• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

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    Slayers of the Great Serpent II: Beyond the Forest of Night

    Hello All, Please support the kickstarter for the second adventure in the Slayers of the Great Serpent series. Project Page "Beyond the Forest of Night" is the second installment of a classic fantasy adventure series called Slayers of the Great Serpent. This series of adventure modules...
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    [Chaos Trip Studios] New Products - Cities of Altered Earth

    Chaos Trip Studios is proud to present our first two setting books for Altered Earth. Cities of Altered Earth: Octagon and Cities of Altered Earth: Consortium are on sale now. Built deep in the Western Mountains, the mega-city called Octagon is a paradise for the idle rich and a living hell...
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    Pathfinder 1E Slayers of the Great Serpent Adventure Path

    -A Tale of Terrible Danger -A Monster From Prehistoric Times -An Impossible Quest “To the Edge of the Map” is the first installment of a classic fantasy adventure series called Slayers of the Great Serpent. The story begins when a messenger arrives at the royal court with a warning of...
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    Circleville, OH : DM Needs players. 3.x, PF, 4E, d20 Modern, nWoD, Shadowrun, whatever

    Hello. I have recently moved to the area and I am looking to put a gaming group together. Flexible schedule. I run/play just about anything. I am an experienced GM and a professional game designer.
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    Homebrew Adventure Using Masterplan

    This is the first arc of a 20 level campaign I plan on running with my regular group someday. I'd like suggests and comments please. Thanks,
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    D&D 4E My homebrew 4E, suggested for the next edition

    Bring back random hit points. Been doing this from the start, 5 hp per level equals 1d10 plus Con. Works just fine. No at-will powers for warrior types. Fighters get to add half their level to damage for basic attacks though. No more small ball. A bonus that gives you a +1 bonus to something...
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    Sneak Peak - Altered Earth: Heroic Tier Threats

    Here is just a sliver of the science fiction baddies being offered in my latest project for the Altered Earth setting. Enjoy. Remember that the original AE supplement is available from Chaos Trip Studios and Avalon games at: Altered Earth - Avalon Game Company | RPGNow.com and in softcover...
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    Sneak Peek: Cyber Beasts

    CYBER BEAST A cyber beast is created by removing the brain from a cloned animal and placing it inside of a robotic duplicate of its natural body. The resulting creation combines the sophisticated instincts and learning capability of an organic brain with the power and resilience of a war...
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    Altered Earth 4E is now available in print softcover

    Anyone interested in a paper copy of our epic science fiction game can now order it from Lulu. Everything you need to create characters in the far future world of Altered Earth is now available as a softcover book. Altered Earth by David Caffee in Games Altered Earth is a role-playing...
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    Altered Earth 4E on sale now!

    Chaos Trip Studios and Avalon Games are proud to present Altered Earth: science fiction roleplaying in the far future. Look for it wherever PDFs are sold.
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    Altered Earth 4E: Free Preview

    The Altered Earth free preview is here: Altered Earth Preview - Avalon Game Company | RPGNow.com Altered Earth is a role-playing game of high energy battles and thrilling adventures set against an epic science fiction background. The action takes place in a futuristic world filled with...
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    Chaos Trip Studios signs imprinting agreement with Avalon

    Hello, Just making a quick announcement to the world in general that Chaos Trip is teaming up with our good friends at Avalon games. We have just signed an imprinting agreement that will allow our products to be released under Avalon's banner. Chaos Trip Studios is going to focus our...
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    D&D 4E Playtesters needed for a 4E science fiction setting

    The thread title says it all. Anyone interested in testing the game can email me at chaos_trip_studios@yahoo.com I will reply with a Free Preview PDF that contains; Basic Setting Introducction 5 sample characters A short adventure scenario Thanks, David Caffee Chaos Trip Studios