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Search results

  1. C

    2000AD Minis or Theatre of the Mind

    I was wondering what the default assumption is for Dredd & the Worlds of 2000AD is; minis on a grid or theatre of the mind. Looking at a lot of the preview material I'd guess minis, as there are references to squares of movement and the importance of tactical positioning. I checked the FAQ and...
  2. C

    GM advice: Earthmote as gigantic earth elemetal encounter

    I'm in need of a steer. I have the germ of a cool idea, but I can't figure out how to make an exciting encounter out of it. Here's the setup; whilst tracking a missing wizard the party have stumbled across his domain in the Elemental Chaos. The domain is made up of a number of earthmotes. The...
  3. C

    D&D 5E Balancing party vs NPC encounter

    I have a party of 6 4th level characters being pursued by a vengeful NPC. I want my NPC to be scary, tough, and (hopefully) a recurring villain. I see him as making hit and run attacks, focusing on one target at a time, trying to whittle the party down, then vanishing. I've gone for a wood...
  4. C

    Suggestions for 4E RHoD/ CoH/ E1-3 campaign

    Having started the Keep on the Shadowfell I'm now starting my players on a 4E version of the Red Hand of Doom. Once that's done I plan to go through The 4E Chamber of Horrors throughout Paragon tier, and then run the E1-3 epic modules. I aim to have Kalarel from KotSF make a reappearance in E1...
  5. C

    Scales of War Wiki for DMs

    SPOILER WARNING: This post if for SoW DMs only. Players look away now! There have been several of complaints about the lack of a useful Scales of War overview from Wizards, and a lack of sufficient foreshadowing and effective linking between the SoW modules. Also a few errors exist that can...
  6. C

    D&D 4E Will 4e kill PbP D&D?

    I've been studying the rules for a while, and ran the Raiders of Oakhurst adventure for my local gaming group last week. Overall I'm very positive about 4e, and can't wait to get my hands on the new books. However... I'm a big fan of Play by Post D&D too. It's a very different vibe, and gives...