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Search results

  1. withak

    Halls of the Giant Kings (Dungeon Tiles DU1): Worth buying? A good "starter" set?

    I've generally liked the Dungeon Tiles WotC has released in the past. I ran a short-lived campaign at a co-worker's place, and he had a big box of the things, 4 or 5 sets all told, IIRC. This included DT1, the first, "basic" set with all of the generic corridors, rooms, and whatnot a DM would...
  2. withak

    Ongoing Damage cards -- need suggestions for naming

    In our last session, the players were up against a deathjump spider -- a deadly foe, but less deadly if the players and DM are constantly forgetting about the ongoing poison damage! To alleviate this problem, I'm going to hand out index cards with Ongoing Damage information on them when a...
  3. withak

    Encounter calculator spreadsheet

    Here's a quick-'n'-dirty encounter calculator I whipped up. Just punch in party level and size, desired encounter level, and various threats by number, level, and type (Minion/Standard/Elite/Solo) and adjust as needed to get the right balance for your encounter. The Encounter Difficulty and...
  4. withak

    Sortable Monster Manual index spreadsheet with built-in encounter calculator -- v1.2

    This spreadsheet will make finding the right monster for your encounter a snap! Sort by name, level, role, size, origin, type, keywords, and even Monster Manual entry and page number. Sorting instructions: On the Monsters tab, select columns A through AO and choose "Data -- Sort...". To sort by...
  5. withak

    Hey WotC! Can we get leveled-up versions of the DDXP PCs?

    We've had some great fan-created adventures posted on this site, and a bunch of really entertaining and informative playtest reports as a result. I've been considering putting together a little adventure for my group to see how they like 4e (and would post it here, natch) but I'd like to go a...
  6. withak

    D&D 4E Ain't It Cool News reviews 4e

    "Massawyrm" from Ain't It Cool News has been a 4e playtester for some time (apparently he is pals with a WotC freelancer) and posted part 1 of a 3 (?) part review: http://www.aintitcool.com/node/35776 In a nutshell, he gives it a giant thumbs-up.
  7. withak

    How do you pronounce "Eladrin"?

    Inquiring minds want to know... what's the 'right' way to pronounce the name of this new race?