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Search results

  1. Hand of Graz'zt

    Long Term 4E Campaign Beginning

    Hello all, I will soon be beginning a weekly campaign for D&D 4E - this game will be played using MapTool which is an online gaming table. Do not worry if you are not familiar with it, I will be happy to walk you through it. Please only express interest if you are willing to dedicate a...
  2. Hand of Graz'zt

    The Malentir Vale - D&D 4e Campaign

    This will be a thread for my new 4e D&D campaign, please feel free to criticise and comment. If you have any questions or want to know more about parts of this campaign, by all means feel free to ask. The Malentir Vale - D&D 4e Campaign This is not a time for heroes. The game is set in...
  3. Hand of Graz'zt

    Character Hooks

    I have posted this in the General Discussion forum but this is probably a better place for it. While not a plot in and of itself, a character hook can be the starting place for some of the greatest plots and storylines in any game. Stalking the Dread Lord of Nambia is so much more fun when you...
  4. Hand of Graz'zt

    Character Hooks

    I am currently preparing a player's handout for my new 4e campaign. In order to assist them with character development I wish to give them a list of character hooks - similar to that suggested in a recent Dragon article. I have prepared a number below, please critique and edit my atrocious...
  5. Hand of Graz'zt

    Extra Reasons To Play A Class

    I will soon be starting a new campaign and am in the middle of preparing the introductory handouts. As part of the handout I want to give my players some extra reasons for why you would want to play a certain class. The types of things I am talking about is those special little side quests and...
  6. Hand of Graz'zt

    Extra Reasons To Play A Class

    I will soon be starting a new campaign and am in the middle of preparing the introductory handouts. As part of the handout I want to give my players some extra reasons for why you would want to play a certain class. The types of things I am talking about is those special little side quests and...
  7. Hand of Graz'zt

    Adelaide, Australia or online Australia, looking for group

    Hello all, Looking for a group in Adelaide to play D&D4e with or even putting together an online group. If your interested or have a spot open, I would love to hear from you. For groups in Adelaide I am 28 and live close to the CBD (Parkside) so would be great to find a group close by, or...