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  1. T

    Linking 1390 London to Waterdeep

    First a Map And here is an article describing London in 1390 http://www.medievalists.net/2016/10/1390-ad-london-in-the-late-middle-ages/ Now a map of Waterdeep Now lets suppose the sewers connected, a long forgotten gate opens up and connects the underground of London to Waterdeep. Some...
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    What would happen if you reversed all the alignments for all the creatures in the Monster manual?

    What if you went over each monster entry in the Monster Manual, and you changed every Lawful Alignment into a chaotic alignment, every good alignment into an evil alignment, every evil alignment into a good alignment and every chaotic alignment into a lawful alignment? In general terms if you...
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    Toril in a box

    This is a science fiction idea, which may soon become reality with the advancement of Artificial intelligence. Imagine that it is the year 2035 and there is a computer sitting in a laboratory. Strong artificial intelligence has been a reality for over a decade, and now finally we have a computer...
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    Toril as a Counter-Earth

    Suppose Toril was plane shifted to our Solar System as a Counter-Earth, with a sphere of wildspace surrounding it about 800,000 miles in radius, its moon Selune orbiting within that sphere. A spelljamming ship can fly around within that sphere, visit Selune and the tears of Selune within, but if...
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    Post Roman D&D setting with magic and Roman Gods

    Imagine a standard Dungeons and Dragons setting Post Roman Empire, yet the Roman Gods stuck around, and the various successor nations that broke off of the Empire still worshipped those gods. As for Christianity, Jesus never was crucified, and that ended that. No religion called Christianity...
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    What if the Roman Empire conquered the Forgotten Realms?

    This takes place in a parallel prime material plane, this parallel plane came into being during the Time of Troubles 1358 DR. In this period the Time of Troubles went differently, the goddess Mystra died, and there was no Midnight to take her place, thus initiated a series of spellstorms that...
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    Reciprical Warp Drive for Mongoose Traveller

    This is an alternate FTL drive for the Traveller game, instead of having a minimum distance required from an planetary body, this drive requires a minimum velocity relative to the most massive star in the system before the drive can be activated. this drive also has a secondary feature, it can...
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    Ready Player One as a Role Playing Game setting

    What if we wanted to do a paper version of the Oasis in Ready Player One? I've read the book and it seems to me that much of it was based on Dungeons & Dragons, in that avatars have hit points and an armor class and like the 1st and 2nd editions, if they collected coins they gained experience...
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    American Indians Colonize the Old world in 1250 BC

    This is an idea I picked up from a dream I had last night. Imagine wooden ships crewed by American Indians wearing black hats and frock coats landing on the shores of Europe and Africa in 1250 BC armed with gunpowder muskets and cannons. The Indians don't have horses, so when they see them it is...
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    Timeships: Traveller

    Here is a map of part of my Time travel campaign, essential to this campaign is the idea that a Time Drive takes the place of a Jump Drive, it can be used as a Jump Drive and all the rules regarding Jump Drives in the standard campaign also apply to it. Time Drives can be found in the Highguard...
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    My Wormhole Map: Traveller

    This map is for a home brew variant of Traveller rpg, any edition, alternatively it could be adapted to any space opera RPG. the nub is, this setting uses wormholes, also called stargates instead of an FTL drive, such as the hyperdrive, the Jump Drive, Warp Drive or whatever. Wormholes have...
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    Jupiter's Belts

    Inner belt Radius: 110,680 km Average Thickness: 20 km (5 km dirt and rock, 5 km ocean, 10 km atmosphere) Width: 20,106 km Rotation: 249.231 minutes per rotation Centrifugal force minus Jupiter's Gravity: 1 g (outward) Middle belt Radius: 110,700 km Average Thickness: 20 km Width: 20,106 km...
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    Fantasy Europe as a setting for Dungeons and Dragons

    Lets try not to meander into politics. So where do we put the orcs? I think Siberia and the Ural Mountains is their natural environment.
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    When Fantasy meets Medieval Europe

    1100 AD to be precise. Medieval Europe: This is the Dungeons & Dragons Map I plan on using. Each hex is a combination of two or more terrain types for instance there is sand dunes and desert, forested mountains, desert mountains, there are three kinds of forest, pine forests, deciduous forests...
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    Suppose we substituted 3d6 for a d20 roll?

    Here is a chart for approximate conversions between d20 rolls and 3d6 rolls: A short little explanation in in order. For everything we'd ordinarily roll a d20 for we roll 3d6s instead, not just any 3d6s but specifically 2d6 consisting to two white dice plus 1 red d6, you add them up normally to...
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    Historic Old World Fantasy New World

    Historic Old World Circa 1492 AD Fantasy New World Native Americans get replaced by Elves Everything we know about the Old World from our history books is true until Columbus makes his fateful voyage across the Atlantic, and discovers new lands full of elves, magic, and monsters. The...
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    Time Portal Campaign D20 Future

    The powers of the future made a time machine, this is not a portable time machine, it uses wormholes or time portals. On the way towards building this time machine, a terrible accident occurred, the time machine turned into a black hole and swallowed the Earth, it was a very tiny black hole...
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    Thundarr the Barbarian as a D&D setting

    With a liberal sprinkling of D20 Modern and Future, do you think this could be a viable setting?
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    Medeaval Dungeons & Dragons

    What if we had Dungeons & Dragons campaign set in the 12th century, right after the First Crusade? The First Crusade (1095–1099) was the first of a number of crusades that attempted to capture the Holy Land, called for by Pope Urban II at the Council of Clermont in 1095. Therefore the map...
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    Legendary Earth : Legendary Solar System D20 Modern/Future

    Here is my setting in a few maps. There are gods and goddesses, magic, Dungeons and Dragons, and Spaceships. There are four main gods: Venus, Mars, Earth, and the Sun/Apollo, they are the most powerful gods in this world's pantheon. There is also the Venus Gate, also known to astronomers as...