• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. zarionofarabel

    D&D 5E Adventures in Middle-Earth

    Has anyone played it? Has anyone used the Mirkwood Campaign? What did you think of it? Good? Bad? Playable? Unplayable? House rules? Mods? Opinions? I am actually thinking of doing some 5e D&D as other games have withered on the vine and I am really not a fan of vanilla D&D but I think (after...
  2. zarionofarabel

    Star Wars Reboot

    Somehow, you acquired the rights to Star Wars. However, one of the stipulations of the deal is that you must reboot the franchise. The original movies, the Legends EU, all the Disney Wars stuff, it's all in the past. It's your Star Wars universe now. What is your reboot like? What's changed...
  3. zarionofarabel

    D&D General What Kind Of Setting Does Your Group Use?

    What kind of setting does your group use most often? 1) A professionally created setting published by WotC or a 3rd party. 2) A homebrew setting created exclusively by the GM with little or no input from the players. 3) A homebrew setting created using a collaborative effort by the GM and...
  4. zarionofarabel

    GM Authority (Edited For Clarity, Post #148)

    I have a question regarding the extent of GM authority. I would like people to answer this poll to see what the gaming community thinks should happen in a particular situation. The group gathers to play a new campaign... The GM "I would like to play a campaign influenced by Game of Thrones. It...
  5. zarionofarabel

    D&D General Kender PC, Yes or No?

    Seriously. I want to know. If you were the DM of a game, would you allow me to play a Kender PC?
  6. zarionofarabel

    D&D 5E Attribute Score Method

    This is for people who are using the 5e version of D&D. Please don't vote for what you use if you use a different version of D&D. I am just curious where the 5e crowd sits on this issue. Thank you for your consideration and vote (or no vote)!
  7. zarionofarabel

    OSR Red Box, but like modern I guess?!?!?

    Please don't start a flame war as the tone of this might seem hostile to people that love the new editions, and I am not trying to be hostile, I just need to explain what I am looking for! Okay, so here goes... Reading all the recent stuff on the new Tasha's book has reminded me that D&D ain't...
  8. zarionofarabel

    A Question Of Agency?

    So I don't prepare plots, or adventures, or stories, or scenes, or anything for the PCs to encounter in advance. What I do is come up with stuff on the fly as the game is being played. I do have a world that the PCs adventure in, sometimes a published setting, such as the Forgotten Realms or...
  9. zarionofarabel

    D&D General Single class party?

    Would you ever play in or run a game with all the PCs being of a single class? I am just curious as in the way back when times when I payed D&D this didn't seem to be a big deal, whereas nowadays it does. Please feel free to tell me to get bent!
  10. zarionofarabel

    Grounded or Gonzo?

    Maybe it's the oldness, or maybe just a lack of imagination, but I no longer find the fantastical all that fantastic. I tire of the endless additions of strange PCs and worlds where magic is commonplace. Give me humans struggling with the problems mere mortals face. Give me PCs that are...
  11. zarionofarabel

    D&D 5E D&D needs Mouseguard/BW style Goals etc.

    Never seen an RPG that encourages player driven stories as much as Burning Wheel does. Having the Character's goals and such mechanically supported within the system's framework brings them to the forefront of the game. This has the added bonus of focusing campaign events on the PCs, not the GMs...