dispel Evil spell at the affected character.
Lord of the Eighth: Mephistopheles’ Cosmic Realm is Cania, the Eighth Hell. Mephistopheles can promote lesser devils into greater forms at will, except that he cannot promote a devil to a pit fiend. (Only immersion in the Lake of Fire, or the will of Asmodeus himself, can do that.) If the devil in question does not possess the proper HD for its new form, Mephistopheles receives a number of negative levels equal to the difference. Mephistopheles does not need to make a Fortitude save against permanent level loss for using this power. Instead, his negative levels are removed at the rate of one per hour.

Locked Within The Gates: Mephistopheles may never physically leave Hell by spell or portal, and although he can Astrally Project to other outer planes, he can’t Project himself to the material plane. He cannot be Called or Summoned except with the Invocation of Unlocking the Nine Gates.

Portfolio sense: Mephistopheles automatically senses any event involving the justification of evil acts or dispassion towards them, the pursuit of knowledge by evil means or the use of magic for evil purposes as it happens, if it affects a thousand or more people. He becomes aware of the event and where it happens. Once Mephistopheles notices an event, he can use remote sensing to perceive the event.

Remote Sensing: As a standard action, Mephistopheles can perceive everything within a radius of nine miles around any of his worshipers, holy sites or sacred objects, any location where someone has spoken his name or title within the last hour, anywhere in Cania or any location where an event related to his portfolio has occurred. (Although he is not necessarily aware of all such events to observe them, see Portfolio sense above) This ability can cross planar boundaries and penetrate barriers and is not fooled with misdirection, nondetection, or similar effects. Mephistopheles can extend his senses to up to three separate locations, and still sense what's going on around him.

Block Sensing: As a standard action, Mephistopheles can block the sensing ability of another cosmic entity or deity for up to nine hours by making a successful opposed power check. (1d20+HD+Cha modifier, +37 for Mehpistopheles) This power extends for a radius of nine miles, and can be centred on Mephistopheles himself, on a sacred site, on the location of something related to his portfolio, or anywhere in Cania. Mephistopheles can simultaneously block the area around himself and one other area.

Cold Soul: This is a +5 flaming burst icy burst ranseur.
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First Post
Here, at long last, is Baalzebul. Getting him right took more time than the other two and the lesser devils combined. In the end, he's a kind of hybrid of the BoVD and Dicefreaks versions, with some of my own ideas thrown in.

Baalzebul, the Lord of Lies --- CR 25

LE large outsider (lawful, evil, extraplanar, fallen)
Init +8;
Senses darkvision 60ft, low-light vision, remote sensing, portfolio sense, Listen +41, Spot +41 (range penalties to spot and listen checks per mile, not per 10 ft.)
Aura Aura of Nuisance 100 ft.
Languages all, telepathy 100 ft.

AC 35(-1 size, +12 natural, +4 dexterity, +10 deflection), touch 23, flat-footed 31
Hit Dice 28d8+224 (448 hp)
DR 20/magic and silver and chaotic or good; Regeneration 20
Resist Acid 30, fire 30, SR 37
Immune ability damage, ability drain, death effects, energy drain, electricity,
form-altering effects, stunning, paralysis. Does not automatically fail attacks or saves on a natural 1.

Fort +24, Ref +20, Will +24
Weakness Locked Within the Gates, Twice Cursed

Speed 40 ft. (8 squares) Fly 40 ft. (perfect)
Melee Slam +37/+32/+27/+22 2d8+15/x2 or melee touch +37 by spell
Base Atk +28; Grp +42
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Atk Options spell-like abilites, Call Baatezu, Castigating Gaze
Spell-like Abilities (CL 20):
Always active: discern lies (DC 24), fiendish clarity, glibness
at will -atonement, desecrate, death knell (DC 22), forbidden speech
(DC 25), greater dispel magic, greater teleport, inflict critical wounds
(DC 24), mark of justice, order’s wrath (DC 24), sending, mass suggestion (DC 26) unholy aura (DC 28), unhallow
3/day- blasphemy (DC 27), banishment (DC 27), demand (DC 28) dictum (DC 27), divine favor, harm (DC 26), hell’s power, slay living (DC 25), symbol (any), wretched blight (DC 27)
1/day- destruction (DC 27), wish (DC 29)
Str 30, Dex 18, Con 27, Int 27, Wis 26, Cha 31
SQ Lord of the Eighth, immortality
Feats Dark Speech, Open-Minded, Quicken Spell-like Ability x3, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Tomb-Tainted Soul, Persuasive, Skill Focus: Bluff
Skills Bluff +56, Concentration +24 Diplomacy +47, Forgery +39 Gather Information +43, Hide+16, Intimidate +45, Listen +41, Move Silently+20, Perform (Oratory)+41 Sense Motive +41, Spellcraft+24 Spot +39, Knowledge: History+39, Religion+27, Local+39, Knowledge: Nobility and Royalty+39, The Planes+27, Arcana+27, Law+27, Use Magic Device +27

