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Search results

  1. J

    Roscoe M. Toscobble: Luck Vs. Spellcasting

    tl;dr - Battle Sorcerer removes some already limited spell options, but I'm not really focused on spells anyway. What would you do? Hey all, I'm trying to optimize a character around using as many of the game's luck options as I can (and trying to use magic that seems "lucky" in one way or...
  2. J

    Advice for Cal Coalbarrel, Halfling Pyromancer

    tl;dr - So, I want to just pile on as much raw fire as I can. Any suggestions for fire, both mechanically and flavor-wise, that I might've missed? Full version: So, a friend is running a game and her players have asked me to please, please show up with a wizard to play since they've been...
  3. J

    Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine: Getting Started?

    Okay, so I read about Chuubo's and was hooked from the start. I bought the book and I've been pouring through it. It looks like a great game, but I was wondering if anyone has any experiences with getting games going with groups (especially groups who are more geared toward 'traditional' games...