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    Kickstarter The Realm of Greyclaw - A classically-inspired sourcebook to improve Player & DM immersion

    In my 15+ years of tabletop gaming, I've had lots of fun, but have also experienced plenty of frustrations. So, I set out to design a sourcebook that would alleviate some of the common headaches experienced by both players and game masters alike! Not only that, but I based this endeavor on the...
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    [D&D] Best D&D-ish adventure that doesn't require a PhD?

    I've run parts of Savage Tide and Expedition to Demonweb Pit, some of the older Pathfinder paths, and I spent today reading over the first installment of Age of Worms. And regarding all of them, I have one question: Why the sh** fu** are these plots so bloody complicated?? I feel like in...
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    D&D 5E Does this exist? List of interesting, random towns.

    You can't swing a dead cat without running into a "101 Adventure Hooks" or "101 Plot Ideas" list. But what I would personally like is a list of interesting towns. NOT plot hooks which take place IN towns, or weird mysterious things that are happening in towns, just, "What makes Town A...
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    Dragon Info: Species Names?

    Are there any official (or really nice unofficial) resources which give namesfor the dragon species besides just the generic "black dragon," etc? I mean, if one dragon were talking to another dragon, in draconic, in private, and wanted to refer to, say, red dragons as a group, would they...
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    n00b question: Concentration spell duration

    For spells that have "Duration: Concentration", what exactly do you need to achieve on your Concentration check?? Under the descriptions and rules for Spell Duration and the Concentration skill, there's no mention of it. There's plenty of rules for taking damage and violent movement and such...
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    Paladin one-hitting bosses.

    So I have this friend, a Paladin. In our game he utilizes all sorts of shenanigans to deal absurdly massive amounts of damage (using mounted charge attacks and a lance.) Here's how he claims to do it. What do you think? (Note: the items in question are in the Magic Item Compendium, Vestments of...