Regeneration: Baalzebul takes normal damage from weapons that penetrate his damage reduction, and from spells with the [Chaotic] or [Good] descriptor.

Aura of Nuisance: Baalzebul can evoke a 100 ft. radius cloud of crimson, fly-like motes, which sting and harass his opponents. Anyone who comes within this aura takes 28 damage per turn (Fort half DC 34). This ongoing damage may disrupt spell casting or other activities requiring concentration, as normal.

Call Baatezu: 3/day, Baalzebul may call any of the following: 18 lemures or soul shells, 15 Barbazu or Osyluths, 12 Erinyes or Hamatulas, 9 Malebranche, 6 Gelugons, 3 pit fiends or 1 Duke of Maladomini.
Castigating Gaze: Any non lawful evil creature within 60 feet of Baalzebul that meets the archdevil’s eyes must succeed on both a Will and Fortitude saving throw (DC 34) or suffer the effects of the castigating gaze. The victim suffers different effects based on how far from Lawful Evil he is. The effects last for one round, but a new save must be made every turn a creature remains within the area of the gaze.
Law/Chaos Axis:
Neutral: Victims who fail their Fortitude save become fatigued. Victims who fail their Will save become slowed.
Chaotic: Victims who fail their Fortitude save become exhausted. Victims who fail their Will save become paralyzed.
Good/Evil Axis:
Neutral: Victims who fail their Fortitude saves suffer 5d8 points of damage. Victims who fail their Will saves are sickened.
Good: Victims who fail their Fortitude saves suffer 10d8 points of damage. Victims who fail their Will saves are nauseated.

Twice Cursed: For his leading part in the rebellion against Asmodeus, Baalzebul was punished with a pair of debilitating and humiliating curses. First, he was transformed from his original, angelic form into a revolting slug-like hybrid. This halves his speed in all movement forms and applies a -8 penalty to his Dexterity. (Already included in his statistics above) Secondly he is compelled always to speak only lies. These curses were cast by Asmodeus himself (Two bestow greater curse spells at CL 21) and although he could have them removed, Baalzebul dares not provoke the King of Hell by doing so.

Lord of the Seventh: Baalzebul’s Cosmic Realm is Maladomini, the Seventh Hell. Baalzebul can promote lesser devils into greater forms at will, except that he cannot promote a devil to a pit fiend. (Only immersion in the Lake of Fire, or the will of Asmodeus himself, can do that.) If the devil in question does not possess the proper HD for its new form, Baalzebul receives a number of negative levels equal to the difference. Baalzebul does not need to make a Fortitude save against permanent level loss for using this power. Instead, his negative levels are removed at the rate of one per hour.

Locked Within The Gates: Baalzebul may never physically leave Hell by spell or portal, and although he can Astrally Project to other outer planes, he can’t Project himself to the material plane. He cannot be Called or Summoned except with the Invocation of Unlocking the Nine Gates.

Portfolio sense: Baalzebul automatically senses any event involving prejudice, indoctrination, surveillance or conspiracy as it happens, if it affects a thousand or more people. He becomes aware of the event and where it happens. Once Baalzebul notices an event, he can use remote sensing to perceive the event.

Remote Sensing: As a standard action, Baalzebul can perceive everything within a radius of nine miles around any of his worshipers, holy sites or sacred objects, any location where someone has spoken his name or title within the last hour, anywhere in Maladomini or any location where an event related to his portfolio has occurred. (Although he is not necessarily aware of all such events to observe them, see Portfolio sense above) This ability can cross planar boundaries and penetrate barriers and is not fooled with misdirection, nondetection, or similar effects. Baalzebul can extend his senses to up to three separate locations, and still sense what's going on around him.

