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  1. A

    Turning an Essentials character into a non-Essentials character

    I got my first chance to flip through Heroes of the Starts-with-F Geographies last night at Encounters. It would have been great for my game two years ago when I had nongamers joining a game I organized for coworkers. However, what if, say, someone builds a warpriest, plays a couple levels...
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    Reflavoring powers and game balance

    I got the impression, especially from the DMG, that it's okay to take powers and reflavor them, specifically changing damage types. You want a fire wizard? Take a bunch of powers, and make them all fire based. Voila, pyromancer! And then, take feats! Arcane Fire makes fire powers better! If...
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    In an Essentials build a straitjacket?

    Really, honest question here. From the three builds we've seen, it seems like each build makes choices for the player. With a non-Essentials character, there is a build, but you can take a class feature for one build and then choose powers from another build, either to customize a character or...
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    Roleplaying Artifacts

    So I'm thinking of dropping an artifact into my campaign pretty soon. I went looking for guidance on playing the character of the artifact and found nothing in the DMG, the WotC site or anywhere else on the Internet. So, my fellow DMs, what has worked for you? Should my artifact speak aloud...
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    Tiamat, 4e, and (Lawful) Evil

    So I'm running a 4e campaign which features chromatic dragons, leading up to Her Majesty. But I'm finding now that I'm having trouble putting together a picture of what it means to worship Tiamat. • Tiamat, historically, was on the Lawful side of Evil. She was aligned with devils, not demons...
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    Will o' Wisp's Luring Glow

    (Posting again; first posted over in the P1 thread where Google pointed me to an old discussion.) The Will-o'-Wisp power Luring Glow: Luring Glow (Standard; sustain minor, at-will): Close burst 20; blind creatures are immune; one target in the burst; +11 vs Will; the target is pulled 3 squares...