Block Sensing: As a standard action, Baalzebul can block the sensing ability of another cosmic entity or deity for up to nine hours by making a successful opposed power check. (1d20+HD+Cha modifier, +38 for Baalzebul) This power extends for a radius of nine miles, and can be centred on Baalzebul himself, on a sacred site, on the location of something related to his portfolio, or anywhere in Maladomini. Baalzebul can simultaneously block the area around himself and one other area.
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First Post
Lilith, Lady of Malbolge --- CR 23?

LE large outsider (lawful, evil, extraplanar, baatezu)
Init +7;
Senses see in darkness, remote sensing, portfolio sense, Listen +40, Spot +40
(range penalties to spot and listen checks per mile, not per 10 ft.)
Aura Fear Aura 100 ft.
Languages all, telepathy 100 ft.

AC 33 (-1 size,+10 natural, +7 dexterity, +7 deflection), touch 23, flat-footed 26
Hit Dice 27d8+243 (459hp)
DR 20/magic and silver and chaotic or good; Regeneration 20
Resist acid 30, cold 30 SR 35
Immune ability damage, ability drain, death effects, energy drain, fire,
form-altering effects, stunning, paralysis. Does not automatically fail attacks or saves on a natural 1.

Fort +24, Ref +24, Will +25
Weakness Locked Within the Gates

Speed 80 ft. (16 squares) Climb 40 ft. Swim 80 ft. Fly 80 ft. (average)
Melee 2 Claws +35/30/25 melee 1d4+9 and bite +33 melee 1d8+9 and poison (Fort DC 32 negates, 1d6 dex/2d6 dex)
Ranged spell +35 ranged touch
Base Atk +27; Grp +40
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Atk Options pounce, spells, spell-like abilites, Call Baatezu, Nature's Damnation, Rebuke Undead 10/day, Rebuke Animals 10/day
Spell-like Abilities (CL 20):
At will -desecrate, call lightning storm, control winds, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, poison (DC 30) unholy blight (DC 21), unholy aura (DC 25), unhallow, wall of thorns
3/day- blasphemy (DC 24), storm of vengeance, power word (stun, blind or kill), symbol (any)
1/day-despoil (DC 26), wish (DC 26)

Str 29, Dex 28, Con 29 , Int 24, Wis 31, Cha 24
SQ Lady of the Sixth, scent, immortality, ley lines +4, spell versatility
Feats Dark Speech, Violate Spell, Divine Might, Multiattack, Track, Rapidstrike, Improved Rapidstrike, Quicken Spell, Hover, Flyby Attack
Skills Bluff+37, Concentration+24 Climb+32, Diplomacy+26, Hide+39, Intimidate+39, Knowledge: Arcana+22, History+22, Nature+37, The Planes+37, Religion+37, Move Silently+39, Ride+22, Search+22, Sense Motive+25, Spellcraft+22, Spot+40, Survival+40, Swim+32, Listen+40

Spells: Lilith casts spells as a 15th level cleric with the Animal, Plant and Destruction domains (She also has the granted powers of these domains.), and as a 15th level Wizard. Her spells have DC 20+spell level. (See spell versatility and Ley Lines, below)
Typical cleric spells prepared:
8th (2+1/day) Evil Weather, Violated Destruction (DC 27), Violated Disintegrate* (DC 27)
7th (3+1/day) Control Weather, Violated Harm (DC 26), Greater Scrying, Animate Plants*
6th (4+1/day) Heal, Wind Walk, Fiendish Quickening, Ice Flower, Harm*
5th (6+1/day) Greater Command, Quickened Divine Favor, Flame Strike, Insect Plague, Slay Living, Power Leech, Wall of Thorns*
4th (6+1/day) Freedom of Movement, Dimensional Anchor, Absorb Strength, Sending x2, Cure Critical Wounds, Command Plants*
3rd (6+1/day) Blindsight, Invisibility Purge, Prayer, Contagion, Energy Vortex, Flesh Ripper, Dominate Animal*
2nd (6+1/day) Bear's Endurance, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Undetectable Alignment, Sound Burst, Wither Limb, Barkskin*
1st (7+1/day) Deathwatch, Divine Favorx2, Seething Eyebane, Suspend Disease x2, Stupor, Entangle*

Typical wizard spells prepared:
8th (1/day) Greater Shout
7th (3/day) Quickened Lightning Bolt (DC 23), Veil, Waves of Exhaustion
6th (4/day) Chain Lightning x2, Quickened Scorching Ray, Freezing Fog
5th (5/day) Ball Lightning, Baleful Polymorph, Nightmare, Superior Magic Fang, Cone of Cold
4th (5/day) Violated Lightning Bolt (DC 23), Bestow Curse, Dimension Door, Fear, Enervation
3rd (5/day) Great Thunderclap, Violated Scorching Ray, Sleet Storm, Haste, Rotting Curse of Malbolge
2nd (6/day) Fog Cloud, Whispering Wind, Shatter x2, Body of the Sun, Web
1st (6/day) Mage Armorx2, Obscuring Mist, Ray of Enfeeblementx2, Shield

Spellbooks: To be determined. (note that unlike Mephistopheles, Lilith is far from having an unlimited repertoire)

Spell Versatility: Lilith knows how to blend divine and arcane magic. She can mix and match spellcasting parameters from Wizard and Cleric spellcasting whenever she casts a spell, using her Wisdom modifier to set the save DC against her arcane spells, casting them without arcane spell failure, and converting any spell to an inflict spell, among other things.

Regeneration: Lilith takes normal damage from weapons that penetrate her damage reduction, and from spells with the [Chaotic] or [Good] descriptor.

Aura of Fear: Anyone who comes within 100 ft. of Lilith must make a Will save (DC 30) Those who fail the save become shaken and suffer a -2 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks. The merest glance or gesture from Lilith makes them frightened, and they flee as quickly as they can, although they can choose the path of their flight.

Call Baatezu: 3/day, Lilith may call any of the following: 18 lemures or soul shells, 15 Barbazu or Osyluths, 12 Erinyes or Hamatulas, 9 Malebranche, 6 Gelugons, 3 pit fiends or 1 Duke of Malbolge
Ley Lines: Lilith knows better than anyone how to tap the magical power inherent in nature and use it to her own ends. While in forest, mountain, hill or aquatic terrain, Lilith's effective caster level with all spells increases by +4

Nature's Damnation: 9/day as a standard action, Lilith can command Nature's power to destroy her enemies. This ability can be used in several ways:
  • Lilith can open a flaming fissure in the earth, starting at her feet (or on the ground directly below her if she's flying). It can be up to 360 ft. long, in which case it's 5 feet wide. Lilith can double the width of the fissure by halving the length, several times if she so wishes. (down to a 40 ft. radius circle). Anyone standing on the ground within the area must succeed at a DC 30 Reflex save, or fall into the chasm. Even on a success, they take 9d6 bludgeoning damage as they are showered with rocky debris. This effect lasts for one round, during which time the ground shakes violently – anyone within 30 ft.of the fissure (but not actually within its area) must succeed at a Balance check (DC 15) or fall prone. Those adjacent to the crack must succeed on a Reflex save (DC 16) if they fail this check, or fall into the chasm as well. Spellcasters standing on the ground and attempting to cast spells during that round must succeed at a Concentration check (DC 20 + spell level) to successfully cast. Structures within that range are affected as though by an earthquake spell. At the start of Lilith's next turn, beings that fell into the fissure and have not escaped take 18d6 bludgeoning damage and are buried. For those that were not trapped in the chasm, the force of the earth slamming closed again knocks anyone standing upon the ground within 30 ft. prone unless they succeed at another Reflex save (DC 30). Those who succeed are again pelted with rocks and take 9d6 bludgeoning damage.
  • She can evoke a 60-ft radius burst of ice, centered on herself. Anyone inside takes 9d6 cold damage (Reflex DC 30 half). Those who fail this save must also make a DC 30 fortitude save, or be frozen solid, along with all their equipment. (as flesh to ice)
  • She can create a 60-ft.radius miasma of foul-smelling, poisonous fog. The fog hampers vision as a Fog Cloud spell, and anyone inside at the beginning of their turn must make a Fortitude save (DC 30) or take 1d4 points of Constitution and Wisdom damage.As long as this damage remains, affected creatures are nauseated while they are inside the cloud, and sickened when they are outside it. Even after they leave, the corruption of the fog affects anyone who failed at least one save with a terrible disease (Incubation time 1 day, damage 1d4 con and 1d4 wis, DC 30.)
  • She can create a 60-ft. radius rush of crushing, thorny vines. Anyone in the area must make a Reflex save (DC 30). Those who fail the save are entangled. They are also impaled by many long thorns, and must make a Fortitude save (DC 30). Success indicates that they take 4d6 points of damage per round that they remain trapped, but can attempt to free themselves normally. Failure indicates that they are incapacitated for 1d4 rounds, taking damage all the while, before they can begin to free themselves. To free oneself from the vines requires a DC 30 Escape Artist or DC 26 Strength check.
Lord of the Sixth: Lilith's Cosmic Realm is Malbolge, the Sixth Hell. Lilith can promote lesser devils into greater forms at will, except that she cannot promote a devil to a pit fiend. (Only immersion in the Lake of Fire, or the will of Asmodeus himself, can do that.) If the devil in question does not possess the proper HD for its new form, Lilith receives a number of negative levels equal to the difference. Lilith does not need to make a Fortitude save against permanent level loss for using this power. Instead, her negative levels are removed at the rate of one per hour.

Locked Within The Gates: Lilith may never physically leave Hell by spell or portal, and although she can Astrally Project to other outer planes, she can’t Project herself to the material plane. She cannot be Called or Summoned except with the Invocation of Unlocking the Nine Gates.

Portfolio sense: Lilith automatically senses any event involving ruin of a pristine environment or exploitation or violence against children or animals as it happens, if it affects a thousand or more people (or animals). She becomes aware of the event and where it happens. Once Lilith notices an event, she can use remote sensing to perceive the event.

Remote Sensing: As a standard action, Lilith can perceive everything within a radius of nine miles around any of her worshipers, holy sites or sacred objects, any location where someone has spoken her name or title within the last hour, anywhere in Malbolge or any location where an event related to her portfolio has occurred. (Although she is not necessarily aware of all such events to observe them, see Portfolio sense above) This ability can cross planar boundaries and penetrate barriers and is not fooled with misdirection, nondetection, or similar effects. Lilith can extend her senses to up to three separate locations, and still sense what's going on around her.

Block Sensing: As a standard action, Lilith can block the sensing ability of another cosmic entity or deity for up to nine hours by making a successful opposed power check. (1d20+HD+Cha modifier, +34 for Lilith) This power extends for a radius of nine miles, and can be centred on Lilith herself, on a sacred site, on the location of something related to her portfolio, or anywhere in Malbolge. Lilith can simultaneously block the area around herself and one other area.
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First Post
Originally, I intended to post all the lords of the nine and work my way down. They're still waiting in the wings, but most are only partially complete. Nor does it help production speed that I keep revising them. So... I thought I should put up some of the basic devils for now.

First a note on the hierarchy.

As with everything else in the Nine Hells, the Baatezu caste system is obsessively numerological, to be spesific, it is fixated on the number nine.
As such, there are nine castes of true devils:
  • Pit fiends
  • Gelugon
  • Malebranche
  • Osyluth
  • Hamatula
  • Erinyes
  • Barbazu
  • Spinagon
  • Lemures
Most castes, however, include one or more variant devil types for various specialised duties.

Then there is also the various detritus of Lawful Evil outsiders: Imps, hell-hounds and hellcats, and the kytons of Jangling Hiter, in the layer of Minauros. These have no connection to the infernal hierarchy, but are tolerated and employed because (and only as long as) they are useful to the Baatezu powers that be.

Lastly and most peculiar, there are the Nupperibo and Barregon.
Appearing as crudely humanoid blobs of bloody clay, Nupperibo seem to be a type of Lawful Evil petitioner. Baatezu corral them wherever they are found and "demote" them to Lemures, inducting them into the Baatezu hierarchy. Conversely, Barregons are afforded great respect, ranking somewhere between Malebranche and Gelugons despite not being Baatezu at all. They are the guardians of portals leading from Hell to other planes, and of the river Styx, and they are most commonly found in Stygia. There seems to be some mysterious connection between them and the Lord of the Fifth, Leviathan, as he uses them more than any other type of devil as his agents and emissaries both in Stygia and beyond.

Voidrunner's Codex

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